Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 44: The Underworld

The black-haired man is Hades.

The ability he used to absorb Li Anping is called Hades by himself. All those who have seen this ability, except Blood Demon and White Dwarf, have been sucked into Hades. Even Zhu Rong, who has joined the Flame Dragon Vanguard, does not know about Hades' ability.

The Hades is a very special ability. The condition for activation is very simple, that is, being touched by Hades. After activation, the target will pass through Hades' body and enter a world he calls Hades.

This small world is about one thousand square kilometers in size, and the creatures sucked into this space will be randomly teleported to one of the places.

As long as you are still in this Hades, you can be resurrected after death. That is to say, after being killed here, you will be resurrected randomly in a certain place in the Hades. And those resurrection points and entry points are overlapped and have fixed positions.

But with each death, the fusion between creatures and the underworld will deepen. After an ordinary person dies three times in the underworld, he will completely integrate into the space of the underworld. At that time, this person can only live in the underworld forever and can never return to the real world.

At the same time, he will also be affected by the Hades and completely obey his orders, becoming a puppet without emotions and thoughts.

However, the fusion speed with the underworld is related to the spiritual will of the person. An ordinary person will merge after three deaths, while a soldier will merge about six times, and a battle-hardened warrior will generally merge ten times.

The spirit of the ability user is often stronger. For example, a level 4 ability user may have to die fifty times before fusion. And a level 5 ability user must be killed more than a hundred times to complete the fusion.

As for the way to leave the underworld, there is naturally only one way, to defeat the Hades!


The sky is completely dark clouds, there are no stars and no sun, only a blood moon hanging in the air, and the whole underworld world is covered with a layer of red.

This is the eternal scene of this world. The whole underworld world has only night, no day.

The place in front of him was a stone forest in the underworld. The whole stone forest was dead silent. Not to mention the birds singing, there was not even a sound of insects. It was as if everything had fallen into a deep sleep.

At this moment, a man suddenly appeared in the sky more than ten meters away. After the man appeared, he had no reaction. He fell to the ground with a bang and did not move.

But this time, it was like a stone falling into the water, stirring up countless ripples.

There were rustling voices in the stone forest.

"Here they come!"

"It's a newcomer!"

"It seems to have fainted!"

"Where are the zombies? Have they come?"

I saw a dozen people in tattered clothes rushing to Li Anping who fell to the ground, and lifted him up with all their hands and feet, and ran towards the distance.

In the crowd, a thin man with vertical pupils suddenly pointed to the back of the crowd and shouted, "They are coming!"

The blond man in the lead said nervously, "Hawkeye, how many zombies are coming?"

"Boss, there are a lot of them!" The vertical pupil man called Hawkeye stared at the depths of the stone forest, where a large group of pale-faced people were running towards them: "There are hundreds of them just seeing them, and there are more behind, estimated to be at least a thousand."

"So many?" The blond man in the lead shouted again, "How about the newcomers?"

A bald strong man who was carrying Li Anping shouted, "It's a level 4 ability user, but he fainted, and ordinary means seem to be unable to wake him up."

The blond man nodded to show that he understood, pointed to the two people in the team and shouted, "Abao and Ahu, you two brothers have never died, this time you will be responsible for the rear, and the others will follow me!"

The two men stayed where they were, and the rest of the people took Li Anping away quickly.

But after walking a few steps, Hawkeye screamed and said anxiously: "Not only behind, there are also people in front."

"What?" The blond man said nervously: "How many are coming?"

"In front, on the left, on the right..." Hawkeye trembled more and more as he spoke, and finally said intermittently: "Five thousand... ten thousand... No, at least tens of thousands are rushing towards us from all directions."

"How is it possible?" The blond man said in disbelief: "The newcomer this time is only a level four ability user, why did he attract so many zombies?"

"I don't know." Hawkeye's tone became more and more urgent: "What should I do? They are getting closer and closer, should I give up this newcomer?"

The blond man frowned fiercely, and seeing that all the team members were staring at him, he also hesitated. They were all people who had not been integrated after being captured by Hades and put into the underworld. There are many people like them in the whole underworld, and they have now all united to form a resistance organization.

However, because their number and combat power are too different from those controlled by Hades, they have not been able to confront Hades head-on, and can only rely on escaping everywhere, rescuing, and uniting newcomers to accumulate strength.

At this moment, for a new level 4 ability user, is it worth it to risk the death of all their team members?

The blond man hesitated for a moment, then said decisively: "All those zombies are commanded by Hades, and they always act according to the person they are dealing with. This time, they mobilized so much power for this newcomer, there must be a reason."

He turned to a woman and said, "Pink, use mental communication to inform the leader of our situation and request support." Then he said to a middle-aged man, "Old Pike, you have died too many times. Stay with the newcomers and don't come out."

"Everyone line up and wait for the leader's support!"

As the blond man finished speaking, more than a dozen people on the scene scattered around Li Anping and Old Pike. Since the captain had decided to fight, they had no complaints.

After all, except for Old Pike, the others were selected because they were good at fighting, could cooperate with each other, and had died less frequently.

A few minutes later, rumbling footsteps came from all directions, and the stone forest was full of pale-faced people.

Cold sweat kept dripping down the blond man's cheeks and splashing on the ground. He asked worriedly: "Pink, have you notified the leader?"

The woman named Pink said: "Yes, the leader said he will come soon."

At this time, the crowd that was swarming in slowly slowed down their pace hundreds of meters away from Li Anping and his men. These people were ragged, pale, and stiff, looking like zombies. They were the people who were merged in the underworld.

They have completely lost their emotions and memories, and have completely lost their consciousness. Every move is subject to the orders of the Hades. And because they have completely merged with the underworld, they will be resurrected after death, and they are immortal. Because of these characteristics, the rebels call these merged people zombies.

As the zombies got closer and closer, the atmosphere in the air became more and more solemn. No one spoke. They all stared at tens of thousands of zombies, some swallowed their saliva, and some sweated in their palms.

Even if they were stared at by tens of thousands of living people, they would sweat, not to mention that there were tens of thousands of zombies with murderous intent.

The blond man in the lead pursed his lips, and a heavy mind energy slowly lit up on his body. With his action, more or less mind energy emerged from the bodies of more than ten people in the entire team. The team members led by the blond man were all capable people.

As the mind energy of each of them rose, the zombies around them all raised their heads and opened their mouths to howl. Tens of thousands of people raised their heads and howled at the same time, and they were all the kind of ghosts crying and gods howling. The pressure brought by this scene was simply infinite, not to mention that with the zombies howling, a little bit of mind energy also emerged in their team.

Most of these zombies are ordinary people. On average, there will be one capable person in every 5,000 people. While facing this army of zombies, the rebels have to fight against ten immortal capable people.

The blond man looked at the zombies howling and shouted, "I'm so annoyed." Then he punched the zombies hard. With this punch, a purple light shot out, and hundreds of zombies were crushed and blown away wherever they passed.

This is the blond man's ability, which is to materialize power and turn invisible power into a real attack.

As this punch was thrown, tens of thousands of zombies also roared and rushed towards Li Anping and his position, and the rebels also used their abilities to attack.

A great battle began under this blood moon.

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