Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 51: Shadows before Dawn (2)

When Emma appeared, all the rebels who were ready to move fell silent instantly.

Emma glanced at everyone and said, "How is he?" After saying that, without waiting for everyone to answer, she asked Hansen directly: "How is he? Is he okay?"

A strange look flashed in Rajer's eyes, but he said nothing. Hansen carried Li Anping on his back, walked up behind Emma first, and then said: "He is fine, chief, how are the others?"

Emma sighed: "I only found a third of them."

After saying this, Emma didn't notice that the morale in the team was even lower. Rajer even stood up and said: "Chief, haven't you noticed that the attacks of zombies have become more and more fierce recently? Especially with the appearance of this man. After the attack, many of our strongholds were wiped out, and Wolfe and sandstorms, which rarely appeared in normal times, struck frequently. "

"Ragel, what do you want to say again?" Hansen frowned.

"Sir, before this man came, although we had a very hard life, it was not as difficult as it is now. Now we can no longer survive." Faced with Emma's eyes, Raj paused and finally sighed. Guts said: "The recent ferocious offensive by those zombies is all because of this man. If we hand this man over, they probably won't be chasing us every day like now."

"Ragel, have you had enough? You have been targeting him since before the leader came. What do you want to do?" Hansen shouted angrily: "The fact that they attacked so fiercely shows that this man is very important to Pluto. He may It’s our last hope to turn defeat into victory.”

"Haha, you also know maybe? How many brothers have we sacrificed for this vegetative person? Yes, maybe he is very important to Pluto, but is this importance definitely a factor that can defeat Pluto? Maybe it's just because Pluto wants to get rid of him He knows some information from his mouth, maybe it’s just that Pluto wants to kill him personally. Who knows what Pluto thinks. Do you want all of us to take risks with you for such a small possibility? "

"I..." Hansen wanted to retort, but didn't know where to start.

At this moment, Emma said coldly: "That's enough, now is not the time for internal strife. Next, I will send you to a backup base. You hide there for the time being, and I will take this man to find the living dead." ”

"Chief, you want to go find the living dead alone? It's too dangerous. I don't agree." Hansen said anxiously: "You are the pillar of the resistance. How can you leave alone? I'll go find them."

"Yes, leader, it's too dangerous."

"Chief, please send a team. We will contact you if there is any problem."

Rajer's eyes flashed, but in the end he remained silent and said nothing. People around her tried to persuade Emma, ​​but Emma just waved her hands to stop everyone from talking.

"Originally, I thought that although the strength of our rebels was different from that of Pluto, it was not impossible for us to win. But this time the opponent attacked with all his strength, I realized how far behind we were. On this land of Hades, we are not part of Pluto's army at all. Opponent. Even if it is delayed, it is just lingering.

But this man, who can make Pluto send his army to attack with all his strength, may really know something. Emma shook her head: "I have made up my mind, so you don't need to persuade me. After I send you to a safe place, I will take him to find the living dead and let her wake up this man." "

After saying this, Emma directly drew with her hand, and a space door appeared in the air. Under Emma's command, the resisters walked into the space door one by one and disappeared.

In the end, only Hansen and Rajer were left.

"Sir..." Hansen also wanted to persuade Emma, ​​because he knew that although Emma's ability was very strong, she was not invincible. First of all, the coordinates of space doors beyond the visual distance must be determined in advance. And there can never be more than three space doors opened where the eyes can see.

Although this kind of escape ability is already very strong, this is the underworld. Once the endless zombies surround Emma and the predetermined spatial coordinates, plus three level five ability users who are eyeing her, even Emma will be very, very dangerous.

But seeing Emma's firm eyes, Hansen didn't say a word in the end. This young girl has already taken on too much.

Hansen put Li Anping behind him on the ground and silently walked towards the space door.

"Chief, you must come back, we can't live without you."

Emma nodded silently. Rajer on the side waited for Hansen to disappear through the space door, took a deep look at Emma, ​​and suddenly asked: "Chief, do you know where the living dead are? Where do you plan to look for them?"

The so-called living dead are not real or dead people. It's a nickname given to each other by the rebels. Unlike those of them who resisted Hades and tried to escape from Hades. There is also a small group of people who have accepted the fact of living in the underworld and have given up resistance. They just avoid zombie attacks like mice and linger on.

The rebels call this kind of people the living dead, which is also somewhat contemptuous. The leader of the living dead is a spiritual ability user, and Emma is looking for him to treat Li Anping this time.

"North." Emma thought for a moment and said, "That's where we last got news about them."

Rajer nodded and walked towards the portal: "Chief, please put your life safety as your first priority."

"Don't worry. I will."

When Rajeel left, Emma reopened a portal, stepped into it, and disappeared.

The dense forest returned to silence again, as if there had never been a trace of anyone.

Moroko, in the courtyard where Daxia Longque lives.

Li Qian was staring at a newspaper in her hand and flipping through it. Above are her new surveillance targets in Ice Castle through various channels. During this period, she was analyzing the information every day. Because she didn't have Li Anping's superhuman processing speed, she could only read it line by line, which was very slow and tiring.

But she had no intention of giving up. After persisting for many days, she finally got something.

She found three possible locations where the Fire Dragon Vanguard would be stationed during the talks.

However, more in-depth information can no longer be obtained in a short period of time just through monitoring.

"It's too late. There will be talks soon. Then it will be even harder to find Hades and Flame Dragon Pioneer." Li Qian thought with a frown. Ever since she came to Morocco, she felt like there was a fire burning in her heart all the time.

So that afternoon, Li Qian quietly left the room alone. But when she left the door, a pair of hands suddenly patted her behind quietly.

"Who?" Li Qian was startled and turned around to look, but she didn't find anyone.

A girl came from the air: "Where do you want to go?"

"Who are you? Are you from Yanlong Pioneer?" Li Qian said coldly: "Can't we even go out now?"

"I am not from the Flame Dragon Pioneer. My name is Luo Lan." Following this female voice, a beautiful girl with a graceful figure and purple hair suddenly appeared in front of Li Qian's eyes: "I am also a person with the ability of Daxia Dragon Bird. "

"Roland?" Li Qian frowned: "I've never seen you before."

"Except for Mr. Li Anping, almost no one in Daxia Longque knows my existence." Roland looked at Li Qian and sighed: "You haven't answered my question yet, where do you want to go?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Do you want to go find Hades?" Roland looked at Li Qian lightly: "Don't be surprised, I've been watching you by your side?"


Seeing Li Qian's angry and surprised expression, Roland sighed and said, "Master Li Anping ordered me to follow you."

Roland thought for a while and finally said: "He asked me to protect you, so I won't let you go to Pluto for revenge alone. You are just going to die."

"...Unexpectedly, he sent you to protect me personally." Li Qian suddenly smiled, and the slightly raised corners of her mouth gave people a sense of happiness.

After a moment of silence, she continued slowly: "I'm not going for revenge. I know that there is absolutely no possibility of killing Hades. I just want to find... find him."

Roland has been following Li Qian for a long time. As a woman, she understands her feelings very well, although she does not agree with Li Qian's almost crazy love for Li Anping.

"I must go once. Don't worry, I will never conflict with the people of Yanlong Pioneer. I just went to take a look from a distance. Is that okay? Even if I find his traces, I will definitely come back and fight with him. Yagyu and the others discussed it.”

Under Li Qian's constant requests, Roland finally reluctantly agreed.

"I will accompany you, but you have to promise me that you must be more than one kilometer away from them and never cause any complications. Also, you must be back here within an hour."

At night in Moroko, somewhere in a palace.

The speaker in the room was playing a piece of classical music, and the black-haired and dark-eyed Pluto was lying on a sofa. His eyes were closed, his expression was leisurely, and he looked like he was sleeping but not sleeping.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the room. Pluto still closed his eyes and said calmly: "Come in."

Zhu Rong walked into the room cautiously. With his level 5 ability user, even if he rebelled against the Flame Dragon Pioneer, he would not be as respectful to Pluto, the strongest member of the Flame Dragon Pioneer. But since the battle with Li Anping that day, no, it should be said that he was easily repelled by Li Anping. When he arrived again, he found that Li Anping had been solved by Pluto.

The power Li Anping showed at that time was completely superior to Zhu Rong himself. But such a powerful person was easily defeated by Hades. It didn't even take much time, and there wasn't even a trace of the battle between the two people on the scene.

This made Pluto's strength even more unfathomable in Zhu Rong's eyes.

"What's going on?" Pluto said calmly.

"All the Daxia Longque people are here, and I have arranged for Leng Shuang to receive them." Zhu Rong looked at the man half lying on the sofa, and then said: "After all, my men and I used to come from Coming from Daxia, I don’t know what the Lord is planning..."

"Don't worry." Pluto finally opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, Zhu Rong felt an inexplicable pressure filling the entire room. The other party's eyes were like those of aloof gods, full of mystery, and there seemed to be endless love, hatred, disillusionment, and life and death flowing through them.

"This time, all the ability users of Daxia Longque will be handed over to the Star Alliance. You will not be embarrassed." Pluto glanced at Zhu Rong, and then withdrew his gaze again. Zhu Rong felt light all over his body, and the previous pressure had disappeared.

"Thank you, sir." Zhu Rong bowed his hands and finally couldn't help but walked out. Even though the pressure from Hades was no longer coming, Zhu Rong still felt uncomfortable all over. He felt that Hades was like a black hole. Every minute and every second he was around him, his soul seemed to be sucked in.

"Why are you so anxious? Did I scare you?"

Zhu Rong stopped and heard Hades continue to say: "I ordered supper, let's eat together, we haven't talked about it properly yet."

"Okay." Zhu Rong nodded and sat down.

"Are you used to the weather in Ice Castle?"


"Well, you shouldn't be afraid of the cold. Are you used to that food?"

"It's a little spicier and sweeter than the food in Daxia, but after eating it for a while, I got used to it."

"That's good." Hades nodded and stopped talking. Zhu Rong sat aside and didn't speak actively. Then there was a long silence. There was nothing to say between the two. Zhu Rong didn't understand what Hades meant by keeping him.

'Keep in touch? Just to show off to outsiders?’ Zhu Rong thought of several answers, but he was not sure about any of them.

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