Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 2 Blood Sea Chapter 8 My Ability

Dark night, rooftop.

A figure was doing push-ups with his hands on the ground.



Li Anping did a thousand push-ups before he stood up and clapped his hands. It looked like he was only slightly sweaty on his forehead, and he hadn't reached his limit at all.

Then he lay on the ground and started doing sit-ups.

"Is this useful? It's just a training method for ordinary people, right? Now I've done all this and I don't feel anything at all."

"Hehe, these are just warm-ups, let you get used to your physical fitness first." Hei said disdainfully: "Since you don't want to eat people casually, if you want to become stronger, you can only squeeze your potential.

In fact, you have eaten the souls of more than 30 people. Although your body has become stronger, a large part of the energy has not been directly absorbed, but scattered in your limbs and bones, and will be slowly absorbed by you later. And your next training is to constantly squeeze your body, accelerate the process of absorbing energy, and improve your strength.

And your body accepts the transformation of energy and is more plastic. This most primitive physical exercise will also enhance your physical fitness from the side.

However, after these energies are consumed, your exercise effect will be minimal, so in short, if you want to become stronger, eating people is the best way."

Li Anping felt that there seemed to be a stream of heat passing through his body. As the exercise time became longer and longer, there seemed to be a stream of energy coming out of his body and replenishing his body. The feeling of watching oneself getting stronger is just like taking drugs, which makes people feel extremely wonderful.

After doing a thousand sit-ups, Li Anping began to stand upside down with his hands on the ground and walked around the edge of the roof.

This is a 20-story building. The wind is very strong at the edge of the building. Li Anping is walking upside down on the edge of the roof again, feeling as if he will be blown down at any time.

"Walking upside down for 6 hours like this can enhance your muscle endurance and hone your will. And walking along the edge of the building all the time can overcome your fear. After all, you are just an ordinary person. If you want to learn how to fight, you must first know how to overcome your fear."

Li Anping did not reply to Hei's words. The strong wind made him stagger. His attention was already focused on his hands.

He felt as if he might be blown down by the wind at any time. The only thing he could do was to hold the ground tightly with both hands and try to keep his balance.

Although Hei said that even if he fell down, there would be enough energy to heal, but just thinking about falling from the 20th floor and being smashed into a human meat pie, he was scared.

Walking upside down is very tiring, and Li Anping is now highly focused. In this case, his physical strength is lost more quickly. After five and a half hours, he was already sweating all over, and his hands began to twitch slightly. Every time he moved, he felt a tearing sensation in his arm muscles, and blood kept flowing into his brain, as if it was about to explode.

"Don't stop. Six hours is your limit. The closer you are to the limit, the greater the benefit of stimulating your body's potential. Moreover, there is energy in your body. Even if you have sports injuries, you will be treated. You just need to try your best and dig the limit of your potential regardless of everything."

Although Li Anping understood this, the so-called limit is the limit. The closer he was to his physiological limit, the more pain Li Anping felt all over his body. The only thing he could do was to grit his teeth and persist. In just half an hour, Li Anping felt like a century at this time.

At this time, revenge or justice, all the reasons for becoming stronger were no longer in his mind. He was close to his physiological limit and had no energy to think about anything else. There was only one thought in his mind, to persist.

But in the last five minutes, Li Anping suddenly felt a black screen in front of his eyes, his left hand went limp, and he fell from the roof.

In mid-air, he was completely exhausted and had completely lost consciousness. He was like a stone, crashing down from the 20-story roof to the ground.

If a person loses consciousness, his body will fall to the ground in a few seconds. This time, Li Anping was almost certain to die.

With a loud bang, Li Anping had already hit the ground, his entire torso and limbs were twisted beyond recognition. The thighs and spine pierced the muscles, revealing white bones.

All the internal organs were shattered, and blood flowed out of the body like a fountain.

The whole face was smashed into a mess, and the face was completely disfigured, and it was completely unrecognizable.

Fortunately, it was 3 a.m. and there were not many people on the street, otherwise everyone would have known about the collision immediately.

His breathing stopped, his heart stopped beating, and Li Anping fell in a pool of blood like a tattered rag doll.

Did he die just like that?

Will he go to hell with endless resentment and anger? Or will he still stay in this filthy world?


The sound of heartbeats.

Bang... Bang...

Li Anping suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

But the next moment, the pain of hell, like waves, rushed towards him from all parts of his body. He couldn't help but scream.

At the same time, his bloody face, as if time was going backwards, was slowly returning to its original appearance. Granulations kept growing, muscles were reshaped, bones were corrected under the twisting of muscles, and broken nerves were connected again.

A mere minute later, all of Li Anping's skin injuries had recovered as before.

Before he could recover, Hei said calmly: "Press the bones of your thigh and spine back, and they will return to their original positions. Otherwise, you will be deformed for the rest of your life."

Li Anping hesitated for a second, and the next moment, he grabbed his thigh bone and pushed it back violently. This time he screamed in pain again.

Then he stood up, roared angrily, and pressed his protruding tailbone back into his body.

There was a creaking sound, and the bones gradually returned to their original positions under the action of muscles.

Li Anping gasped, and the feeling of death still made him feel scared.

Five minutes later, his body had been repaired, and the injuries that would have caused complete death did not leave the slightest trace on his body.

"Have you rested enough?" Hei sneered: "This time the repair used one person's energy, and there are still nine people left. Let's continue training."

Li Anping said angrily: "I almost died, and you still want me to train?"

"Death? Aren't you still alive and kicking now?" Hei said lightly: "You are no longer an ordinary human being, you have abilities. You will not suffer the injuries that ordinary people will suffer. You will not suffer the injuries that ordinary people will suffer. Nor will he die.

Because you have abilities, you are no longer an ordinary person. So don’t be limited by your ordinary thinking. Try to adapt to the world with the thinking of a strong person and the thinking of a capable person.

Because if you are an ordinary person, it is absolutely impossible to retaliate against Shang Zhenbang and Shang Anguo. "

This statement made Li Anping stunned. Hei knew that he didn't adapt for a moment, so he continued: "And as long as you absorb people's souls, you can heal any of your injuries. It doesn't matter even if you 'die' once or twice. So you The training in the future will be far more cruel than that of normal people, because the training methods of ordinary people are no longer applicable to you.

If you want to become stronger, you must overcome the fear of death and treat it as simply as eating and drinking. Only in this way can your strength be fully utilized in battle, and your super-fast regeneration ability can be more effective in battle.

If you can't accept this kind of superhuman thinking. I advise you to give up revenge and go home and farm as soon as possible. "

Li Anping did not answer immediately. He silently chewed on what Hei said, and after a long time he replied: "I understand."

Hearing what Li Anping said, a sneer flashed in Hei's heart: 'If you maintain this suicidal training, how many people will you have to eat to repair your body? It really makes me curious...'

At this moment, several security guards from a distance ran over with flashlights, but when they reached the place, they could only find a pool of blood.

Reminiscent of the previous noises and screams, starting from the next day, a haunted rumor spread in the building.

On the other side, after the incident, the entire factory was cordoned off. More than a dozen police cars were parked in the factory area. On the other side of the cordon, countless reporters were isolated. The constant flashing lights made the detective handling the case feel even worse.

Geng Zhong walked out of the factory with a pale face, took a deep breath, and suppressed the desire to vomit. Song Sishan on the side patted his shoulder and handed him a cigarette: "How are you? Are you okay?" His face was also a little pale.

Geng Zhong took a few puffs of cigarette before suppressing his discomfort: "I have never seen such a horrific scene. Who could have done it?"

Song Sishan nodded: "The forensic team is still collecting evidence and investigating, but it seems unlikely that it was a gunfight."

Geng Zhong said nothing, and the two stood silently on the side of the road, waiting for the professional inspection results.

The factory massacre was named the 115 Factory Massacre by the police. The city bureau reacted as quickly as possible and removed the city's elite detectives to form a task force. The mayor personally ordered that with the cooperation of various departments, the case must be solved and the criminals arrested within five days.

News of the case was completely blocked, all relevant personnel were brought in for interviews, and several reporters who arrived in advance were also ordered to keep silent. Newspapers, TV, the Internet, all media are in a state of calm...

The 7th floor of the Municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade Office Building. After the forensic results came out, the task force held a briefing meeting overnight.

"Through the comparison of hair, footprints and blood samples, we determined that the murderer in the factory murder case was the same person as the murderer in the hospital murder case and suburban murder case a day ago..." The personnel of the forensic team were giving a briefing. On the slide, a Photos flashed by, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room seemed very depressing.

The leader of the task force, Huang Linjun, looked very bad. It was said that he had not slept for more than 48 hours since the murder in the hospital, and his eyes were all red. Geng Zhong even suspected that he might faint at any time and at any time.

"The murderer was directly brought into the factory by Chang Zheng's men. Then there was a conflict between the two parties. Chang Zheng's men began to attack the murderer. After a struggle, the murderer killed Chang Zheng and his men while suffering gunshot wounds. Die..." After saying this, the forensic team members paused and then continued:

"It is worth mentioning that there was only one murderer from beginning to end, but he killed 32 gangsters equipped with pistols, and stabbed multiple victims to death with his bare hands by throwing steel drills. Combined with his The hospital crushed the victim's bones with bare hands, and we need to further evaluate his strength."

"How is the DNA comparison between the murderer and Li Anping? What are the results?" Huang Linjun suddenly interrupted him and asked.

"The relative similarity between the two is less than 10%, and judging from the footprints and the surveillance footage of the hospital corridor, the height and body shape of the two are quite different, which excludes the possibility that they are the same person."

"What about Li Liping? Has he woken up?" Huang Linjun asked again.

"Chang Zheng and his team did a good job of stopping the bleeding. Li Liping is not in danger of life at all, but he has been too stimulated and has gone crazy."


"We sent experts to test him, and he did not respond to any external stimulation."

"I understand." Huang Linjun looked at the materials in his hand and raised his head: "You are all elites in the Zhongdu police force. I want to hear what you think about this case."

There was silence.

Geng Zhong also lowered his head and did not speak. What ideas could he have. The murderer's means of committing crimes are extremely cruel, and his ability is far beyond that of ordinary people. The seemingly random crime scene did not leave any useful clues.

If Daxia also built a complete DNA database like the Amest Federation across the sea, it would be able to catch the murderer through the blood and hair left by the murderer.

The only image of the murderer was left by the surveillance camera in the hospital corridor. However, the surveillance equipment used to deal with inspections and deceive leaders recorded too blurry images to see the murderer's appearance.

So now the only thing the police can do is to constantly investigate, visit, list suspects, look for witnesses, and use the most primitive means to find the criminals like finding a needle in a haystack. This is also the usual method of the Daxia police, and countless criminals have fallen in front of them.

But facing this case, Geng Zhong vaguely felt that the previous effective methods might not be so effective.

Finally, a criminal policeman broke the silence and said, "The murderer is very skilled. This is a breakthrough point. He may be a retired soldier, an athlete, or a bodyguard. We can start the investigation from this aspect."

Another criminal policeman said, "Yes, we can visit all relevant personnel in the city, as well as the train station, airport, and bus. We must pay close attention to the flow of such personnel. Moreover, the victim is Huo Qing's subordinate, so we can also start from the ** dispute. Why did the murderer go to Chang Zheng, and why did the two parties have a conflict? I think these are clues we can trace."

"And Li Anping, he has disappeared with the murderer since the hospital, and in Chang Zheng's factory, we also found his brother Li Liping. I think this person is a key clue and should be thoroughly investigated. Moreover, this person has not received professional training, he is just an ordinary student, and he is also disabled. He has attracted social attention many times before. His whereabouts should be relatively easy to find. As long as we find him, we may be able to find out who the murderer is."

At the conference table, the discussion became more and more heated, but Huang Linjun's brows were always furrowed. Everyone at the meeting was discussing things related to the case, but he was now thinking more about other things.

No matter how small the case is, as long as it involves a person with special abilities, it will not be simple. Not to mention this kind of major case that is rare in ten years.

Originally, he was responsible for the hospital murder case alone, but after the 115 case, a special case team was set up. The Zhongdu City Government has zero tolerance for such murders. The city director has personally talked to him and ordered him to solve the case within 5 days.

But now it seems that there are many clues in the case, but they are all fragmentary and useless clues. Especially the identity of the other party's ability person, which may involve political struggles related to the mayor.

Thinking of this gave Huang Linjun a headache. Shang Anguo, the mayor of Zhongdu City, originally came from the public security. Now in the entire Zhongdu City Public Security System, almost all the key positions are Shang Anguo's people. If it weren't for his identity as a person with special abilities, he would have been out of business long ago. If this case is related to the mayor, then it doesn't matter who the murderer is.

Because at their level, the so-called right and wrong are meaningless, just a few people died. For them, the political stance and team standing are more important. If Huang Linjun gets involved, even with his ability, he may be crushed by the political whirlpool if he is not careful.

"I hope this case has nothing to do with Shang Anguo."

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