Magic world

Chapter 368 Entering Orb

\u003e\u003cFirst\u003e\u003cStart\u003e Then, in order to meet the enemy, the two [Skymasters] piloted by Ito Cheng and Mu and the Strike Gundam piloted by Kira rushed out of the Archangel and fought with the enemy. In this situation where the driver's skills were completely unequal, it didn't take long for Ito Cheng and the other three to annihilate the enemies who came to attack, ending the battle.

"Cagalli was not involved in this battle. Naturally, she would not have attacked the transport plane that Aslan was riding on, and then lived with Aslan on a desert island for a day and night. This is tantamount to directly cutting off Cagalli. It is entirely possible that the basis of the initial relationship with Aslan will cause Cagalli's later emotional changes, and I don't know if she will gain more power from the world." Ito Cheng thought secretly after returning to the Archangel.

After all, feelings are full of uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the next time Cagalli rescues Aslan, he will be corrected back to the original track by the power of the world. Therefore, there is no accurate estimate of how much power of the world can be obtained. It all depends. God willing.

However, because Cagalli was no longer living on a desert island, Malu and Bucky Lulu, who originally had their first conflict over whether to rescue Cagalli, were naturally at peace with each other, and at the same time, they were no longer delayed. The Archangel of Time also arrived at the Strait of Malacca one day earlier than the original work, and had a fierce conflict with the Zaft defenders there.

Good thing. Due to unknown reasons, the submarine aircraft carrier that Aslan's Sara team was riding on started to have problems starting from this morning, and it did not participate in the siege of the Archangel, causing the Archangel to pay more At the cost of multiple injuries, it forcibly broke through the defense line of the Malacca Strait and entered the Pacific Ocean.

In this way, the body was dragged and injured, and after eight days of sailing on the water, on March 22, the Archangel sailed into the southern Pacific Ocean where the Orb Kingdom is located. At the same time, it also ushered in the most dangerous attack it has encountered since landing on the earth.

The opponents in this battle not only have a large number of zaft air troops and a small amount of water-based Gunns, but also the four powerful Gundams of Holy Shield, Thunder, Storm, and Duel driven by Sara's team led by Aslan, so even with Ito Become the assistance of the [Sky King] piloted by this more master than in the original work. The Archangel still couldn't get over the pain of being half-destroyed, and finally had to be forced to land in the waters of the Orb Kingdom following a warning from the Orb Defense Navy Guards. Watching the opponent pretending to use artillery fire to bombard the sea around the Archangel and drive away Zaft's army, and then after Zaft's army withdrew. Led by two frigates from the Orb Defense Naval Guard, they sailed into a secret port in Orb.

"I hope there won't be any trouble by then." At this time, Ito Cheng, who was holding his hands on his chest and leaning on the wall of the Gnaku, thought to himself.

"Major Flagg and Captain Ito Cheng, please come to the bridge. Repeat, Major Flagg and Captain Ito Cheng, please come to the bridge." At this moment, an in-ship broadcast suddenly rang.

After hearing the content on the radio, Ito Cheng and Mu quickly went to the locker room to change into military uniforms, and then walked towards the bridge together.

"Shua~" The closed door of the bridge opened automatically.

"What's wrong?" Mu, who walked into the bridge first, asked Ma Liu.

"We are going to meet the master of this country together, Representative Uzmi Yura Asha." Malu, holding a military cap in his hand, explained to Mu and Ito Cheng with a serious face.

"Huh?" Mu glanced at Ma Liu in front of him in surprise, and then turned his gaze to Bucky Lulu beside him. Waiting for confirmation.

"Yes." Baji Lulu nodded and confirmed.

"Uh, okay, I understand." Mu sighed and nodded.

Then, Ito Cheng, Malu, Bakirulu and Mu arranged their clothes and came to the Asha family together with Kisaka who had changed back into Orb uniforms. And was arranged to sit down in an empty banquet hall. As for Kisaka himself, after completing the task of leading the way, he immediately left the banquet hall, not knowing what he was doing.

And not long after Kisaka left, he was wearing a dark red suit with a light blue shirt underneath, and had long black hair and a thick short beard. The tall, lanky man with a kind and dignified face walked into the banquet hall.

"Representative Uzumi." Seeing the man entering the room, Ito and the others immediately stood up from their seats and greeted him with a military salute.

"Hello." Ashar walked slowly to the side of the long square table, pulled out the only chair left in the room, and greeted everyone, "Sit down."

Immediately, Ito Cheng and others sat on the chairs together.

"First of all, thank you for your country's rescue of our ship. However, I want to know how you plan to deal with the Archangel and us." Malu, who was sitting majestically, looked at Ashar opposite with a serious face and said. .

"As you all know, our Orb is neutral." Asghar said in a calm tone and at a gentle speed.

"Yes." Malu confirmed.

"We declare to the outside world that your ship was pursued by our army and has left territorial waters." Asghar continued.

"Yes." Malu responded.

"Could it be that the reason for saving us... is because the daughter is also on board." On the side, Mu, who is the same rank as Maru among the four of Ito Cheng and is only one level lower than Maru in terms of function, suddenly said.

"Do you think the fate of the country and the fate of my silly daughter who has been pampered since she was a child can be compared?" Asgha asked in a calm tone, still calm.

"Excuse me." Mu apologized.

"If that were the case, the world would not be so complicated." Ashar said. Then after a moment of silence, Asghar continued with a serious face, "What happened in Heliopolis, the children of our country who were involved in the war and became volunteers, the legendary x-series active on the battlefield .Whether it would be better to only save people and let the ship and the mobile suit be shot down, we debated for a long time, and even now I don’t know if it is the right thing to do.”

"I'm very sorry. Although my words are insignificant, as an individual, I feel very sorry for Heliopolis and the children." Malu lowered his head and said with an apologetic tone.

"Forget it, we are also wrong in this matter. It even involves internal issues of the country." Asghar said magnanimously. "We remain neutral because we don't want to be enemies with natural people or adjusters. However, if we don't have the power, We cannot implement this will. But if we have the power, we will become the target of public criticism. These words seem a bit redundant to you as soldiers."

Uzmi-Yura Asghar said mockingly at the end.

"I can understand what Master Uzumi said, but we..." Malu immediately said, but as he spoke, his face became ugly, obviously thinking of something bad.

"In short, let me tell you the biggest reason to protect you from being sunk. We need all the combat data of the Assault Gundam so far, and we hope that pilot adjuster Kira Yamato can provide technical support to our country's dawn. If you agree We can also provide your ship with a lot of convenience." Ashar said solemnly, clasping his hands together and placing them on the table in front of him.

"Lord Uzumi. That..." After hearing Asghar's request, Malu stood up hurriedly and wanted to say something, but looking at Asghar's determined face across from him, he had no choice but to swallow his words. Li fell silent and spoke again after a moment, "Okay. I agree to your request."

Afterwards, the four of Ito Cheng and the others, who completed the transaction and had dinner with Uzumi Yura Asghar, were sent back to the Archangel.

"You actually didn't show anything strange to me from beginning to end. Don't you want to cause trouble and ruin this deal?" Ito Cheng thought to himself after returning to the Archangel ship.

"Shua~" The door closed again.

"I object, this country is very dangerous." As soon as the door closed, Bucky Lulu said loudly to Malu who had just sat behind the desk in the captain's lounge.

"If you say so. What should we do? Get off the boat here? Then we can all swim to Alaska together?" Mu looked at Bucky Lulu and asked.

"I didn't say that, I meant negotiating with them about the cost of repairs." Bakki Lulu retorted.

"Of course I know that," Mu said helplessly.

"Is the matter really that simple? Although they didn't say anything, they must have been under pressure from Zaft. In this case, they still protect us. You know the reason." Malu looked at Bakilu seriously. Lu said.

"Since the captain said so, I have no right to object, but regarding this matter, please allow me to report it as an issue when we arrive in Alaska." Bucky Lulu said firmly. Then he gave a military salute to Malu, turned around and left the captain's lounge.

Shortly after Bucky Lulu left, Ito Cheng and Mu also left the captain's lounge one after another. What followed was a day and night of rest and preparation. Then in the early morning of the third day after arriving in Orb, Ito Cheng climbed out of bed early, walked out of the room, and secretly followed the rapist who went to the secret base of the Dawn Society according to the deal. Attacking Gundam, he came to a huge factory hidden in the mountain.

"Is this the true core of Shuguang Society?" Ito Cheng, who was hiding in the forest, thought to himself as he looked at the gradually closing mountain. Afterwards, Ito Shigei, who confirmed the location of the base, immediately jumped off the branch and quickly returned to the Archangel ship.

"Morning." Ito greeted Bucky Lulu in front of him.

"Good morning, Captain Ito Cheng." Bucky Lulu replied solemnly.

"What are you doing?" Ito Cheng asked doubtfully as he looked at the direction of Bucky Lulu's movement.

"I plan to take advantage of this time to sort out the internal systems of the Archangel." Bakki Lulu explained.

"In-ship system? Main program?" Ito Cheng raised his eyebrows and said with great interest. \u003c stuff. "Baki Lulu said unsuspectingly.

"That's it. I'm free anyway, so why don't I come with you." Ito nodded with a confused expression, then took a step forward and came to Bucky Lulu's side, and naturally put his arm around her shoulders and smiled. road.

"Captain Ito Cheng, please respect yourself." Bakki Lulu frowned, stepped aside and said in a deep voice.

"It's like this again." Ito Cheng sighed helplessly, then raised his head and said to Bucky Lulu, "It seems that I have to find another way to gain your affection."

When Baji Lulu heard this, her brows furrowed even more tightly.

"Natal." Ito Cheng looked at Bucky Lulu in front of him and called out. Then, with the latter's confused expression, he took a step forward and pushed Bucky Lulu against the wall of the corridor. He probed her lips and kissed her, no matter how much Bucky Lulu struggled, she refused to let go until Ito Cheng let her go.

"It's a very raw kiss. Is this your first kiss, Natal?" Ito Cheng stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, looking at Bucky Lulu who was very close and laughed.

"Captain Ito Cheng, you are sexually harassing and you are going to court-martial." Bucky Lulu, with a crimson face, glared at Ito Cheng and shouted.

"It doesn't matter." After Ito Cheng finished speaking, he kissed Bucky Lulu's red lips again, and his tongue flexibly penetrated her mouth, chasing the pink tongue that was dodging around in Bucky Lulu's mouth.

After a while, feeling that Bucky Lulu might be out of breath, she raised her head and left, letting her breathe in the fresh air. When Bucky Lulu almost recovered, she suddenly kissed her again.

This was repeated several times until Bucky Lulu's eyes were confused.

Fortunately, it is now the time when the Archangel is being renovated, and most of the staff on the ship are busy outside. There is almost no one inside the ship except for the staff who stay on the bridge, so Ito Chengcai can freely tease Bucky Lulu here. Without worrying about being discovered.

"How does it feel? It's great." Ito Cheng's right hand caressed Bucky's blushing cheek, looking at her slightly drunken eyes and chuckled. At the same time, the left hand that was resting on Bucky Lulu's shoulder slid down gently along his arm and stopped on Bucky Lulu's buttocks. He patted it gently and then said, "Okay, let's go and sort out the system first. Wait. After sorting it out, I have plenty of time to play.”

Feeling the slap on her butt, Bucky Lulu finally recovered from the itching and intoxication, stared at Ito Cheng fiercely and cursed, "You bastard."

"There's nothing I can do about it, Natal. You always look like you're rejecting people, so I had to take this step. And do you dare to say that you don't like the feeling just now?" Ito Cheng gently rubbed his left hand. Squeezing Bucky Lulu's buttocks, he teased.

Hearing Ito Cheng's words, Baki Lulu's eyes immediately flashed with confusion, and then she was shocked. She waved away Ito Cheng's left hand that was squeezing her buttocks, and quickly turned around and headed towards her previous destination.

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