Magic world

Chapter 331 February 14

"Yeah!" The pilot immediately cheered in the communication channel, but before he could finish cheering, the laser beam emitted by another MS shot through the thruster and exploded into a pile of cosmic garbage.

"Don't be distracted, celebrate until you get back to the battleship." Ito Cheng's voice immediately rang in the communication channel, reminding him. However, Ito Cheng's reminder was still a step too late. During this period, another one of our own MA was blown up by Plant's MS, and another MA was blown up with two missile launch boxes.

"Listen to me and start circling and attacking alternately." Seeing this, Ito Cheng wrinkled and ordered the remaining people.


The others responded in unison, and together with Ito Cheng, they quickly circled around the remaining four MSs, and then fired at the four MSs alternately. However, the four MSs were not stupid. They immediately stood back to back like real people, forming a defensive formation on all sides. At the same time, they raised their arms and fired the Scud missiles on their arms.

Several missiles immediately trailed long tails of flames and flew towards the MAs around them, instantly destroying the MA's circling formation and causing the MA's to disperse again. At this time, four MSs aimed unceremoniously at two of the MAs and started firing.

I saw four laser beams suddenly flying out and heading towards the two targeted mashes. The two MAs were already in a bit of a panic being chased by Scud missiles, and they could only barely dodge the sudden laser beam. So almost the next moment, one of the MAs that failed to avoid it exploded in the universe. There was a ball of fire, but the other one barely escaped the laser beam. But it also damaged the propeller, and the ma suddenly lost control and was blown to pieces by the missile that followed. \u003ca, locked on one of the MSs, and launched a dozen small missiles.

After the small missiles separated the four MSs, they immediately turned their noses and aimed at the Scud that was chasing the tail of its own horse. .. the shedding started. Three fireballs immediately exploded in the universe, illuminating the five MAs and four MSs present.

"Everyone, launch the missiles you carry immediately." Ito Cheng quickly ordered.

Immediately, more than a hundred small missiles appeared in the universe trailing long white smoke tails. Flying after the four MS. Taking this opportunity, Ito Cheng immediately adjusted his direction and followed more than a hundred small missiles. Fly towards one of the MS. Then, when the MS fired the missile back, it suddenly attacked and destroyed it.

"There are three more." Ito Cheng muttered silently, and then he drew a big arc and walked to the side of another MS, destroying its arm holding the laser gun, and then another MS followed. The mama was beaten into a sieve and exploded into garbage.

The pilots of the two remaining MSs immediately turned red when they saw this, and a look of madness and hatred flashed across their faces. Immediately afterwards, I saw one of the MSs chasing one of Ito Chengkata's MAs without caring about anything, and then in the clamping machine between the two MAs, I killed one of the MAs and injured the other one. After that, he was also beaten up by the injured horse. The driver of the blown-up MA was none other than Captain Moore, whom Ito Cheng was familiar with.

"Captain!" Ito Cheng shouted immediately after seeing the MA explode. A feeling of anger filled his heart.

As a result, the last remaining MS, which was already insignificant, was quickly destroyed by the angry Ito Cheng and another MA.

In this battle, Ito Cheng's team eliminated an MS reconnaissance team on the plant side at the cost of losing five MAs and two MAs being partially disabled. Among them, Ito Chengdu Li destroyed two MS, assisted other members to destroy two MS, and another team member destroyed one MS. Although the battle damage seemed to be somewhat unequal, it was the best result since the war between the Council and Plant. So when they returned to the battleship, they were immediately received and praised by Captain Edward, who promised that awards would be issued soon.

After the reception, Ito Cheng returned to the team, and together with the team members who had received the news, mourned the death of Captain Moore. After mourning, Jane, who felt even more psychologically depressed, found Ito Cheng again and had a crazy game with him in Ito Cheng's dormitory to vent her inner depression.

At the same time, as a model counterattack with the smallest battle loss ratio, the battle report of Ito Cheng and others was immediately conveyed to the top military officials as quickly as possible, and then was exaggerated and polished by the top military officials, and directly publicized to increase the public awareness. confidence in war. Among them, Shige Ito, who is the team leader and has a record of destroying MS, is naturally regarded as a star and ace and is flaunted. Afterwards, the senior military officials who had benefited would naturally not be stingy with the rewards. Four of the surviving members of Ito Cheng were promoted to military ranks at the same time. However, compared to the promotion of others, Ito Cheng, as the main figure, was promoted to a greater extent. Directly He was promoted from second lieutenant to captain, and was about to enter the ranks of middle-level officers at the school level.

However, because of this counterattack, the tension between the council members and the plant became even more tense. The two sides basically showed no restraint. When they saw the other party's patrol and reconnaissance personnel, they did not even report the situation and directly opened fire to attack. As a result, the number of MA pilot casualties increased again, among which the burly male Gray, the baby-faced Violet, and the tall white female Shirley from Ito Cheng's team were killed. Because of this, Jane, who felt increasingly unsafe, no longer cared about it and moved directly to the lieutenant's dormitory assigned to Shigeshin Ito and lived with him.

In this way, in the intermittent exchanges of fire, time came to January 1, CE70... This day is not only the alternation of the old and new years, but also the deadline for Plant's request. Plant, which did not receive the proper response, had to send a congressman to Earth to attend the Council for final negotiations. However, this congressman had just arrived on Earth, and before he could rush to submit the meeting agenda to the council members, he was shot to death in a car heading to the hotel.

Although after this incident, [Blue Cosmos] claimed responsibility for the incident, but it was found from various signs that the person behind the incident was Plant, who resolutely stopped the delivery of materials to the earth. As a result, the member states that almost completely relied on plant production for various materials were instantly trapped in a dilemma of shortage of materials. Affected by this, the fleet's supplies are no longer as abundant as before.

As a result, the people who were already resentful of Plant, under the deliberate guidance of the government officials under the control of [Blue Cosmos], became even more hostile to the adjusters, making the entire earth circle anti-Plant and anti-adjusters more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

After more than a month of stalemate, seeing the situation becoming increasingly tense, the United Nations, as the highest political organization on earth, had to intervene and mediate, calling on both sides to send representatives to sit down and talk. This is the lunar meeting on February 5, CE70.

However, on February 5th, another bomb terrorist attack occurred in the lunar city of Copernicus, causing the collective death of representatives of the council members and UN leaders from the UN President down to the Earth side who were originally scheduled to participate in the meeting. It turned out that Siegel Klein, the representative of the plant, escaped due to a malfunction of the aircraft.

Two days later, on February 7, the Atlantic Federation, as a representative of the council members, declared that the terrorist attack on the [Lunar Conference] was carried out by Plant, and concluded that this was a declaration of war by Plant against the earth and all natural humans. At the same time, it was announced with this speech that the international organization [United Earth] was established to replace the collapsed United Nations. At the same time, the Fourth Universe Fleet was officially renamed as the Earth-United Eighth Universe Advance Force, which was the Eighth Fleet that was destroyed in the future because of the Archangel.

On February 8th, before the Atlantic Federation, which had just announced the establishment of the [United Earth], could quickly gather its forces, it received a declaration of neutrality from Ashar, the representative of the Orb United Emirates. The representative of the United Arab Emirates, Uzmi Nala Asgha, declared that "no matter how things develop in the future, the United Arab Emirates will always implement the principles of duplicity and neutrality."

The next day, February 9, Ito Cheng, Jane, Gilbert and other additional MA pilots were urgently recruited to the lunar base tow truck for integration.

On February 10th, various materials were being mobilized in the Tolemi base, and a tense atmosphere before the war was permeating...

On February 11th, the Earth Alliance officially declared war on Plant and began its attack from the lunar base Tolemy. As a MA pilot and team leader, Ito Cheng naturally participated in it. In addition to the two original team members, Jane and Gilbert, his men also have four other newcomers...

In the midst of all the chaos, time has come to Valentine’s Day on February 14th in a blink of an eye. As the tight assembly alarm sounded inside the MA aircraft carrier "Roosevelt", everyone including Ito Cheng immediately put down their work and ran to the playground inside the ship. Then several officers and a man in a suit walked up to everyone and began to speak. The content is nothing more than a plan to launch a surprise attack on the plant agricultural satellite [Junius VII], as well as arrangements for combat operations.

After the speech ended, everyone immediately ran to the Gnaku, changed into protective clothing, climbed onto their horses and waited for the battle to begin.

More than twenty minutes later, as Ito Cheng shouted "Ito Cheng, Ma Moebius, attack", a large number of MA flew out from the MA aircraft carrier "Roosevelt", densely forming a three-dimensional formation, heading towards the agriculture ahead. The satellite Junius launches a surprise attack.

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