Magic world

Chapter 255 Debugging

"Okay, take off your clothes.**" Lakshatta brought Kallen to the testing equipment and turned around and said.

"T-Take off your clothes?" Kallen repeated as she looked at Lakshata in surprise.

"Of course, what I want to do on you is a precise test. Any foreign objects will affect the accuracy of the data. Of course, it doesn't matter to me if you are not prepared to cherish your life." Lakshata crossed his arms across his chest and said He held the pipe pot and took a sip in his mouth.

"But... but..." Kallen said hesitantly as her eyes swept back and forth over the bodies of Ito Cheng and the four men among the researchers.

"Oh, it turns out you don't want men to see your body." After tilting her head and observing Kallen's expression for a moment, Lakshatta said suddenly, then turned to the four male scientific researchers on the side and shouted, "Salman Khan, Gandhi, Shah Rukh, and Hrithik, the four of you, leave here first and call Kiran, Veshali, Ashmita, and Suryatrana who are at the data debugging center."

"Okay." "Got it" "ok" "Yes." After hearing Lakshatta's order, the four people immediately stopped what they were doing and responded in a confused manner. Then he turned and left the testing room.

"You also leave, big boss." Lakshatta turned to Ito Cheng beside him and said.

"Okay, I'll leave now." Ito Cheng nodded, turned around and left the testing room. Not long after they walked out of the testing room, they met four women walking towards the testing room. They smiled and nodded as they passed each other.

Then walking through the corridor and turning two corners, Ito Cheng returned to the data adjustment center again, watching everyone standing in front of several instruments and carefully formulating data.

"Big boss." One of the middle-aged men who had just finished the data entry work and was going to pour a cup of coffee quickly greeted him after spotting Ito Cheng standing next to him.

"Yes." Ito Cheng responded casually and waved to the middle-aged man beside him, indicating that he was free, while he continued to watch the data on the instrument.

I saw a 21-inch color electronic screen in front of me. An obviously female human body data model rotates at a specific speed on the screen. Next to the data model are written kg, height, flexibility, impairment... and a series of English letters related to body data, neatly arranged in a vertical row. Groups of numbers with undetermined values ​​are jumping randomly below the corresponding English letters. on the far right screen. An octagonal pattern composed of eight equal-sized triangles is displayed there. An irregular figure with a much darker color than the neat octagon is constantly changing and expanding inside the octagon.

At this moment, the human body data model on the screen suddenly stopped, and all the changing values ​​and data on the screen immediately stopped and returned to a blank state instantly. Be prepared to change the most accurate data at any time.

"Have we started?" Ito Cheng said mentally as he looked at the different colors gradually appearing on the human body data model on the screen. Sure enough, at the next moment, another smaller screen popped up on the electronic screen, and a set of electrocardiogram data started beating on the small screen.

Just like this, under the watchful eyes of Ito Cheng. The data on the screen started to change again...

Until more than an hour later, Kallen, who was wearing a white navel-baring tank top, white boxer shorts, slippers, and her hair fixed with a band, walked in behind Lakshatta.

"How is it?" Ito Cheng turned around and asked Lakshatta who was walking towards him.

"It's great. She has one of the best physical stats among the pilots I've ever seen." Lakshata praised without hesitation. "With her stats, she is completely qualified to be the pilot of the Gurren II and directly carry out the mission." Weapons testing.”

"That's good." Ito Cheng smiled at Kallen beside Lakshatta and said.

"Indira, combine the newly obtained human body data with the data of Guren II and input it into the body as OS." Rakshata shouted to the short-haired woman sitting in front of the huge red seknightmare not far away, operating the computer.

"I got it. Sister." A short-haired woman named Indira raised her right hand without looking back. After giving a thumbs up to several people, he continued working.

After a moment, Indira shouted, "Sister, it's done."

"Are you resting well?" After receiving Indira's reply, Lakshata asked Kallen who was drinking boiled water next to her. "If you are resting well, we will start debugging the actual machine."

"That's it," Kallen put the cup in her hand on the cabinet next to her and said seriously.

"Okay. Let's start the actual machine debugging." Lakshatta nodded, turned around and shouted to everyone, "Attention. Now we will start the real machine debugging, and everyone will return to their respective posts. Pay close attention to the data changes, there are Report any problems to me immediately, and other personnel will leave the adjustment site immediately."

"Yes!" In an instant, the originally sloppy scientific researchers responded neatly as if they had turned into soldiers. Then they ran to the instruments they were responsible for without any panic and focused on adjusting the instruments. The other scientific researchers who were just playing tricks on the side quickly left the debugging site and hid.

As the driver, Kallen walked to the Guren-2 on the fixed frame after everyone returned to their positions. After looking at the Guren-2 quietly for a moment, she climbed up the escalator to the Guren-2 with a determined look on her face. Next to the Type 2 cockpit, he jumped in.

Immediately, the outer wall of the protective cover above the cockpit immediately opened and closed, and the head that had been shrunk in the protruding part of the chest also pulled back and stood up at the same time. The electronic eyes under the helmet of a Roman Empire soldier suddenly lit up, and the huge row of The sound of anger came out from the fixed frame that imprisoned Honglian Ershi, and a burst of white mist spurted out from around Honglian Ershi.

"The connection is normal, the cherry stone system is operating normally, the output power is stable, the r system connection is completed, the radiation wave system is operating normally, the motion conduction system is normal, the radar system is normal..." As the exhaust sound sounded, the scientific researchers in the debugging room He immediately dutifully reported the data he monitored, and the sound of continuous reports echoed in the debugging room.

"Karen, shoot a radiation wave at the wall behind you." Lakshatta reached out and pressed a gray button with the word "off" on the instrument in front of her, and then said to the red lotus in the field. Immediately, Lakshata's voice came from the amplification equipment in the tuning room.

"Okay." Kallen replied with the same loudspeaker equipment of the Red Lotus II, then manipulated the Red Lotus II to turn around and raised a huge weapon that was different from the design style of the entire machine towards the wall in front of her. Metal right grip. Immediately afterwards, a red wave visible to the naked eye erupted in a round shape from the metal right grip aimed at the wall. A huge depression immediately appeared on the wall that had been reinforced with multiple layers, and a large amount of radiation was absorbed. Waves of melted pine flower soil fell from the sunken wall, accumulating a small black mound on the ground.

"How's it going?" Lakshata quickly asked the data monitor on the side.

"The output power is stable, and the energy consumption deviation of 1.389% is within the predetermined range, and has no impact on the body." The person in charge of monitoring quickly replied.

"Okay!" Lakshatta shouted excitedly, "Continue the test."

Next, at Lakshata's request, the Red Lotus Type II underwent various tests. Except for the actual combat aspect because there was no extra body and space for testing, all other contents that could be tested in the adjustment room were tested. Finally, The conclusion reached is that Guren II, like Lancelot of Britannia, belongs entirely to the seventh-generation knightmare machine.

"Now that the radiation wave weapon has been completed, it is time to develop subsequent exterior components." Ito Cheng asked.

"Yes." Lakshatta took a big sip from the pot and nodded.

"Then I'm looking forward to your results." Ito Cheng smiled.

"I won't disappoint you," Lakshata said confidently.

"Ask your people to sort out the Guren II Form. I will take it with me when I leave later so that it can be tested in actual combat." Ito Cheng looked at Kallen who jumped out of the Guren II Form. said.

"Okay." Lakshatta responded, walked to the middle of the scientific researchers and gave instructions.

"How do you feel?" Ito Cheng asked with a smile as he looked at Kallen walking up to him.

"It feels great." Kallen said excitedly, "As long as I have this Red Lotus II, I can definitely fight against Britannia's knightmare head-on. Even the white mecha that I don't know the details of, I have the confidence to fight." .”

"Well, according to the original agreement, it will be your exclusive organism from today on." Ito Cheng said.

"Really?" Kallen looked at Ito Cheng in surprise and asked with some uncertainty, "Did you really leave it to me?"

"Of course, the os is written based on your body data, and it has been locked. No one else can drive it without adjustment, so I won't leave it to you." Ito Cheng said matter-of-factly.

"But how should I explain the origin of Red Lotus II to the Black Knights?" Kallen asked.

"Just tell me. I believe that with Zero's ability, he will definitely accept this unexpected gift." Ito Cheng explained with a smile.

Then the two chatted for a while. After the scientific researchers sorted out the Guren II and put them in the elevator, Ito Cheng and Kallen also stood in the elevator and returned to the ground with the Guren II. Then he lifted the Honglian Type 2 onto the transport truck and carried it and Kallen out of the laboratory.

Then Ito Cheng got into his car, turned around and returned to his residence. (To be continued...)


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