Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 45: Crisis

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Li Anping and Hei are still fighting.

He casually twisted one of Li Anping's arms, and Hei dodged the opponent's counterattack, jumped back, and said quietly: "Can't you feel the situation outside? We seem to have been transported to other places, and now the physical body It’s very dangerous. If you don’t give up resistance, I’m afraid the body outside will be killed first.”

Li Anping snorted coldly and rushed towards Hei again: "Why don't you give up? You can survive even without a body, right?"

As they spoke, the two of them bumped into each other again. They went back and forth, and a series of crackling sounds sounded. In just a few seconds, fists and bodies had collided countless times.

In the end, Li Anping was punched in the face by Hei, and his whole body collapsed into countless pieces again. Then he was reborn in the same place.

Hei sneered and said: "Your consciousness is getting weaker and weaker now. Do you think you still have a chance of winning? Why don't you surrender as soon as possible? I can still keep a trace of your soul and find an opportunity to make you a new person in the future."

"My consciousness is getting weaker and weaker, do you have to be stronger?" Li Anping suddenly smiled: "I have a body, so if my consciousness is broken, I can condense it again with a strong body, but there is only one incarnation of mind energy. What will happen if your consciousness is broken? Will it condense again? This is in my brain."

Hei was stunned, and suddenly looked at his right hand, and saw that on his originally dark body, from unknown time, a white band of light was wrapped around his right wrist. This means that Li Anping's consciousness has begun to invade his conscious world.

"Hahahaha." Hei laughed and said: "Li Anping, I really chose you right. Your talent is unparalleled. Have you discovered the secret to conscious combat in such a short period of time?"

"You can enter my consciousness, and I can also penetrate your spirit. This is a collision between soul and soul, relying on will and endurance. I will never lose to you in this aspect." Li Anping said calmly: "And if you If you are defeated by me here, even just once, you will be driven out of your body.”

Hei stopped talking. Li Anping was right. As an intruder of consciousness, he was rootless. If he had not captured the incarnation of mind energy in advance, he would not even be able to show his consciousness again to attack Li Anping. And now he Once defeated, the only choice is to exit with Li Anping's Nian Qi incarnation, but once that is done, how long can the Nian Qi incarnation exist without the nourishment of Li Anping's Nian Qi?

Once the incarnation of mind energy dissipates, Hei as his consciousness will also die. This is the reason why he wants to seize Li Anping's consciousness.

I saw a black shadow flashing past, and Li Anping had been punched through the chest by Hei, turning into flesh and blood all over the sky. Looking at Li Anping who was reborn again, Hei rushed forward without saying a word. Since the other party decided to fight to the end, Hei would no longer give fearless persuasion. He wants to kill Li Anping again and again until the other person's soul completely dissipates.

Although Hei's power is more powerful than Li Anping, in this process, as long as he is defeated once, he will fail completely.

This is a peak battle of will and endurance.

Without anyone knowing, a shocking fight unfolded in Li Anping's sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, in the underworld.

The blond man punched again, and the entire distance of hundreds of meters in front of him was pierced by a purple light beam, and countless zombies turned into dust under this punch.

But it only delayed for a few seconds. The next moment, the vacated hole was once again filled with countless zombies, rushing towards the blond man.

In the depths of the stone forest, zombies continued to emerge and join the besieging team.

So far, the siege of these ordinary zombies alone has consumed more than 30% of the man's mental energy and physical strength, and four team members have been killed and reborn. But instead of decreasing, the number of zombies is constantly increasing.

The man shouted again, waved his fists, and scattered a large number of zombies around him, and then shouted: "Pink, how long will it take for the leader to arrive?"

A woman named Pink smashed a zombie's head with one punch and shouted, "Five more minutes!"

Hawkeye flashed through the flames spewed by the zombies and jumped in the direction of the blond man: "Captain!"

The blond man turned around and punched the fire-breathing zombie with a purple light bullet, breaking his body into pieces. After becoming zombies, whether they are ability users or ordinary people, because they have lost their self-awareness and can only rigidly follow orders, their combat effectiveness will be much lower than before. Their advantage is that they can continue to regenerate and snowball in number.

‘No problem. ’ Looking at the team members who were supporting each other and struggling to fight among the zombies, the blond captain thought to himself: ‘If it takes five minutes, we can hold on. As long as the leader comes, we will be safe. This time Pluto sent so many zombies to deal with this newcomer, he must be a big deal. Maybe our chance to make a comeback lies with him. ’

Just when the blond captain thought there was no problem, Hawkeye exclaimed: "It's Sandstorm! He's flying over."

Hearing the word "sandstorm", the blond captain was startled: "Where?"

Eagle Eye pointed to the northeast and said in a solemn voice: "How could Sandstorm come here? He is a level five ability user. This newcomer is just a level four ability user. How could he be sent here?"

The blond captain roared wildly, and swung his sword 180 degrees. A burst of purple sword light swept out through the air, directly cutting off hundreds of nearby zombies at once. The team members also took advantage of this opportunity and all came to the captain's side. More than ten people formed a circle and formed a line of defense again.

The blond captain turned back and stared at the northeastern sky. After a few seconds, even he could see with his naked eyes that the sky was full of wind and sand heading towards them.

"It's really a sandstorm." He murmured: "Why did you send a sandstorm for this newcomer?"

He thought: 'If this new person is really so important, then he cannot let go. ’

He shouted: "Everyone, come here, protect the newcomers first. We must wait for the leader's support. Scud, if it comes to the last moment, you can break out with him on your back." He understood that once the sandstorm successfully kills everyone and the newcomers , then once everyone is reborn, they will be besieged at other rebirth points.

Once you encounter a respawn point occupied by non-resisters, you may even be killed again.

Originally, their team only came to explore this rebirth point. They didn't expect to meet new people, let alone that the other party would cause a sandstorm to take action personally.

So the most important thing now is to protect the newcomer. This newcomer is obviously very important, otherwise the zombies will not attack with such force. Every time zombies attack the spawn point, their power is arranged according to the strength of the target. How long has it been since the last time a sandstorm struck?

The blond man couldn't remember clearly. He only knew that he had to protect this newcomer, even if he died for once.

The man called Scud was a teenage boy. Hearing the captain's instructions, he nodded seriously and did not refute.

But someone obviously didn't think so. He was called Abao. He saw the team member who had stayed behind to tear several zombies into pieces with the sharp claws of both hands. He shouted in dissatisfaction: "That newcomer is only level 4." Is it necessary for a person with abilities to fight the sandstorm head-on for him? Do we have to die for this newcomer?"

Ah Bao's brother Ah Hu was also a little dissatisfied and shouted: "It's okay for us to sacrifice, but for a newcomer, a stranger? His level is the same as mine, and he hasn't woken up yet. Who knows what he is like?" What kind of person is that?”

The blond captain said coldly: "This is my order. If you are not willing to obey it, you can leave the team when you return, but before you leave the team, you must obey my order."

When Ah Bao wanted to refute, Ah Hu patted him and shook his head to tell him to stop talking.

The blond captain saw that they were not retorting and stopped talking. At this moment, even the zombie attacks stopped. Everyone stared closely at the yellow sand that was getting closer and closer.

The overwhelming yellow sand filled the air, like a layer of yellow clouds, covering the entire sky. When the yellow sand came to the sky above where Li Anping and the others were, the sand had formed a human face tens of meters long. The sand face opened its mouth and swallowed the people on the ground.

He wanted to swallow and kill all the more than ten resisters, including Li Anping.

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