Magic world

Chapter 332 Nuclear Bomb

"Attention everyone, prepare missiles." A man's command came from our military channel.

Immediately, all MA pilots opened the missile box hatch at the tail end of their MA, pressed their fingers on the firing button, and waited for the order to be issued.

A minute later, the voice rang again, shouting "She!"

In an instant, hundreds of specially designed missiles were immediately fired from MA's missile launch boxes, and they were densely spread in front of the entire MA square array, like swarms of insects, trailing and still emitting white smoke. The long tail flame flew towards the huge artificial satellite [Junius Seven] like a tipped hourglass in front of it. Among the dense group of specially-made missiles, a nuclear bomb with a black and yellow radiation warning icon on the missile was mixed in. Together with other missiles, it flew towards [Junius Seven] at extremely high speed.

After a while, the densely packed special missiles mixed with a nuclear bomb finally hit [Junius Seven], and in the narrow part in the middle of [Junius Seven], there was a ball of magnificent glittering missiles. Colorful mist suddenly spurted out, and then a shock ripple visible to the naked eye and several fireballs appeared on [Junius Seven] at the same time, blasting several huge gaps in the outer wall of its outer structure, along with the internal With the sudden change in pressure difference, a huge suction force was born, and the artificial land, buildings, and creatures inside immediately flew out from the opening. Then the unprotected animal immediately expanded and exploded into a pile of flesh and blood due to the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the body. In addition, because of the damage of [Junius VII]. A huge temperature difference occurs at the same time, and the water vapor inside it instantly freezes into ice lumps, freezing patches of artificial land or the humans on it.

Subsequently, due to the violent explosion at the narrow connection of the artificial satellite, [Junius Seven] slowly broke into two parts from the middle. Without the fixed external structure, the defensive wall and the solar panel were separated in an instant [You Nius Seven] was fixed, and with the momentum generated by the explosion and shock wave, it flew out in all directions. If the direction of flying is wrong. It will be like an attack, once again causing a large amount of damage on the already fragile [Junius Seven].

At this time, Zaft, who was the garrison on Junius VII, finally woke up from the huge change. Under the leadership of their respective captains, they drove MS and rushed towards the MA army hovering in the universe with crazy faces on their faces.

But except for a few lucky people and ace pilots, they escaped the initial blockage by luck or strength. All the others were blown up by the laser beam fired by Ma on the way to Ma's main force, and they died together with [Junius Seven]. As for the remaining MSs that were lucky enough to escape the first batch of attacks, they would also fall in the subsequent second and third batches of attacks. No MS could rush in front of the MA army and cause them even the slightest damage.

"I remember that the MA troops who launched this attack were all wiped out by the plant's pursuit troops. It seems that after absorbing the power of these souls, they will find a way to escape from the large troops and move to the nearby colonial satellite. I hope that by this time l4 There are already arms dealers or scavenger organizations on the colonial satellites in the universe." Sitting in the ma cab, watching the broken optical image of the [Junius 7] satellite played on the screen, Ito Cheng secretly felt planned.

After waiting for more than a minute. The male voice that issued the order sounded again, ordering "Return at full speed."

"Damn it, I've only absorbed the soul energy of less than 100,000 people, how could I just leave like this." Ito Cheng mentally cursed. But as a soldier, obeying orders is a must. Therefore, Ito Cheng can only expand the absorption range of the Rubik's Cube as much as possible, absorb as much soul energy as possible that is floating into the universe, and then drive MA and follow the large army back to the MA mothership "Roosevelt".

Just on the way to the mothership "Roosevelt", Ito Cheng quickly scanned the inside and outside of the MA fuselage with his mental power. After finding a place where he could tamper with his hands and feet, he immediately stretched out his hand and pressed it against the side wall of the MA cab. The refining formation was launched. Immediately, the tail engine of the horse, which was flying normally, immediately broke out in a flash fire, and flames shot out intermittently from the nozzles of the two thrusters.

"What's wrong?" Jane's voice immediately sounded in the communication channel, asking with concern.

"I don't know, maybe it was affected by the shock wave and the thruster failed." Ito Cheng replied casually making up a reason. However, as a precision machine, it is okay for MA to have such a malfunction at this time. After all, it is MA's first time to participate in the destruction of artificial satellites. It is normal for one or two machines to malfunction during this period.

"Can you handle it?" Jane asked.

"No, professional tools are needed for repair." Ito Chengdeni said.

"0086 What's going on there?" the army commander's voice suddenly came from the communicator.

"Sir, the horse I am driving may have been affected by the shock wave generated by the explosion of [Junius VII], and the thruster device has malfunctioned and is being dealt with." Shige Ito reported immediately.

"I understand, let's solve it as soon as possible." After the commander said this, he cut off the communication.

"Jane, you go back with the main force first, and I will go back later." Ito Cheng still controlled the speed of the thruster, and gradually dropped the MA he was driving to the back of the main force, and told Jane in the communication channel said.

"Okay." Jane agreed, then closed the communication channel.

Afterwards, Ito Cheng simply stopped the operation of the two thrusters, slowly distanced himself from the large army, then hovered in the universe and began to suck in the power of the soul.

"0086 What's the situation over there?" More than a minute later, the commander who still hadn't seen the horse driven by Ito Cheng sent him another communication inquiry.

"Sorry, I may need the maintenance team to take me back." Ito Cheng said regretfully.

"Meet..." After hearing Ito Cheng's words, the commander fell silent, and finally said "I understand" and turned off the communicator. Obviously the commander gave up on Ito Cheng. After all, the battle plan this time was a raid. If he could not leave the scene immediately after the raid, the only possibility would be death. It takes about two minutes to return to the MA mothership "Roosevelt" from [Junius Seven], and then it takes at least half an hour for the mothership to evacuate the universe where [Junius Seven] is located. These It was enough time for Plant to send out troops and arrive at [Junius VII]. As a commander, it is impossible for him to send a maintenance team to recruit people and waste time just for the sake of a military star, regardless of the lives of others, otherwise his role as commander would be in vain.

"It seems to have been abandoned." Ito Cheng said quite self-deprecatingly, and then activated the refinement formation to repair the ma's propeller, and drove the ma towards [Junius Seven] while whispering He muttered, "I hope you can return to the moon alive, and Jane, I'm sorry."

Ito Cheng's horse was not far from [Junius Seven], so with his horse flying at full speed, he arrived in front of [Junius Seven] without even taking a minute and picked one. The hiding place composed of several huge pieces of debris hid the ma inside, and then turned off the thrusters and communication systems, silencing the entire ma to prevent the radar, heat sources and electronic exploration of the zaft troops that may arrive at any time, and absorb it with peace of mind Aroused the power of the soul.

About three minutes later, a large group of dots of fire appeared in the universe where [Junius Seven] was located. After a while, they turned into hundreds of MS and appeared in [Junius Seven]. Nearby, it hovered.

"Damn natural people! I'm going to kill them all!" An angry male voice came out from the wide area public channel.

"Kill all the natural people!" A large group of people echoed in an instant, and then gradually everyone shouted together.

"Leave three teams to see if there are any survivors. The others will join me and catch up with those natural people who are worse than beasts and kill them all!" In the wide area channel, a person who spoke clearly sounded like the leader. The male voice said.

"Yes." Many Zafts responded in unison, and then fifteen MSs were separated from more than a hundred MSs and moved towards the wreckage of [Junius VII] which was still disintegrating. The remaining MSs, led by one of the MSs, rushed towards the distance with fierce momentum.

At this time, Ito Chengya also collected the soul fragments of 700,000 people floating out of [Junius Seven], turning them into a long river of souls in the Rubik's Cube world, flowing towards the will energy group in the void. .

Outside, the fifteen MSs left behind roughly inspected the wreckage of [Junius VII] and after confirming that there were no survivors, they turned around and chased the large MS units.

"Phew, finally gone." After the fifteen MSs completely disappeared into the universe, and not even a single spark could be seen, Ito Cheng quickly restarted the MA, ignited the thrusters, flew out of the hiding place, and then continued without stopping. Fly towards the nearest L4 universe.

After more than three hours, during which they used various means such as meteorite drifting, they finally reached the L4 universe before the MA fuel ran out, and flew towards the nearest colonial satellite landing port.

In the L4 universe, the war that almost destroyed the colonial satellites of the entire universe has not yet occurred, so it has not been abandoned now. It is still under the control of the East Asia Federation, and it is filled with large and small East Asia Federation members. There are more than a dozen artificial resource satellites, a prosperous scene. (You are welcome to come. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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