Magic world

Chapter 254 Promise

In the elevator transferring people, the dim lights kept flashing, and the violent vibrations made everyone feel unsteady on their feet. If it weren't for the large number of people in the elevator with no extra space for movement, I believe everyone would not be able to move around now. He would no longer stand in the same place, but would roll around in a ball.

After a minute of descending, the elevator door finally opened. Led by several members of the resistance organization, everyone quickly walked out of the elevator, ran out of the still violently shaking passage, boarded the hovercraft provided by the resistance organization, and moved to the safe center of the lake next to them under the leadership of a small ship.

The violent explosion tilted like the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy and sank to the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye. A large amount of smoke and dust spewed out from the sunken position of the building. The huge gravel that fell into the Kawaguchi Lake below immediately stirred up a half-meter-thick water column. Ripples like small waves spread out from below the water column, and soon It affected the hovercraft that everyone was riding on the side. The high and low shaking caused several people with poor sense of balance to immediately vomit.

After a while, all the changes came to an end. The smoke and dust surrounding the building slowly dispersed under the breeze of the lake, and the dark and broken building appeared again in everyone's eyes.

At this time, the voice of Lelouch who transformed into Zero came out from the loudspeaker equipment above the small ship.

"Britannians, don't panic. All the hostages held in the hotel have been successfully rescued and are back to you now." On the ship, the lights and the camera lens rotated together, sweeping across the hovercraft one by one. Everyone was shocked.

Then, on the almost pitch-black ship, several searchlights lit up one after another, revealing the crowd standing under the searchlights. Dozens of men and women wearing black uniforms and hats covering their heads stood in a row. Surrounded by Zero, who stood in front wearing a black cloak and a strange helmet.

"People, fear us and long for us. Our name is the Black Knights!" Zero paused, gave everyone in front of the screen a time to accept, and then continued, "We, the Black Knights, are all people who do not pursue force. Companions of people, whether they are people from District 11 or Brittanians. The Japanese Liberation Front despicably captured ordinary people in Britannia as hostages and brutally killed them. This is a senseless act , so we gave them sanctions. The same goes for the former Governor of Clovis. He looted and killed the people in District 11 without weapons. He couldn't just watch such a tragedy happen, so we also gave him sanctions. I don't deny the war. But , it is never allowed for strong people to unilaterally kill weak people. Only people with the consciousness of death can shoot! We will appear again when people with power attack people without power, no matter which enemy What a power it has.”

"People with power are afraid of us." Zero said, reaching out to wave away the cloak that had been wrapped in front of him. "People without power, long for us. This world is sanctioned by our Black Knights."

"Is the world subject to your sanctions..." Ito Cheng murmured softly with a hint of ridicule at the corner of his mouth.

Two weeks have passed in the blink of an eye since the declaration of the Black Knights that day. The shadows of everyone when they were hostages were gradually erased as this time passed. During this period, except for the reports about the crimes committed by the Black Knights that were broadcast in the news from time to time every day, all the so-called resistance organizations disappeared, and the 11th Administrative District rarely regained a certain degree of calm.

On this day, Ito Cheng was sitting in the classroom, taking a boring history class, when he saw Karen, who was one person away from him, suddenly stood up from her seat and said loudly, "The Black Knights."

Everyone who was stunned by Kallen's sudden voice immediately burst into noisy laughter after a brief period of calm, "Hahahahaha."

Fortunately, Karen is an honor student. The teacher was very tolerant of her, and her yandere disguise helped her to a certain extent. The teacher simply said, "If you feel uncomfortable, go to the infirmary to rest." Then he ignored her and continued the class.

After class, Charlie and Leval, who were fellow students in the student union, came to Kallen one after another and said, "It's rare. Kallen actually dozed off in class."

"Ask Lelouch to accept you as his disciple. That guy is a strong man who dozed off in class." Leval looked at the other side, sitting by the window, his elbows on the table, his fingers on his head, his back to Lelouch of several people said.

"Um? Does that look like he's sleeping?" Kallen turned around and said in surprise when she saw Lelouch's appearance.

"I don't know what that guy has been doing recently. He slept during half of the class, which is really worrying." Livar said.

The three of them chatted casually for a while, and then each left to find a place to enjoy their lunch.

"If you keep staying up late like this, your skin will get worse." At this time, Ito Cheng walked up to Kallen, sat astride the chair in front of her, looked at Kallen and said, "And you Black Knights are really... Are you resisting Britannia? Haven't you played enough of this game of righteous heroes like children playing house? If you continue like this, I can only regret to say that you are hopeless."

"This is Zero's order." Kallen took out the lunch box from the table, picked up a sandwich from it and took a bite before saying.

"Okay, zero's order, but in this case I don't think you can overthrow Britannia. At least I can't see hope for the time being." Ito Cheng spread his hands and said

"You don't join the resistance organization, why are you so enthusiastic?" Kallen looked at Ito Narumi strangely.

"I need to fight to test the weapons. How can I get the experimental data if you don't fight?" Ito Chengcai would not tell Kallen the real situation, but just used the old excuse.

Then the two started chatting casually again, and the lunch time passed in an instant.

Although he urged the Black Knights or Lelouch to do business through Kallen's mouth at noon, Zero, who had a planned plan, was obviously not so easily shaken, and continued to destroy it for several consecutive nights. Drug dealing warehouse until a certain day later.

"Buzz buzz" While he was in class, Ito Cheng's cell phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket. Seeing that the teacher was still writing the course content on the blackboard, he reached out and took out the mobile phone in his pocket, only to see a short message titled Kallen appear on the screen. After opening the text message casually, the words "I agree." immediately caught Ito Cheng's eyes.

"Have you encountered something?" Ito Cheng pressed his thumb on the cancel button, put the phone back into his pocket and said to himself.

After a while, the get out of class bell rang. Ito Cheng simply stuffed the things on the table and walked out of the classroom quickly, went to the rooftop of the teaching building, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey!" The call was answered.

"Have you really thought about it?" Yi Tongcheng asked, leaning his back on the protective railing of the rooftop and resting his elbows on the horizontal bars of the protective railing.

"Well, I want power, the power to change the world." Kallen said firmly on the other end of the phone.

"If you really decide, then I will give you the power to change the world." Ito Cheng said lightly, "You should prepare well these two days. I will take you to the laboratory to test the data on Saturday. "

"Okay." Kallen agreed.

"Hey!" The phone was hung up again. Ito Cheng turned around, leaned over and looked into the distance and said lightly, "Is it the power to change the world? Maybe it would be good to add one more thing besides the machine."

Time soon came to Saturday...

"Bang bang bang!" There was a knock on Ito Cheng's door.

"Hey." Ito Cheng opened the door from the inside, looked at Karen who was wearing an Ashford school uniform outside the door and smiled and said, "Are you ready?"

"Yes." Karen said seriously.

"Okay, let's set off now." Ito Cheng nodded, then walked out of the door, and locked the door again with his right hand around the door. The two came to the garage inside the villa, got into the luxury car, and drove out of the community in an instant.

The car drove at high speed on the empty road...More than half an hour later, it stopped in front of the building where the laboratory was located.

"We're here." Ito Cheng turned off the car, pulled out the car key, opened the door and walked out. Then he said to Karen, who also got out of the car, "Follow me."

The two walked to the building, used Ito Cheng's ID card to pass the door inspection, and then walked inside. They took the elevator on the right side of the hall and went all the way down. About half a minute later, the elevator opened with a ding, and a passage with bright light appeared in front of them. Ito Cheng didn't say anything and walked inside with Karen.

After passing several more inspections, we arrived at the inner area of ​​the laboratory, a room with several instruments and a dozen scientific researchers wearing white coats.

"Lakshata." As soon as he entered the room, Ito called to the blond woman standing in the room smoking a pipe and pot.

"We are a rare visitor." Lakshatta clicked the pot of her pipe in her mouth and turned around to greet him. Then he looked at Karen next to Ito and said, "Is this the driver you are talking about?"

"Not bad." Ito Cheng nodded.

"Okay, let's go test." Lakshatta didn't have any doubts, nodded simply, and walked out of the room with Ito Cheng and Kallen. After turning two corners, we came to a room filled with various testing instruments. Five scientific researchers were busy in front of the instruments. (To be continued...)


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