Magic world

Chapter 369 Bucky Lulu

"What should we do?" Looking at the complex machine in front of him, which was similar to a central computer group, Ito asked Bucky Lulu next to him.

"Bring over the data box marked c5 over there." Bucky Lulu said to Ito Cheng in a still unpleasant tone.

"Oh." After hearing this, Ito Cheng immediately looked at a large square box on his left hand side, found the part with the word c5, took it out, and handed it to Bucky Lulu beside him.

Bucky Lulu took the square box, pulled out several data cables from one side of the square box and connected it to the only private facility in the room, and then stood in front of the facility and started operating.

Ito, who was more curious about this, went over to take a look, but found that it was full of programs that he could only half understand. So Ito, who couldn't understand anything after looking at it for a long time, decisively gave up on stealing the core program of the battleship here. The plan is to steal the required program directly from the Dawn Society's secret base before the Archangel sets sail, along with the Gundam OS.

Ito Cheng, who had made a decision in his heart, immediately put away his disguise and looked at Bucky Lulu with a serious look on his face with interest.

"What are you looking at?" Bucky Lulu, who was very uncomfortable being looked at by Ito Cheng, had to stop what she was doing and frowned at Ito Cheng's unkind tone.

"You are indeed very beautiful, especially when you are serious, your heroic look is so attractive." Ito Cheng praised with a smile.

"Thank you for the compliment. However, if you don't want to help, please leave here immediately. Your current appearance has seriously affected my work." Hearing this, Bucky Lulu's face blushed slightly. He said in a rather stiff tone. However, this room was already dark, and it was almost impossible to see any changes in her face. What's more, her face was still illuminated by the fluorescent light emitted from the screen in front of her, and her green appearance made it even harder to see that she was blushing. sign.

"Okay." Ito Cheng spread his hands and agreed. Then he took a step forward, suddenly put his arms around Bucky Lulu's waist, pulled her into his arms and lowered his head to kiss her.

"Me~" Bucky Lulu, who was suddenly attacked again, instinctively resisted a few times. But soon he got lost in the feeling of kissing.

"Okay, I won't interrupt your work anymore, see you later." After a while. Ito Cheng raised his head and let go of the itchy Bucky Lulu, caressed her cheek with his right hand, gently slid his thumb across her red lips and whispered softly.

Then he let go of Bucky Lulu, who was a little weak in his arms. He turned around and walked out of the room, returning to his own room.

After a moment, Bucky Lulu, who regained consciousness, frowned and straightened out her somewhat messy clothes, and looked out the door with a complicated look on her still blushing face, not knowing what she was thinking.

From this day on, even though Baki Lulu deliberately avoided Ito Cheng, the secretive Ito Cheng could always find opportunities to harass her in front of and behind people, instead of sneaking up on her when others were not paying attention. He stretched out his hand to gently rub her buttocks, and kissed her soft lips hard during a certain gap, teasing her emotions.

This persisted for more than a week. Bucky Lulu, who was looking a little haggard, finally decided to have a good talk with Ito Cheng, so that night, Bucky Lulu took the initiative to come to the door of Ito Cheng's room.

"Captain Ito Cheng, my name is Natal Bucky Lulu, and I have something to talk to you about." Ito Cheng, who was reading a Taoist book in the room, suddenly heard Bucky's voice coming from the controller next to the door. Lulu's voice. He was very surprised and put the Taoist book on the bed, got up, walked to the door and opened it.

"Shua~" The door retracted toward the wall on the side, and then Bakkiru in military uniform appeared in front of Ito Cheng.

"I didn't expect you to take the initiative to find me. I'm really surprised." Ito Cheng looked at the door, looking a little haggard, but still looking like a standard soldier, Bucky Lulu said with a happy smile. Then he stepped aside to open the door and invited, "Come in."

Hear permission. Bucky Lulu didn't speak, walked into Ito Cheng's room silently, and stood quietly in the room, waiting for Ito Cheng.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Ito Cheng sat back on the bed again and looked at Bucky Lulu who was still standing there and asked.

"Captain Ito Cheng." Upon hearing the question, Bucky Lulu raised her head and shouted seriously.

"There are no outsiders here. There is no need to be as rigid as usual. You can just call me Ito Cheng." Ito Cheng waved his hand and demanded.

"Okay, Ito Cheng." Bucky Lulu took a deep breath and said, "I want to know how you are willing to give up harassing me."

"Are you disturbing me?" Hearing this, Ito Cheng repeated with a smile.

"Yes." Bucky Lulu said seriously.

"Okay, that was indeed harassment, but it was just a trick because you refused to accept my feelings, so you had to use it. Don't you know that?" Ito Cheng spread his hands to Bucky Lulu and said.

"If you want to pursue me, you can use normal methods. It's not like I won't accept it." Baji Lulu raised her voice and said with some excitement.

"But you always wrap your feelings in this expression and never show your true appearance in front of me. You make it impossible for me to start, so instead of letting myself be in a place where you are so repulsive, If you retreat under the influence of others, it is better to take the initiative to shatter your disguise and let you show your truest side in front of me, just like this." As Ito Cheng said, he stood up from the bed and walked slowly to the goddess. Seeing the flustered Bucky appearing in front of her, he naturally put his arms around her waist, lowered his head gently and kissed Bucky's red lips, which were breathing heavily.

"Me~" Maybe because she was used to Ito Cheng's domineering kiss, Bucky Lulu didn't resist too much. She just closed her eyes and silently endured the teasing of Ito Cheng's tongue that penetrated her mouth.

After a moment, Ito Cheng, who was still holding Bucky Lulu, raised his head and looked at Bucky Lulu, whose eyes were still closed and his face was crimson. He laughed softly, "Look, isn't this good? At least I know You like this."

"You're talking nonsense." Hearing this, Baji Lulu quickly opened her eyes and said in a panic.

"You know whether it's nonsense or not." After saying that, he lowered his head and kissed Bucky Lulu's red lips again.

"Stop kissing, I want us to have a good talk." When Ito Cheng let her go again, Bakki Lulu said hurriedly. At this time, Baji Lulu's expression was no longer rigid, but rather weak.

"Okay." Ito Cheng chuckled and nodded in agreement, then he carried Bucky Lulu back to the bed and sat down, letting Bucky Lulu in his arms sit across his lap, looked at her and said, "You what you want to say."

"Well, when someone is around, can you stop touching me?" Bucky, who was hugged and sitting on his lap by Ito Cheng, whispered uncomfortably.

"As long as you can promise to face me like you are now when no one is around." Ito Cheng looked at Bucky Lulu and said with a smile.

"Only when no one is around?" Bucky Lulu said awkwardly.

"Well, it's just when there's no one around." Ito Cheng said affirmatively.

"That's...ok." Baji Lulu hesitated for a moment and agreed.

"That's right." Ito Cheng raised his hand and lightly brushed the sea on Bakki Lulu's forehead, and chuckled, "Now that this matter has been resolved, what are you going to say to me?"

"Well, if you want to be my boyfriend, it's not impossible." Bucky blushed in vain, and said in a nonchalant tone, "As long as you can be promoted to colonel and get rid of some of your bad habits, At least you have to act like a serious soldier when in front of others."

"Oh?" Ito Cheng looked at Bucky Lulu with interest, waiting for her explanation.

"I was born into a military family and was raised as a soldier since I was a child. At the same time, my marriage partner was also limited to military personnel. From my father's point of view, at least he must be a school-level officer, and my father I think a soldier should look like a soldier and not be a casual person, so if you want to be my boyfriend, you must at least meet his requirements." At first, Bucky Lulu was a little shy, but as she continued As he told the story, his shyness gradually subsided, until he finally returned to his normal appearance and said with a serious face.

"You're thinking too far ahead. This relationship hasn't even started yet, and you've already thought about getting married." After Bucky Lulu finished speaking, Ito Cheng immediately started teasing. Bucky Lulu, who was teased, blushed instantly, turned her head to the side in embarrassment, and said nothing.

"But I'm wondering, are you looking for a boyfriend yourself, or are you looking for a boyfriend for your father? If you are looking for a boyfriend, then the most important question is whether you like him, not whether he is suitable for your father. request." Ito Cheng reached out and hugged Bucky Lulu into his arms, and said softly, "Now the question is, do you like me?"

"...I don't know." Upon hearing Ito Cheng's inquiry, Bakki Lulu lowered her head and thought seriously for a moment before whispering.

"It's not bad that I don't know. At least it proves that you don't like me." After getting Bucky Lulu's answer, Ito Cheng said happily.

"Yes...really?" Bucky Lulu asked hesitantly.

"Of course, since you don't know, it means that you don't hate me, or that you have some inexplicable feelings about me that even you yourself don't know. This is the basis for developing into liking, but this basis requires both of us. It’s just business between individuals,” Ito Cheng explained.

"Oh~" Bucky Lulu responded as if she didn't understand.

"You, have you never been in love?" Looking at Bucky Lulu's performance, Ito Chenggami looked at Bucky Lulu in surprise and said.

"I went on a blind date..." Baji Lulu said rather forcefully.

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