Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 31: Lessons (Part 1)

The air was full of huge vibrations. At this moment, Jin Guang's vision was filled with violent thoughts. The infinite thoughts gave Jin Guang amazing destructive power. His output at this moment was like hundreds of artillery firing in the same direction.

The overwhelming force squeezed and crushed everything in front of him. Li Anping's figure was swallowed up by the golden thoughts in the first place. The rumbling sound resounded throughout the valley, and dust and soil were rolled up.

Huang Linjun, who was standing behind Jin Guang, was already stunned. Originally, he had judged that the opponent's ability was very powerful after seeing Jin Guang's attack before, but he never thought it would be so powerful.

Now I think about it, if the so-called infinite thoughts are really infinite, how ** it would be. Especially after Jin Guang reached the third energy level and thoughts can interfere with the material world. This kind of attack that is purely based on the infinite output of thoughts, similar to artillery bombardment, is exactly what Jin Guang is best at.

The same is true for Yue Shan and Huang Xia on the other side. They only discovered the terrible power of infinite thoughts at this time. The field of vision was completely filled with golden energy. They could no longer see Li Anping, nor could they feel his energy.

This was a naked violent crushing.

Especially this time, facing the big devil Li Anping, Jin Guang subconsciously urged his energy to the peak and pushed forward. Dust filled the sky and mud rolled back. Jin Guang estimated that the opponent had been torn into pieces.

He sighed in his heart: 'It's bad, I used too much force. Not only will Li Anping die, but the four guys walking behind Li Anping may also be killed. This is troublesome. I wanted them to order to stop the behavior of Daxia Longque. '

Just as he was thinking this, a few seconds passed, and when the smoke and dust of the explosion dispersed, a figure slowly revealed his figure.

"It seems that you are the kid with unlimited energy." Li Anping's voice came slowly. When his figure appeared in front of everyone again, everyone was shocked, staring at Li Anping with wide eyes in disbelief.

Li Anping stretched out one hand in front of him and made a defensive gesture. There were some wounds on his palm, but they had completely healed. And on his body, except for some slight scratches on the skin, there was no visible injury at all.

Everyone found it hard to believe that someone could be unscathed in such a violent attack.

"How is it possible?" Jin Guang was the most unacceptable among all the people. He knew the power of his mental shock wave the most. Just now, he had used all his strength, although it only lasted for a few seconds, but even an iron man would be blown to pieces, but now Li Anping was unscathed.

Just when Jin Guang was distracted by something he could not imagine in the battle due to his lack of experience, a fatal flaw had already been formed.

He suddenly felt that a figure was covering him in front of him.

"What are you thinking about?"

With a bang, like thunder in the sky tearing the air, Li Anping kicked Jin Guang's stomach directly with one leg, kicking him into the air. Then he sent a few empty palms towards the sky, and the white shock wave had already knocked Jin Guang out.

Although it was just an empty palm that Li Anping casually sent out, how powerful is Li Anping now? When he was at Song Bang's house, he could directly kill a level 4 ability user with a full-strength empty palm. Although he didn't use his full strength now, it was enough to kill Jin Guang.

The righteous boy in the air suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the whole person rolled his eyes and fell from the air.

"Little brother!"

"Save him!"

Jin Guang was killed instantly by Li Anping. Some ability users fled in all directions, while some ability users rushed directly towards Li Anping in a fit of anger.

"Stubborn." Li Anping snorted coldly and spit out a white line from his mouth. The white line was like a white streak, sweeping directly towards the crowd. It was like a laser sweeping through the air. Wherever it passed, all ability users, no matter how many levels, fell to the ground with a scream, or had their bones broken, or their internal organs shattered.

Seeing this, no one dared to rush out, and the remaining ability users all scattered and tried to escape to the exit.

Faced with this situation, Li Anping just shouted softly: "Stay."

His voice was as gentle as the breeze, but his movements were more violent than the fiercest hurricane.

There was a loud bang under Li Anping's feet, and the soil had been broken into pieces under his stomping, and he had appeared in front of a person with ability, and then his body slightly swept over the ability user, and the shock wave raised by supersonic speed had swept the person back to the field.

It was not until then that the sound of sonic boom made by Li Anping came to everyone's ears.

Then Li Anping came to another person. This person's ability was very special. Before Li Anping came, he had turned into two identical people and ran in opposite directions.

But in less than 0.1 seconds after he used his ability, Li Anping had already blasted the clone with a punch, and then grabbed the ability user's neck and threw him into the field.

Then Li Anping sprinted forward, creating a supersonic shock wave that blew more than a dozen other escaped ability users back into the field.

Then he took a few quick steps, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Jin Guang, who was about to fall to the ground with a mouth full of blood in the air, and then shook his arm hard, throwing him back into the field.

At this time, Yue Shan on the stage finally reacted. Facing Li Anping's attack, he knew that he had no way to retreat. Even if he surrendered, the other party would not let him go. He sighed helplessly and shouted: "Go!"

He opened his mouth and spit out a yellow caterpillar that flew towards Li Anping. At the same time, Yue Le and Yue Ping behind him also activated their abilities. Together with Yue Shan's, a total of three yellow caterpillars flew towards the black shadow in the field at a very fast speed.

In the short ten seconds when Yue Shan hesitated, then made up his mind and activated his ability, dozens of ability users were either thrown away by Li Anping or blown away by the shock wave, and were directly concentrated in the center of the field by Li Anping.

Li Anping didn't even look at the caterpillars shot by Yue Shan. These slow things couldn't even touch him.

He ran all over the field, like a black lightning streak. Wherever he passed, one ability user after another was thrown out by him and all smashed together.

But no matter how fast he was, the three yellow caterpillars were always chasing him.

‘Are they tracking? ’ Li Anping thought to himself, turned around, and punched the caterpillar. With a bang, he punched the caterpillar, and a huge roar sounded. The fist that was enough to smash a tank into scrap metal hit the caterpillar, but the imagined appearance of the opponent being torn into pieces did not appear. The caterpillar was not injured, but stuck to his fist like a lump of glue.

‘Physical attack is invalid? ’

Then the second and third caterpillars rushed towards him, and Li Anping quickly retreated. But when he retreated, he found something wrong, his speed was twice as slow. He could no longer maintain the supersonic state.

‘What’s going on? ’

After avoiding the last two caterpillars, Li Anping quickly retreated. He waved his arms hard, but found that he could not get rid of the caterpillar in his hand.

"Hahaha." Yue Shan laughed loudly, "It's useless. Once you are possessed by the golden-footed beetle, your speed will be halved. Unless you defeat me, you will never be able to recover."

"Everyone hurry up, he is slowing down now!"

"Kill this court hawk!"

"You are just fast, I wonder what you can do now that you have lost your speed."

The remaining ability users saw that Li Anping's speed had greatly decreased, and heard Yue Shan's explanation. They became excited one by one, looking at Li Anping with red eyes, and rushed over like hyenas.

"If you are fast, I have a safety guarantee, and I can also hold back a little for you to use as research materials." Li Anping looked coldly at the crowd rushing towards him, and simply let the other two caterpillars attach to his back: "Since you have lost your speed now, for safety reasons, I will not hold back."

A group of people looked at two more caterpillars attached to Li Anping's back, their expressions became more excited, and the speed of rushing over was even faster. But after walking a few steps, I saw Li Anping raised his fist above his head, and then punched the ground fiercely.

Boom boom boom! As if a magnitude 10 earthquake had erupted, Li Anping's punch directly broke the entire earth into pieces, and it kept collapsing. Countless pieces of soil and boulders sank, and countless mud and rocks rose and shot in all directions. Everyone felt that the power of this punch seemed to cover the entire valley, crushing the mountains and the earth, and the whole world seemed to be reversing.

It was such a direct punch, but Li Anping relied on his huge power to completely shovel up the ground in the valley. In the air, silent ripples were shaking, and more than a dozen ability users were killed on the spot. Dozens of ability users were swept into the lifted earth and disappeared without a trace.

Huang Linjun looked at his stomach in despair. It had been pierced by a stone. From beginning to end, Li Anping did not even look at him. He did not even say a word to Li Anping, and died silently under this punch. There are many people like him.

Their hearts are full of regret. Why should they go against such a monster? Why should they fight such an inhuman guy? Li Anping is not a human at all.

Especially Huang Linjun, he avoided Li Anping from beginning to end, and did not even declare war on Li Anping in person. The frustration in his heart is as difficult to pour out as the sea.

He wanted to scold Li Anping, wanted to tell him what he had done to him, and wanted to see Li Anping's angry look. But he could not see anything. He could only feel that as his abdomen continued to bleed, his strength gradually disappeared, and then a suction came from Li Anping's body. With endless regret, he was already dead.

After one punch, more than half of the people died. Most of the survivors were the people with abilities that Li Anping had thrown together before, because Li Anping consciously controlled his power.

The remaining people looked at Li Anping stupidly, and were completely stunned by this terrifying punch. Those who have never really faced Li Anping will never know how powerful the leader of the Great Xia Dragon Bird is.

Yue Shan and Huang Xia are the most emotional about this now. Especially Huang Xia, he had heard that Li Anping was able to defeat Song Bang and Lei Di, and thought that Li Anping must have relied on some special ability to plot secretly, but this kind of plotting, as long as he knew Li Anping's ability, would not be a concern. When the fight comes, it will still depend on the spirit, strength, and mentality of both sides.

But until this time, when Li Anping showed his unparalleled strength and speed, and exposed the most primitive violence of mankind in front of him, especially when Li Anping's punch directly changed the terrain of the valley, he clearly felt how strong Li Anping was.

He stared at Li Anping blankly, and dared not have the slightest resistance. The same was true for the other survivors. They watched Li Anping walk towards them, and they did not move, fearing that any action of theirs would be killed by Li Anping.

The corners of Li Anping's mouth curled up. Just now, this punch killed more than a hundred people with abilities. Although their strength was not strong, it also improved his physical fitness. His current physical fitness has become strength 16.8, speed 15.9, and physical fitness 17.8. Strength, speed, and physical fitness have increased by 0.1 each. At this time, the effect of each increase of 0.1 is many times greater than in the past.

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