Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 18: Capture

Xia Yunyun glanced at Zhou Kang in surprise, wondering that he actually came to see Daxia Longque.

"What do you want from Daxia Longque?"

"Do you know? Hehe." Zhou Kang said with a smile: "Last time they sent people to catch me, I defeated them. But then they sent people here again. Although they couldn't defeat me, but in case they always sent It would be troublesome if someone came to deal with me, wouldn't it? So I decided to come and find them myself." After Zhou Kang finished speaking, there was a proud expression on his face.

"Don't look at me because I'm thin, but I'm very strong."

'What. ’ Xia Yunyun was shocked, but on the surface he remained calm and asked tentatively: “Really? Daxia Longque is very powerful. What is your ability?”

"Really?" Zhou Kang said with a smile: "I think their abilities are very strong, but I am even more powerful, but I can't just tell you what my abilities are."

Xia Yunyun smiled: "That's right. But I'm not very familiar with Daxia Longque. Let me ask my friend for you. He knows more." After saying that, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Li Anping's number. Number.

‘I don’t know what this guy’s background is, but he’s probably pretty good at defeating the ability users sent by Daxia Longque. I'd better call Li Anping and ask him to send someone over...'

Just as Xia Yunyun was thinking about these things, he suddenly heard Zhou Kang say: "Oh? Who is Li Anping?"

"Oh, of course Li Anping is..." Halfway through, Xia Yunyun suddenly looked up at Zhou Kang and said in disbelief: "How do you know..."

"How do I know what you are thinking?" Zhou Kang said with a smile, "I know his mind, I can know what you are thinking."

He continued: "How is it possible? We need to inform Li Anping as soon as possible. Is that what you think? Oh! It turns out that this Li Anping is the boss of Daxia Longque."

As he spoke, Zhou Kang took Xia Yunyun's cell phone directly: "Then let me talk to him."

Li Anping was on his way out of the base when he suddenly felt his phone vibrate. He took out his phone and saw that it was a call from Xia Yunyun. This was the first time he received a call from Xia Yunyun.

Turning on his phone, Li Anping asked: "Hey, why did you remember to call me?"

On the phone, a strange man's voice came: "Hello? Are you Li Anping?"

"Who are you?" Li Anping frowned and asked coldly: "Where is Li Qian?"

"Hey hey hey, let me ask you something. Are you Li Anping? Are you the boss of Daxia Longque?" Zhou Kang asked maliciously: "Where are you? I'll come find you."

"Looking for me?" Li Anping asked doubtfully.

"Yes, tell me where you are and I will come find you." Zhou Kang said with a smile: "Don't run away, otherwise I don't know what I will do. This big sister is very tempting."

Xia Yunyun's struggling and whimpering sounds came from the phone.

She shouted: "Li Anping...wuwuwu."

Then came Zhou Kang's voice again: "Tell me, where are you?"

"Run away?" Li Anping's tone was like an iceberg: "The intersection of Thirteenth Avenue and Twelfth Avenue, I'll wait for you there. But... whether you can see me depends on whether you can get here or not. ”

"Hehehehe." Zhou Kang smiled and hung up the phone, only to find Xia Yunyun on the side staring at him viciously. He said helplessly: "I'm sorry, sister, I also want to deal with this Daxia Longque in one go. I will let you go when I see Li Anping."

Xia Yunyun rolled her eyes while listening to Zhou Kang's words, looking at Zhou Kang as if she were looking at a dead person.

"Sister, you are very powerful. After many people know that I can read minds, the less they want to reveal anything, the more they can't control their thoughts. As a result, you started counting immediately, and now all you think about is 123456789. ”

Zhou Kang was unhappy with her mocking look, and explained again: "I know it's hard for you to understand. But you'll know later, my ability is far beyond your imagination." He showed a confident expression, Looking at the high-rise buildings in Tianjing City. His eyes were full of appreciation and admiration.

"I have been staying in Gushan before. I didn't expect that there is such a prosperous city in the world." Zhou Kang laughed: "I have decided to stay here in the future. Tianjing is much more fun than Gushan."

Xia Yunyun was too lazy to pay attention to him and kept counting silently in his mind. After all, he is no match for Zhou Kang, so he can let Li Anping come and save him. But what if Zhou Kang knew Li Anping's power through his heart, and ambushed, escaped, or used him to threaten Li Anping, that would be troublesome. As it is now, this Zhou Kang is completely superstitious about his own power, which is best for Xia Yunyun .

Zhou Kang didn't take it seriously either. He knew that most people had never seen it with their own eyes and would never have imagined that humans could be as strong as him. In the past, the police, gangsters, and rich people all thought this way, and they were all bullied miserably by him.

So Zhou Kang took a taxi, took Xia Yunyun directly and went to the place Li Anping said.

On the other side, Tang Weihan, Zuo Mai, and Yan Bei have also left Daxia Longque's base for more than an hour. Among them, Zuo Mai is driving a car, and Yan Bei and Tang Weihan are sitting in the back. Row.

Tang Weihan has undergone nutritional supplements at this moment, and his appearance has changed drastically. He has become a young and cute-looking teenager. It is estimated that he came out through the transformation of an ability user. I don't know if he really looked like this when he was young.

Yan Bei, who was beside him, also shaved his beard and cut his hair. He looked middle-aged.

He and Tang Weihan were both locked up in the Daxia Dragon Bird Base for a long time. At this moment, they came to the ground again, and they were filled with emotion. Looking at the tall buildings, they occasionally let out one or two surprised sounds.

Zuo Mai, who was driving, didn't have this feeling at all. He was arrested a few years ago. Although Tianjing has changed a lot, it is not enough to cause him to be amazed.

Yan Bei asked: "How long will it take? Where is that Zhou Kang?"

Zuo Mai didn't dare to make this guy with terrible ability angry, and comforted him: "It will be soon. It's that Zhou Kang who keeps moving around. I guess I should be able to find him next time I locate him."

"Damn guy." Yan Bei's tone was full of dissatisfaction: "Wasted so much of my time. When I find him, I will break his legs."

Suddenly, a ring rang in Tang Weihan's arms. He took out his mobile phone in a hurry, looking like he wanted to press it, but didn't know how to press it.

"Give it to me." Yan Bei impatiently grabbed the phone: "Hello?"

"Yan Bei? This is Liu Sheng." Liu Sheng's voice was on the other end of the phone: "According to multiple channels, we have now mastered Zhou Kang's latest location. He is now in a taxi and is going to the intersection of 12th Avenue and 13th Avenue. You can stop him on the north side of 12th Avenue."

"Why do you want to stop him?" Yan Bei asked: "We can just wait for him at the destination."

"Really?" Liu Sheng smiled with some evil taste: "Lord Li Anping is waiting for someone over there. Do you want him to be disturbed? During your first mission."

Yan Bei swallowed his saliva, and seemed to remember the scene of being beaten by Li Anping again. The body that had been healed seemed to feel pain again.

"I know, I won't let him go there."

"Also, Zhou Kang is now accompanied by a female hostage, and her safety must be guaranteed. This is the latest instruction from the adults."

Yan Bei shouted, "I know."

After hanging up the phone and throwing the phone back to Tang Weihan, Yan Bei said with a cold face, "Zuo Mai, did you hear that?"

"Yeah." Zuo Mai nodded seriously.

"Then drive faster for me." Yan Bei said anxiously, "Damn it, I don't want to run into that bastard again. We have to hurry over and catch Zhou Kang, that bastard."

Tang Weihan, who was still frightened, nodded vigorously. He hadn't spoken for too long and stuttered when he spoke.

He only heard a voice from his throat: "...faster...faster."

"Got it!" Zuo Mai exerted force on his feet and stepped on the accelerator. The whole car had rushed out at a speed of more than 100 yards, overtaking one car after another, and even ran through several red lights, almost causing a car accident.

In the back seat, the two people with shadows in their hearts had no time to look at the scenery. They all concentrated on looking at the taxis around them, and their mental energy was burning like a flame. I'm afraid that as soon as they saw Zhou Kang, they would pounce on him like two tigers and tear each other to pieces.

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