Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 32: Lessons (Part 2)

Li Anping glanced at Yue Shan on the stage, which was also the place where his fist did not reach. Because the ability displayed by the other party was very interesting, it would definitely be a good material.

He said to Yue Shan: "Why are you standing there? Why don't you remove the ability?"

Being looked at by Li Anping, Yue Shan felt a pressure coming directly. He felt like he was being stared at by a pair of eyes in the sky, and his whole body was seen through.

He said boldly: "Lord Li, after I remove the ability for you, can you let me go this time?"

Li Anping shook his head: "You set a bad example, come back to Tianjing with me."

Yue Shan's head was covered with cold sweat. What kind of treatment would he encounter in Tianjing? House arrest? Imprisonment? Being studied? He said in a hoarse voice: "Sir, is it really impossible..."

Li Anping picked up a piece of gravel from the ground, shook it, and then gently waved his right hand. He threw the stone directly in the direction of Yue Shan. There was a whistle in the air. Yue Shan couldn't see the flying gravel at all. He could only smell a burnt smell in his nose.

This was the smell of the stone rubbing against the air, which showed how fast the stone was just now.

When Yue Shan reacted, Yue Ping behind him had already screamed and fell down. A big hole was torn in his chest by the stone, and blood spilled out like a fountain.

When he died, a caterpillar on Li Anping's back also dissipated into the air.

"I'm not negotiating with you." Li Anping waved his finger at Yue Shan: "I'm ordering you."

"Yes... yes, I understand." Yue Shan and another Yue Le hurriedly unlocked their abilities, and the other two caterpillars on Li Anping disappeared one after another. He felt his body suddenly lighten, and his speed had recovered again.

After unlocking his abilities, Yue Shan pointed to Huang Xia beside him and said: "Sir, he is the messenger sent by Yiqidao. He was the one who bewitched me to hold this party. He was the one who instructed me behind the scenes."

After Yue Shan finished speaking, the whole audience was in an uproar, and Li Anping also raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. Huang Xia even cursed inwardly.

'This waste! '

The spirit in his body soared into the sky with a bang, and he was about to rush towards Yue Shan and kill him to vent his anger.

But he had just taken a few steps when he felt that the world was upside down, and countless screams came to his ears. Then, he saw his headless body slowly kneeling on the ground.

Li Anping shook his hands, and the huge force directly shook away all the blood on his arm, leaving no drop. Just after he recovered his speed, he saw Huang Xia was about to attack and hurt someone, so he walked up and took off the other's head.

Looking at the people with horrified faces on the side, Li Anping said: "Is there anyone else who wants to take action?"

No one spoke, Li Anping nodded: "Then come out with me."

Just when everyone had been defeated by Li Anping, a figure with golden hair stumbled to his feet again.

Jin Guang stood up with trembling legs. He looked at the corpses on the ground, and his eyes seemed to be on fire.

Li Anping smiled: "Why, you still don't accept it?"

"Accept it?" Jin Guang roared: "I will never bow to evil forces like you!" His hair stood up, and countless thoughts came out again, like a ball of fire, burning on his body.

He looked at Li Anping and said word by word: "Maybe you can defeat me physically, but you will never defeat me mentally. Justice will never give up!"

When he finished this sentence, Li Anping's eyes showed an extremely dangerous light. Seeing Jin Guang's stubborn look, he felt very irritated in his heart. He stepped over a distance of dozens of meters and punched Jin Guang in the face.

With a click, Jin Guang's nose bone was broken directly, but it was not over yet. He was just punched out by Li Anping, and then Li Anping grabbed his arm and pulled him back, and then punched him in the stomach again. He felt that his intestines seemed to be broken, and he vomited a lot of acid water with a wow.

Jin Guang knelt on the ground, the pain made his mind scattered and his consciousness blurred. Mind Qi is the unity of spirit and body. The serious injury caused his mind Qi to begin to dissipate.

Li Anping grabbed his neck, faced him, looked him in the eyes and asked, "If you surrender now, I can let you go."

"Hehe." Jin Guang half-opened his eyes, suddenly opened his mouth and shouted. A large ball of mind energy came out of his mouth, like a shock wave that completely submerged Li Anping's head.

When the mind energy shock wave dissipated, Li Anping's head appeared unscathed, but his face was already cold.

With a click, Li Anping had broken Jin Guang's arm. The other party screamed, and the other hand with mind energy hit Li Anping's chest, but like an ant trying to shake a tree, Li Anping didn't even move in the face of this punch.

Seeing that Jin Guang was still trying to resist, Li Anping grabbed his arm directly, swung it towards the sky, and smashed him directly to the ground.

With a bang, Jin Guang was slapped on the ground like a meat pie, and he felt that all the bones in his body seemed to be broken. But after a few seconds of rest, he tried to struggle to get up again.

Seeing him like this, Li Anping narrowed his eyes and revealed a cruel expression.

"Very good, it seems that you really believe in your justice." Li Anping said: "But I will let you know today that your so-called justice is nothing but your own misunderstanding of the whole society.

Those humans, they don't need justice at all. They need wealth, power, the opposite sex, food, entertainment, and the only thing they don't need is your justice."

After saying that, he ignored Jin Guang's screams and resistance and directly broke all of his hands and feet. Suffering such a serious injury, Jin Guang's mind energy continued to dissipate, and finally he directly lifted the transformation state. The faces of the scattered people on the side turned pale, and their pupils were full of fear.

But Jin Guang still roared. "You can't defeat me."

Li Anping sneered: "You said I can't defeat your spirit? Then let me see how strong you are."

He turned his head and looked at the group of scattered people who were still alive. At this moment, these guys were like chickens in the zoo. After being looked at by Li Anping, they all couldn't help trembling.

"Do you want to live or die?" Li Anping asked.

A group of people got excited: "We want to live!"

"Sir, please spare us!"

"We were all deceived by rumors. We support Daxia Longque the most."

"Shut up." Li Anping shouted, stopping them from shouting. He took out a dagger from his tactical pocket, threw it in front of Jin Guang, and said to the scattered people: "Each of you stab him once, and I can let the person who stabs him go."

As soon as Li Anping finished speaking, the scattered people were shocked. Jin Guang had just saved them. This righteous boy who was just in high school tried his best to save them from beginning to end, even at the cost of his own life. But now Li Anping put the hope of freedom in front of them.

'Just stab him lightly. '

The crowd began to riot, but no one dared to stand up and be the first person.

Li Anping smiled and said to Jin Guang softly: "What you call justice is nothing more than the weak trying to get power, wealth, and fairness, but not having enough power to do these things. So they pray for someone to help them selflessly. But what if you get in their way?"

Li Anping pointed at the scattered people and began to say: "In the last ten seconds, if no one comes out, it will be considered that you have given up this opportunity."

"Wait, sir."

"Sir, is there no other way?"

"Sir, he just saved us!"

Li Anping didn't even look at them, let alone their discussions and pleas, calculating the time by himself, and suddenly said: "Five seconds left."

At this time, the scattered people became more anxious, and finally Yue Shan took the lead and walked out: "Sir, can I really leave here after stabbing, and you won't send people to catch me?"

Li Anping nodded.

Yue Shan held the dagger, exhaled, and held the dagger tightly. He hesitated for a while, and finally took a step towards the direction of Jin Guang.

Jin Guang's face changed, and he stared closely at Yue Shan who was walking towards him step by step, watching Yue Shan pick up the dagger and stand in front of him.

"I'm sorry, little brother, but I really can't be caught."

After saying that, he raised his hand and stabbed Jin Guang's calf with the dagger. Then another man came up, he lowered his head, didn't dare to look at Jin Guang's eyes, grabbed the dagger and stabbed his thigh and left.

The dagger cut through the skin and inserted into the muscle, and the nervous system fed back the pain to the brain. But Jin Guang gritted his teeth this time and didn't scream.

But as the wounds on his body increased and as he bled more and more, his eyes became more and more confused.

Li Anping's evil humming sounded in his ears:

"What you call justice is nothing more than the delusion of these humans about social injustice. They resent social injustice, hate their own incompetence and selfishness, hate their bad luck and laziness, but they are powerless to change the status quo, and lack the determination and courage to move forward. So he can only fantasize in his heart that someone will selflessly help them change everything and solve everything.

So when you can help them, they will regard you as justice, thank you, and worship you. But when you block their way forward, they will kick you away like a piece of garbage."

Watching one person after another silently walk up, stab Jin Guang with a knife, and then stand aside. Jin Guang's heart became colder and colder. He looked at those who stabbed him, and all of them turned their heads away with guilt, and no one dared to look at him.

The whole scene was silent, only Li Anping's voice continued, and the sound of the dagger cutting through the flesh kept ringing.

"These people don't need justice. Humans don't need justice either.

They are weak, immature, small, and lack strength and determination.

So what they really need is a strong person to lead them, like a sword hanging over their heads, supervising them at all times.

Just like a shepherd and sheep. Completely control them, manipulate them..."

When the tenth person stabbed Jin Guang's arm with a knife, Jin Guang's face turned pale, and blood covered his body. After a few seconds, he finally fainted due to the serious injury.

The eleventh person held a dagger, looked at Li Anping, and asked hesitantly: " you want to continue?"

Li Anping looked at him coldly, and then turned his gaze to the ten people who had already stabbed. Looking at the eyes of the ten people headed by Yue Shan, full of desire and pleading, Li Anping just gently waved his palm.

The white shock wave submerged them all, and screams resounded throughout the valley. When the shock wave dissipated, nothing was left. The ten ability users had turned into countless fragments.

There was no explanation, no defense, and no one else present dared to question Li Anping. This is the absolute authority brought by absolute power.

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