Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 50: Shadows before Dawn

Yan Bei squinted at Leng Shuang's leaving figure, then suddenly raised his hand and activated his ability. With the emergence of the collapsing force field, Leng Shuang's location was directly shattered. It seemed that even the space was crushed, but his body disappeared like a wisp of blue smoke.

Just when Yan Bei was surprised, a voice sounded softly from behind him: "Boy, do you think you are the only one with super powers?"

"What?" Yan Bei turned around and saw Leng Shuang standing behind him, looking at him with a sinister expression. At this time, Sun Hao reacted the fastest. With a flash of lightning, a pair of hands had already grabbed Leng Shuang, but this time it was still the same as before. As soon as Sun Hao's hand touched the opponent, Leng Shuang was like a green streak again. Like smoke, dissipated in the air.

Then Leng Shuang's voice sounded from all around: "Haha, Sun Hao, long time no see, you are still so weak. No wonder Daxia Longque has gone back more and more. Are they all like you? I am just playing with you today, Let’s meet again on the day of the meeting.”

Anger flashed across Sun Hao's face, but he didn't take action again because Yagyu Sheng on the side had stopped them.

"Well, Leng Shuang's ability is visual dislocation. If he escapes with all his strength, it will be difficult to catch him."

"Are we just going to tolerate it like this?" Yan Bei said coldly.

"Then what else do you want?" Yagyu said: "The purpose of this time is to negotiate. We will try our best to reduce our losses during the negotiation, not to cause trouble."

As soon as Liu Sheng finished speaking, he found that Yan Bei had turned around and left, walking towards the distance.

"Where are you going?"

"Find a place to live." Yan Bei turned around and glanced sideways at the house in front of him: "I don't want to live in this damn place."

Seeing Yan Bei leave quickly, Liu Sheng shook his head helplessly: "Tang Weihan, follow him and don't let him cause trouble."

Tang Weihan nodded, immediately caught up with Yan Bei and left together.

"Okay, okay, let's tidy up and move in first."

Next, Liu Sheng and Yang Guang began to arrange personal residences and set up defenses during the day and night. However, the morale of everyone who was originally low because of the news of Li Anping's death became even worse after being provoked by Leng Shuang.

In particular, many people like Zuo Mai, who are new to Daxia Longque, simply did not come to Moroco with the large army this time. He passed the formalities and resigned directly in China and joined the nine royal families. This makes the negative emotions within Daxia Longque now reach a climax.

There was nothing Liu Sheng and Yang Guang could do about this. Suddenly, Liu Sheng frowned, walked up to Li Qian, patted her shoulder and asked, "Are you okay? How can I talk to you when I haven't seen you all the way?"

"Ah, I...I'm fine." Li Qian replied nervously like a frightened deer when Liu Sheng shouldered her shoulder.

Yagyu patted her shoulder and said gently: "Don't worry, your second ability has not disappeared. He is probably not dead yet."

Li Qian nodded, without saying much, and walked directly to the house with everyone. She knew that Li Anping claimed that her surveillance ability was his own, so because the surveillance ability was still there, Yagyu and the others still had hope for Li Anping's survival.

But Li Qian knew that this ability was exerted by her and had nothing to do with Li Anping. And Li Anping hasn't contacted Daxia Longque for a long time after here, and even Li Qian only has a slight hope in her heart.

So this time Li Qian came here, she had only one goal from beginning to end.


In the endless sea of ​​consciousness, Hei stood in the center. Li Anping moved around him, attacking with punches and kicks from time to time, but Hei easily blocked them.

But every time after blocking Li Anping's attack, Hei did not pursue the opponent immediately. If you look carefully, you will find that the black figure represented by black has several serious cracks on it from unknown time.

"Li Anping, are you still struggling to your death? Your strength is getting weaker and weaker. I'm afraid if I kill you a few times, your consciousness will disappear forever, right?"

"Hmph, how are you doing?" Li Anping snorted coldly and punched Hei again, but was punched back by the opponent. Although in this spiritual world, Li Anping's consciousness will condense again after his death, but because of the lack of rest, he will become weaker every time he is reborn.

And Hei's situation is not good either. Under Li Anping's fearless attack, his consciousness was also seriously damaged. Unlike Li Anping, he cannot be reborn here. Once he is driven out of Li Anping's sea of ​​consciousness, he will become a rootless ping. So although he now has the advantage of strength, he is always cautious and does not dare to get hurt at all.

"That's enough, Li Anping. The worst we can do is share our bodies for a while. Don't you feel that our bodies are in danger now?" Hei saw that Li Anping was still attacking, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. He began to persuade: "We have been sucked into a strange space by Pluto. The situation is extremely critical now. The situation of those who saved us is getting worse and worse. I am afraid they will not be able to withstand it for long. Why don't we stop making peace for the time being and get through this difficulty first?" How about it?"

The only answer he received was Li Anping's fist. Hei grabbed Li Anping's fist, then pinched Li Anping's neck, and said angrily: "Are you really not afraid of death?"

"Of course I don't want to die." Li Anping stared at Hei's eyes tightly, his tone was cold, revealing a deep chill: "But I absolutely don't want to be controlled by you. Once I compromise now and let you really have the right to control my body, I'm afraid I can never get rid of you again, right?"

A strange color flashed in Hei's eyes. He originally wanted to use the excuse of the critical situation outside to let Li Anping loosen up. As long as the other party showed a flaw, he would go straight in and directly defeat Li Anping's consciousness in one breath. Unexpectedly, Li Anping directly rejected it, and his tone was firmer than before.

Hei felt that Li Anping seemed to become stronger and stronger with the battles in the sea of ​​consciousness and with each death, and his spirit became more and more determined, like true fire refining gold, and entered an inexplicable realm.

With a fierce look in his eyes, Hei pulled the other party's arm off.

"Since you are so ungrateful, I will kill you completely today and wipe out all your existence forever."

After having one arm torn off, Li Anping did not react at all, and did not even frown. Instead, he opened his mouth and bit Hei's head.

"Ah!" Hei screamed and smashed Li Anping into pieces with one punch, but a palm-sized wound appeared on his face, and a trace of black air came out of it.

And Li Anping had been reborn again, and rushed towards the screaming Hei with a whoosh.

Never give up! Never compromise! It is better to die in glory than to live in disgrace!


While the battle in the sea of ​​consciousness was in full swing, the situation in the underworld became more and more critical.

In a dense forest, more than 50 people were rushing on the road quickly, and Li Anping's body was carried on Hansen's back. The rest of the people looked hungry, cold, and exhausted.

Suddenly, Rajel, who was walking in the front to explore the way, threw the branch in his hand and said angrily: "We can't go on like this. We are always being chased around like mice. When will it end?"

When he stopped, several team members behind him couldn't help but stop. Some sat on the ground, and some even lay down directly. It was obvious that their physical strength had been exhausted to the limit.

Hansen hurriedly came up and said: "Rajeel, why did you stop? They will catch up with us."

"Escape, escape, escape, how long will we escape?" Rajel said angrily: "This time the base was attacked, how many people do we have left now? If we continue to escape like this, we will just linger on. It's better to fight them."

It turned out that the base of the rebels was discovered by the zombies somehow. After being attacked by hundreds of thousands of zombies, most of the rebels were reborn and were divided into small teams, and they lost contact with each other. Faced with being trapped, losing contact, and suffering from hunger and cold, the team members finally fell into despair.

Hearing what Rajel said, several of them couldn't help but said, "Yes, fight them."

"I've had enough, it's no big deal to die!"

Hansen frowned and immediately began to comfort everyone, but with little effect.

"Don't be impulsive, as long as the leader is still alive, we still have hope." Hansen pointed to Li Anping behind him and said, "And this newcomer was besieged by two level 5 ability users, Wolf and Sandstorm, as soon as he appeared. He must be the key to leading us out of the underworld?"

Raje sneered, "Just relying on this level 4 vegetative? Hansen, don't be naive, we can't get out a long time ago. Even the leader has reached level 5 ability and can't do anything, what use can he be?"

After saying that, Rajel grabbed Hansen, and Hansen dodged to the back: "What are you doing?"

Raje sneered, "I want to see what this vegetative person is for and how to save us."

After saying that, he gathered his energy again and was about to grab Li Anping. A purple light lit up on Hansen's arm, which meant that his power began to materialize.

"Rajeel, are you crazy? This is the one the leader gave us to protect."

"Hehe, we are all at our wits' end now, why should we protect a useless person? Maybe we should use him for something else." After saying this, Rajel's stomach suddenly gurgled, and then he looked at Li Anping on Hansen's back with a grim smile.

The remaining few team members seemed to understand something, and suddenly looked at the sleeping Li Anping with a creepy look.

Hansen swallowed his saliva and tightened Li Anping on his back.

Just as the scene became more and more solemn and the atmosphere became more and more tense. Suddenly, a black light flashed in the field, and a space door opened, and the leader of the rebels, the ponytail boy Emma, ​​finally appeared.

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