Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 2 Blood Sea Chapter 7 Waves

Ignoring the four gangsters' screams and begging for mercy, Li Anping pinched off their right hands one by one and then knocked them unconscious.

"You just let them go?" Hei looked at the four people who fainted on the ground and said dissatisfied: "If you let them go, you will only kill more people. Don't you want to fight against evil? Kill to stop killing. , is the best way.”

"You are using the crime they have not committed as the basis for punishment." Li Anping walked out of the alley and walked in a direction with fewer people. Along the way, I saw more than a dozen police cars rushing towards the factory with their lights flashing.

"They are not guilty enough to die, so I will not kill them." Li Anping said to Hei: "But since they showed the knife, if the other person was an ordinary person, he might see blood, so I disabled one of their hands."

"Are you taking the place of the police in enforcing the law?" Hei laughed: "A murderer is taking the place of the police to do their job. Hehe, hehe, it's so ironic."

Li Anping glanced around and found that the police car was no longer in sight, so he sped up and ran. With his current physical fitness, he could maintain the speed of an ordinary person running 100 meters, even if he ran for ten minutes, there would be no problem.

While running, he answered Hei's question: "Can't you? The law is the closest thing to rules. If everyone could abide by the law, there would not be so many tragedies in the world. Unfortunately, although the law is good, Not all those who enforce the law are selfless, so I will now use my own power to enforce the law."

"Law enforcement? Haha, which police officer would crush a robber's right hand?" Hei laughed: "What you are doing is not law enforcement, but your own justice."

"What's the difference?" As he spoke, Li Anping had already run a few blocks and his body began to heat up slightly. But he didn't feel tired at all. Instead, he became more energetic, ran faster and faster, and felt a sense of relief all over his body.

The potential of this body has become stronger and stronger after absorbing the souls of more than thirty people.

"Hehe, Zhengyi, you are just venting your childish emotions..." Hei did not continue to answer Li Anping's question, but changed the subject and said: "How about it, the physical enhancement is intuitive in one day. Isn’t it great to feel it?”

Li Anping suddenly accelerated, then jumped up suddenly, as if he had escaped gravity. His whole body took off and floated towards the street lamp ten meters away. Then he grabbed the pole with both hands and hung on the street lamp.

Released his hands, Li Anping jumped down from the 4-meter-high streetlight. He bent his legs slightly, and with a shock, the buffering force was resolved, and he stood up as if nothing happened.

"It's really cool." Li Anping looked down at his hands and clenched his fists hard.

"That's natural. In one day, your strength increases to 2.0, your speed reaches 1.9, and your physical fitness reaches 3.0. If the energy stored in the body is exploded, the three major attributes can increase explosively in a short period of time. Almost. It feels great to have achieved something that is impossible for ordinary people to achieve in their lifetime." Hei Youyou said.

"Strength 2.0, speed 1.9? Where did you get this data? Why does it sound like a game." Li Anping smiled after hearing Hei's comment.

"What kind of game? This is the attribute we use to evaluate the physical combat ability of living creatures. Here, an ordinary person, his strength, speed and physical fitness are 1 respectively." Hei said lightly: "I have the ability to absorb soul and body. Ability is a master of physical training. Now, with a little energy sweep inside your body, your physical attributes can be easily quantified. "

"Oh? Then can you quantify other people's attributes?" After hearing what Hei said, Li Anping's eyes lit up and he asked with interest.

"It's possible, but it's best to have physical contact and even observe his body structure and specific movements to make an accurate judgment."

"Hei, where are you from? You keep saying you are human, you are human. Were you not a human before, but an alien or a demon?" Li Anping asked curiously.

"You are not qualified to know this now." Hei said disdainfully: "Since you are not willing to eat people casually, then if you want to have the power of revenge, you need to rely on unremitting training. If your strength and speed exceed 10 or even 20 , let alone revenge, it’s okay even if you want to destroy the whole country.”

Hearing what Hei said, Li Anping stopped and said solemnly: "So, please tell me how to train to become stronger? Strong enough that I can take revenge..."

Zhongdu City, eastern suburbs.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the environment here is elegant and the scenery is pleasant. There are small bridges, flowing water, and green shade everywhere.

But the luxury cars and villas that can be seen everywhere here indicate that this place is not a paradise for ordinary people. This is the wealthy area of ​​Zhongdu City, with the best environment, best layout, and lowest crime rate in the city.

The houses here sell for more than 100,000 yuan per square meter, which shows that the people who can live here are either rich or expensive.

And in the northernmost part of this wealthy area, a large manor is approaching. There are five steps on the first floor and ten steps on the first floor. The ancient palaces in movies are just like this.

This large estate is called Bihai Ark, and it is a rich area among rich areas. The number of people who can live in it is no longer something that can be measured by more money or less.

In a Bentley, Wei Shishi looked at the Ark on the Blue Sea outside the car window and sighed secretly in her heart. Since entering from outside the manor, she has seen at least three groups of security guards checking posts.

She had heard before that how good the environment of Blue Sea Ark was and how rich the people inside were. There were even rumors that there was a wanted criminal living in Bihai Ark. When the police came in to arrest him, the security guard stopped him from entering. In the end, they called the security director of Bihai Ark to give them some relief before letting them in. Go in.

At that time, she thought it was someone else who was having sex, but now she realizes that the world of the rich is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people. What seems to them to be an unreachable barrier may, in the minds of those with power, be just a threshold that can be easily crossed.

'This is the life I deserve, this is my future, I want to climb up step by step...' Thinking of this, Wei Shishi squeezed the thing in her arms tightly.

While Wei Shishi was thinking, the car had already driven to a small bungalow, and a kind old man who looked like a housekeeper took him inside.

In the study, Shang Anguo pressed the remote control, and the screen on the table showed the surveillance footage of Wei Shishi getting out of the car. She looked sexy and elegant in a black silk skirt and high heels.

Xu Lichuan on the side smiled and said: "Zhenbang has really good taste. This woman is beautiful and has a good figure. I heard she is a top student at Tiancheng University, and she is so sensible. Brother Shang, you are so lucky to have such a good girl." daughter in law."

Shang Anguo smiled faintly: "Consider this kid's bad luck."

Xu Lichuan chuckled and said, "That's how it is over at Huo Qing. I've already followed your instructions. Then I'll leave first and won't disturb you."

After a while, Wei Shishi walked into the study and called out crisply: "Hello, uncle."

Shang Anguo nodded and looked at Wei Shishi, feeling very satisfied. This woman is outstanding in both figure and appearance. She is extremely charming. What's even more rare is that she is also a master's degree in economics from Tiancheng University and gets a scholarship every year.

The only fly in the ointment is that her parents are ordinary people with little background. However, with his second son's virtue, it is not easy to find such a wife.

Regarding Wei Shishi's other information, Shang Anguo had already sent people to investigate clearly. Since the rape case, Wei Shishi took the initiative to show her kindness several times and behaved well-behaved and pleasant in every aspect, which greatly satisfied him.

‘Zhenbang is already a grown man. Maybe finding a woman to tie him up can help him change his temper, calm down, and achieve some results. ’

Various thoughts ran through Shang Anguo's mind, but his reaction was not dissatisfied at all. At the same time, he and Wei Shishi were doing their best, just like the uncle next door. He also knew that the biggest reason why Wei Shishi was in such good condition and even took a fancy to his son was because of his power. But when he reached his position, he had already seen through the so-called love.

He believed that Wei Shishi was very smart. With his strength, Wei Shishi would definitely treat his son well as long as he did not lose power for a day.

Shang Anguo said pleasantly: "By the way, where is Zhenbang? Why hasn't he come yet? Didn't he say we would have dinner at home together today?"

Wei Shishi's face darkened and he hesitated: "Zhenbang, he went out to play last night...he hasn't come back yet..."

"This bastard is so outrageous." Shang Anguo picked up the phone and called Shang Zhenbang, but after calling several times in succession, no one answered. He was so angry that he slapped the table again.

Wei Shishi advised from the side: "Uncle, don't be angry. Zhenbang may have something going on, and he has the bodyguards you arranged for him. He will be fine..."

"What else can that bastard do? He only knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day long." Shang Anguo cursed and sighed towards Wei Shishi: "Shishi, thank you for your hard work."

"How can it be so hard to be with the person you like?" At this point, Wei Shishi suddenly paused, with a hint of blush on her face: "Uncle, I went to the gynecological hospital for a checkup yesterday. Here is the test report . They said I was pregnant."

Shang Anguo raised his eyebrows, took the test form calmly, and read it carefully.

Wei Shishi on the side said shyly: "I just felt nauseous and wanted to vomit recently, so I went to the hospital for a check-up. Unexpectedly... I was pregnant."

Shang Anguo scanned the test form and then laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, you can take care of the baby with peace of mind. Don't go abroad to Amest with Zhenbang. You can stay in China and take good care of the baby. By the way, are you ready?" Graduated?"

The Amestrian Federation is on the opposite side of the sea. The entire country is dominated by white people. Like Daxia, it has been a world power in the past century. Countries on the entire planet that can be compared with it, from the scope of what humans have discovered so far, are only Bactria, Ice Castle, Codex Country, Tyrell and Dongyang.

Wei Shishi replied: "Well, I finished my defense last month, but I haven't contacted my work yet."

"Don't worry about work. I'll make arrangements for you later. You can give birth to the child first." With that said, Shang Anguo took out a checkbook from the drawer and opened a check for five hundred thousand yuan. Cheque.

"If you need anything in the future, just call me. If you're pregnant, don't run around."

Wei Shishi nodded obediently and silently took Shang Anguo's check in her hand. When she saw the amount on it, although she felt hot in her heart, she behaved more obediently without losing any composure. She said crisply: "Thank you, uncle."

There was a hint of appreciation in Shang Anguo's eyes.

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