Magic world

Chapter 2170 Deadpool

"Don't you have a rainbow bridge?" Daisy interjected.

"You don't know that because of Loki's rebellion, the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed, so until the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, all Asgardians can no longer use the Rainbow Bridge to travel through the nine realms." Amora explained.

"What about you? How did you come to Earth?" Eric asked.

"I use magic. I need to travel through several countries to reach the earth, but I can only use it myself. Others cannot use my method to cross the country and come to the earth."

"What's going on with the two of them?" At this time, Jane, who also felt that Amora was speaking unclearly, looked at the executioner and the white woman beside Amora and asked.

"The two of them are Earthlings. They only became what they are now because they accepted the power of Asgard who stayed here in ancient times. They did not come from Asgard with me."

"Can't you three do it too?" Jane looked at the executioner and the white woman dubiously, and asked again.

"You were also present at the battle at that time. Even a warrior as powerful as Thor was defeated by the other party. Those of us who are not warriors are even less likely to defeat him, so we need more manpower." Amora said slightly. Turning his head, he looked directly at Eric, the only male present except the executioner, and said softly with a strange light in his eyes, "You will help me, right?" In an instant, Eric felt his head was dizzy, and in his heart Three words kept popping up - promise her.

"Yes, yes, we will help you. After all, although we have only been together for a short time, Sol and we are also friends." Eric murmured in response.

"Thank you." Amora said thanks with a slight smile on her face.

"You're welcome." Eric responded casually, shaking his head slightly to wake himself up.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you, Eric." Amora said as she handed the magic stone in her hand to Eric.

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Eric reached out and took the magic stone and nodded in agreement.

"Where are you going?" Jane quickly asked as Amora and the other three looked like they were about to turn around and leave.

"Go and track down the whereabouts of the enemy." Amora said in a deep voice.

After saying that, he ignored Jane and others. He turned around and left the apartment where Jane Foster lived, disappearing into the vast night. Then starting from the next day, Eric and Jane devoted themselves to the intense research on the magic stone...

In a private room of a nightclub called Hellfire. Ito Cheng sat opposite a middle-aged man dressed in ethical clothes. Between the two of them, there were three people wearing scantily clad clothes. The blonde beauty with a hot figure danced a gorgeous dance full of sexual temptation and hints with a coquettish posture amidst the loud music played in the private room.

"Mr. Storm invited me out, didn't you just show me this thing?" Ito Cheng, who was holding a wine glass in his hand and looking wildly at the three blondes, said in a calm voice.

"Of course not, this is just a little entertainment, to make the conversation we are waiting for less formal." Storm laughed, and then snapped his fingers. Then, as if they had received some order, the fiery dancers stopped twisting their bodies one after another, walked off the stage one after another, and walked out of the private room swaying their white buttocks.

Then Storm turned around and picked up the remote control placed aside. He pressed his finger to reduce the sound of the music playing in the private room.

But the next second when the music was so low that it no longer affected the conversation, there was only a strange "buzzing" sound, and the music in the entire private room was turned up to the maximum. This sudden harsh buzzing sound directly made Xun Bu rush to defend himself. Ito Ben instinctively tilted his head and closed his right eye slightly. There was an uncomfortable look on his face.

In response to the sudden harsh noise, Storm, an ordinary person next to him, acted even more unbearably. First, he instinctively covered his ears with both hands. Then he fell down on the sofa next to him with a face full of pain.

But that's not all. At this moment, there was a flash of light and shadow in the private room, and a slender black man wearing red tights and holding two slender Japanese-style swords suddenly appeared in the room. The sword in his hand flashed quickly and slashed towards Ito Cheng's body.

The sharp sword light turned into an airtight sword curtain, covering Ito Cheng's whole body.

Ito Cheng's eyes narrowed as a warning sign appeared in his heart, and he immediately deployed an invisible telekinesis shield outside his body without thinking.


next moment. Intense banging sounds resounded throughout the entire private room.

Then Ito Cheng, who had regained his composure, grabbed the attacker behind him with his backhand. However, the latter's figure quickly dodged and escaped Ito Cheng's attack. Suddenly appeared in front of Ito Cheng, the sharp knife in his right hand was thrust forward and stabbed Ito Cheng's head.

But it was precisely because of this that Ito Cheng finally saw who the person who attacked him was.

"Deadpool!?" Ito Cheng said in shock.


While stunned and distracted, Deadpool's long knife once again hit the telekinesis shield outside Ito Cheng's body.

Deadpool, who had failed to succeed in two consecutive attacks, frowned, moved, and used teleportation to dodge away from Ito Cheng. He then held the long knife in his left hand, stretched his fingers forward, and sent a light wave at Ito Cheng. White frost is coming.

"Click, click..."

In an instant, a piece of ice suddenly appeared on the telekinetic shield outside Ito Cheng's body.

At this time, Deadpool's figure flashed again and reappeared in front of Ito Cheng. He slashed with both knives in his hands and struck hard on Ito Cheng's frost-covered telekinesis shield.



Immediately, two small cracks emerged from the place where Deadpool's blade fell, and spread along the location where the frost and cold air existed.

Ito Cheng, who was under the knife, raised his eyebrows, and the same figure flashed, disappeared from in front of Deadpool, and suddenly appeared behind him, with the magic knife in his hand slashing towards Deadpool's neck.

With years of experience in life and death, he noticed the abnormal movement of Deadpool behind him and dodged the attack.

"It turns out that you can also teleport. In that case, let's compare who has the stronger ability." Deadpool, who appeared in the corner of the private room, looked at Ito Cheng in the room with interest and said.

"Okay." Ito Cheng chuckled.

Then the two figures moved at the same time, and a large number of images of Ito Cheng and Deadpool appeared in the private room, with different movements appearing in every corner of the private room, filling the private room that was the size of a bedroom.

But during this process, although the figures of the two people appeared both made offensive movements, the weapons between the two people did not exchange a single blow. They both dodged from the opponent's blade at the moment when the opponent's attack was about to fall. Kai Lai, let his attack fail, and finally fell helplessly on the furnishings in the private room.

As a result, one after another long or short slender knife marks appeared in the private room, cutting the originally majestic private room into a mess. As for Storm, an ordinary person in Neri Village, he died early in the battle between the two. It was unknown whether it was Ito Cheng's attack or Deadpool's blade that cut him into several pieces.

In this way, as the two chased each other, a few seconds passed by...

"I'm going to speed up." At this time, Deadpool's crazy voice sounded.

The next moment, the numerous Deadpool figures that appeared in the room condensed, and more Deadpools appeared in the room, and the blades surrounded one of them, Ito Cheng, like a curtain.

"Do you think I'm going to use all my strength?" Ito Cheng's figure flashed, and he ducked under Deadpool's blade without any control and said with a chuckle. Then he slashed forward with the long knife in his hand, slashing towards Deadpool.

"Hmph! I can still speed up." Deadpool moved and disappeared from under the blade.

"Me too." Ito Cheng smiled.

Immediately, the two of them performed teleportation at an even faster speed than before... A fierce whirlwind gradually formed in the private room, grew stronger, and blew around.


After a while, the strong wind accumulated in the private room finally broke through the barrier of the private room and blew away the door of the private room. Like a tidal wave, it violently spurted out and divided into two relatively even streams, blowing to the left and right along the passage of the nightclub. Scrape it out.

"Let's go fight outside!" Ito Cheng suggested.

"Okay." Deadpool responded.

Then the two vague figures flashed together and appeared in the sky outside the Hellfire Club.

"It seems that you have good taste, and you also know that staying in that cage-like shabby room will not allow people to see my extremely cool fighting posture, so you specially found such a suitable occasion for me to perform, but you have agreed in advance Well, I won’t thank you, and your head is very valuable, so I won’t let you go. Of course, if you can afford a higher price, we don’t have to talk.”

"You have to know that the current financial and economic downturn and various next-generation threats, especially after the alien incident last month, the prices of many things on the market have increased. I really don't know what all the shit in the government is. What are you thinking, are they all focusing on mating bitches and not caring about people's livelihood at all, which has caused my expenses to increase a lot this month."

"By the way, buddy, do you have any good ways to make a living, or are there people you want to kill? You can tell me. When you die, I can help you kill them. Of course, the money must not be less."

"Hey, girls nowadays, all of them are so money-worshipping, so handsome and unrestrained like this..."

Then he chattered endlessly, with no theme at all, spitting out of Deadpool's mouth, and got into Ito Cheng's ears, making him upset.

"Oh no, I've heard that this guy is a super talker. I didn't realize it when we were fighting in the private room just now, but now I believe it." Ito Cheng frowned slightly and said to himself while enduring Deadpool's endless chatter.

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