Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 19: Capture

Zhou Kang and Xia Yunyun took a taxi and drove along the 12th Avenue. Unfortunately, when they were about one kilometer away from the destination, a dense crowd of cars appeared in front of them, and the road was completely blocked.

The taxi driver turned around and kindly reminded them: "There is no way. It is rush hour now. There is a big traffic jam. There is still about one kilometer to go. Why don't you get off and walk over? At this point, it is faster to walk over than to take my car."

"Is this a traffic jam?" Zhou Kang looked at the road full of cars with curiosity, smiled and said: "Thank you, uncle, anyway, we are about to arrive, let's get off and walk over."

A few minutes later, Xia Yunyun followed Zhou Kang, keeping the pace of walking all the way, and walked towards the intersection of the 12th Avenue and the 13th Avenue in front.

There were crowds of people everywhere along the way, but even so, Xia Yunyun wanted to escape several times, but she didn't really escape. It seemed that there was a voice in her heart telling her that she couldn't escape, absolutely couldn't escape.

"Sister, you are right." Zhou Kang turned around and said with a smile: "If you want to escape, you will never be able to escape, so just follow me obediently. I will let you go when we find that Li Anping."

Hearing what Zhou Kang said, Xia Yunyun felt depressed. After all, she was also a third-level ability user. Although her ability was useless, she could only communicate with animals and could not even command them. But if she only relied on her mind, ordinary people could not get close to her at all.

But Song Tian before and Zhou Kang now were all ability users stronger than him, so Li Anping had to come to save her, and she became a burden.

"Oh? Who is Song Tian?" Zhou Kang asked.

Xia Yunyun was furious, but she could only try her best to control herself from thinking too much and started counting again.

At this moment, Zhou Kang suddenly turned his head and stared straight at the back of Xia Yunyun.

Just 50 meters behind Xia Yunyun, in the crowd, three arrogant and overbearing thoughts rose to the sky, and the overwhelming malice pressed towards Zhou Kang, as if to completely destroy him.

Yan Bei showed a bloodthirsty smile on his face: "Finally found you!"

"Die!" As he pointed his hand, a miniature collapsed space appeared on Zhou Kang's head, but as early as when he pointed his finger, Zhou Kang had already retreated with a change of face.

Because with the appearance and attack of Yan Bei, he had already understood the other party's ability and the effect of the ability through "reading the mind".

'These three guys are so powerful, maybe each of them is more powerful than the people who came to Gushan to catch me. ' Zhou Kang rushed into the crowd and began to think about countermeasures: 'First hide in the crowd, relying on the ability of reading the mind, I can defeat them one by one. ’

On the other side, Yan Bei saw Zhou Kang hiding in the crowd, and he yelled impatiently, "Zuo Mai, you protect that woman, Tang Weihan, you follow him closely."

Then he laughed wildly and said, "I'll clear the place."

He danced wildly with his hands, and countless collapsed spaces appeared on street lights, store signs, the ground, and so on. The entire road was suddenly in chaos. The collapse caused broken wires, damaged signs, cracked roads, and burst water pipes.

Various explosions and shock waves appeared. Although no casualties were caused, the crowd immediately rioted. Ordinary people saw this situation and started to run away immediately.

But compared to this, the riot caused by Tang Weihan was even greater. I don't know what he was thinking. After hearing Yan Bei's words, he also roared to the sky. Then, in the drastic changes in his body, Tang Weihan's body continued to grow taller. At the same time, his head turned into a wolf head, his hands and feet turned into four claws, and the whole person had turned into a werewolf-like monster, rushing towards Zhou Kang.


"Run away! The monster is coming to eat people!"

"Oh my god!"

When the people around saw Tang Weihan turn into such a monster, they ran even faster. In an instant, all the people within a few hundred meters around ran away.

Zhou Kang saw Tang Weihan rushing towards him, his eyes condensed, and he suddenly rushed towards Xia Yunyun. The three opponents showed strong strength. If he could take Xia Yunyun as a hostage, his chances of winning would increase greatly.

Seeing the performance of Yan Bei and Tang Weihan, Zuo Mai shook his head helplessly: "Two idiots." After saying that, he pointed with his right index finger, and saw a red ray shooting towards Xia Yunyun.

With a swish, the red ray passed by Xia Yunyun's waist. Wherever it passed, there was a burst of heat in the air. After the ray passed Xia Yunyun, it directly crossed hundreds of meters and melted a large piece of the concrete floor. Xia Yunyun screamed in fear and immediately ran behind Zuo Mai and others.

At the same time, Zuo Mai's ray also forced Zhou Kang, who was rushing towards Xia Yunyun, back. This is the power of mind reading. With this ability, almost no one can plot against Zhou Kang. Even Zuomai's death light and Yanbei's collapse may only need one attack to seriously injure Zhou Kang, but they must hit the target.

On the other side, when Zhou Kang was forced back by Zuomai, Tang Weihan finally rushed up, and he opened his wolf mouth and bit Zhou Kang's shoulder.

Zhou Kang did not dodge Tang Weihan's attack, and let him bite his shoulder. He sneered in his heart: 'My body is made of steel and iron. Let alone letting you bite, I can even take bullets. '

Crack, crack, Tang Weihan found that he could not bite Zhou Kang no matter how hard he bit him. The opponent was as hard as a piece of iron.

Then Zhou Kang punched Tang Weihan in the stomach. Zhou Kang's strength was far beyond Tang Weihan's imagination. This punch made him foam at the mouth and make a humming sound. Then Zhou Kang grabbed his head and threw him out.

"Useless thing." Seeing that Tang Weihan failed, Yan Bei grinned and shouted at Zhou Kang's position with both palms: "Turn into scum for me!"

The terrifying breath came from the void. The next second, in the spherical space with a diameter of five meters where Zhou Kang was, all the matter was squeezed into a ball under the force of collapse, and then turned into countless particles floating in the air.

Even the ground turned into a big pit, and the surface of the pit seemed to be cut by a tool, showing a smooth curved surface.

"Haha, dead." Yan Bei looked at the empty place with only a big round pit left, and showed a disdainful smile.

Suddenly, Zuo Mai reminded him, "Be careful, he's up there."

In midair, Zhou Kang looked at Yan Bei with anger. This was the first time he was so embarrassed since he awakened his ability. If he hadn't been able to fly at high speed and escape before the space collapse started, he would have died.

"Go to hell!" He shouted and punched Yan Bei's face through the air. There was no mental fluctuation, no shock wave, and no fire, lightning or other power ejected. But Yan Bei felt a pain in his stomach and was directly knocked out by this punch through the air.

This is another ability of Zhou Kang. He can use the air to transmit his power losslessly, that is, he can directly transmit his power to the opponent through the air when he punches.

But when he wanted to punch Yan Bei again, three consecutive red rays shot towards him. Zhou Kang had to give up the attack and quickly flew to the side to avoid the three rays.

But then Zuomai seemed to no longer hold back his strength. Between the ten fingers, rays shot towards Zuomai flying in the air. Some of these rays could melt steel, some were full of cold air, and some were full of radiation power.

Faced with these powerful and fast rays, Zhou Kang could only dodge again and again, feeling extremely frustrated. He wanted to rush towards Zuomai several times, but as the distance got closer, the rays were faster and intertwined more densely, forcing him to retreat.

Then Yan Bei also climbed up from the ground, holding his stomach, his eyes revealed madness: "Damn it, I'm going to kill you!"

Boom! A thought came out of Yan Bei's body, and Yan Bei raised his hands high, and a force that was enough to change everything came out from his hands.

Yan Bei waved his hands wildly, and more than a dozen collapse force fields appeared around Zhou Kang, almost crushing him into powder.

On the other side, Tang Weihan also screamed wildly, and the flesh on his back suddenly broke open, and two wings stretched out from his back. His whole image had turned into a werewolf with bat wings. Then he waved his wings vigorously, and he had risen into the air, rushing towards Zhou Kang who was flying around.

This time Zhou Kang was besieged by three people. Although his flying speed was very fast and he could predict other people's attacks in advance, whether it was Yanbei or Zuomai, their collapse or death light was super fast, and Tang Weihan relied on his ability to transform and his fearless body to entangle Zhou Kang. In less than a minute, Zhou Kang was already struggling.

In order to avoid the attack of the death light and the collapse force field, he began to endure Tang Weihan's fierce attack. Although the opponent's strength was not as good as his, plus he had a strong body, he was constantly hit and clawed, and his body began to ache.

In addition, in order to avoid Yan Bei's collapse attack just now, Zhou Kang's right hand was rubbed by the death light of the left meridian. A burning feeling came out of his palm, making him feel a sharp pain in his entire right hand, as if it was being roasted by fire all the time.

Zhou Kang suddenly had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart.

'Are all these guys crazy? Why does Daxia Dragon Bird have so many powerful ability users? ' At this time, Zhou Kang's chest was full of regret: "Damn it, damn it, damn it. I'm hiding in Gushan and enjoying myself. Isn't it quite happy? Why did I come to Tianjing to find this damn Daxia Dragon Bird."

Suddenly he roared to the sky, spread his power through the air, and attacked the internal organs of Yan Bei and the other three. Yan Bei and the other three were suddenly struck by lightning, and felt as if they were hit by a big iron hammer in the chest. If it weren't for the protection of the mind, I'm afraid they would have been killed directly.

But Zhou Kang also took this opportunity to leave quickly. He was seen flying towards the south in the air like an arrow from a string.

‘Damn, why are there so many strong people in this world. ’ Zhou Kang, who was beaten and fled by three people, was furious. This was the first time he was suppressed by someone and had to flee, and he was also a capable person. He had always thought that he was special and unique since he was a child.

He had four abilities at the same time: mind reading, flying, steel and iron body, and air conduction. He always thought that he had the strongest ability in the world. But now, not long after arriving in Tianjing, he was defeated by three people. Especially the man who performed collapse, who posed the greatest threat to him.

'No, there can't be so many strong people in the world. These three guys must be the strongest in Daxia Longque. Even this Daxia Longque may be the most powerful organization of ability users in the entire world. ’ Zhou Kang said bitterly: ‘With three of them together, it will be difficult for me to defeat them, but they will always separate. When the time comes, I will kill them one by one. ’

Just as Zhou Kang was thinking about how to deal with Yan Bei and the others, a large crowd of people appeared in front of him, all pointing at him in mid-air. It turned out that Zhou Kang had already flown away from the place where the crowd had been cleared just now.

"Look, someone is flying!"

"Mom, there's someone flying above us."

"Damn, it can't be a stunt."

Looking at the ant-like mortals at his feet, Zhou Kang felt a burst of disdain, but he quickly frowned. There was a guy in the crowd who was very special, with special power. He seemed to be a person with abilities, but his power fluctuations were much smaller than those of the previous ones. Much weaker. This kind of strength makes him feel much more satisfied, right? This is the real world, and there is no one who is not much worse than him.

Zhou Kang stopped in mid-air and asked the man in the crowd: "Hey, are you also from Daxia Longque?" As soon as the other person answered yes, Zhou Kang planned to kill him to vent his anger.

"Well, my name is Li Anping." The man narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Kang coldly.

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