Magic world

Chapter 2169 Experiment

ps: Thank you to classmate "Zhang Xiaozhong" for your valuable monthly vote.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my wife and I welcome you all."

In a building located on the edge of Queens, New York City, near the river, a man with a fat face and a strong body said to everyone in the room with a delighted smile.

He is today’s protagonist—Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius. This was the trial launch conference of the new green energy he developed. In addition to him, his wife and his experimental assistants, there were also industry experts from various related companies, as well as some witnesses invited by Osborne Industries. personnel.

For example, Ito Cheng, he and White Queen Emma, ​​accompanied by half-master Harry Osborn, stood in the front row of everyone, facing Otto Gunther Octavius. Dr. Si.

On the other side of Harry Osborn was Spider-Man, Peter Parker, who was invited as a good friend. When he saw Ito Cheng appearing here, he was obviously stunned. He obviously didn't expect to meet another 'superhero' here.

"But I have to ask first, who lost a banknote tied with a rubber band?" Dr. Otto changed his tone and joked, "We only found rubber bands." Unfortunately, his joke was too cold, and everyone Apart from a polite smile, he really couldn't bring himself to smile any more. On the contrary, Dr. Otto himself was very happy.

"What a cold joke." Later, Otto, who also noticed the situation, laughed at himself and changed the topic back to the topic.

"Thank you all for coming."

"Today... you will witness the birth of a new energy source, a safe and sustainable energy source that provides cheap electricity to everyone. I would like to introduce my assistant..."

Speaking of which. Dr. Otto walked to the side of an object that was covered by a special protective cloth with a tin coating, and raised his hand to pull off the protective cloth.

moment. A strange machine composed of several metal tentacles appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"This four-limb robotic arm is designed to handle nuclear fusion..." Dr. Otto took off his scientific suit, revealing his muscular half body, and walked to the platform where the robotic arm stood and introduced, "They can resist High temperature and magnetism..."

Then with Dr. Otto's operation, the restraints of the robotic arm automatically clamped his waist and locked it. The sensor slowly tightened on his spine like an external spine, until the crystal at the top The head was placed on the medulla oblongata of his brain, and the metal probe on the sensor was pierced through the skin and inserted deeply into Dr. Otto's spine. Mixed with his spinal fluid. The severe pain caused Dr. Otto's face to twitch even though he was well prepared, not to mention the ordinary people watching on the sidelines. They all let out a low cry of fear as if they were feeling the same pain.

Fortunately, this only happened in a moment, and then everyone turned their attention back to Dr. Otto, who was working hard to control the activation of the robotic arm.

At first, it was a subtle point, but soon, the four-limb robotic arm seemed to have received the correct signal. They were pulled out of the holding shell one after another, like real biological tentacles, fluttering and opening and closing under the control of Dr. Otto's thoughts.

Just that weird look. Everyone present involuntarily took two steps back.

"My brain is controlled through neural connections. These robotic arms with artificial intelligence and nanowires directly transmit instructions. This allows me to use the robotic arms to control nuclear fusion reactions in extremely dangerous environments." Dr. Otto explained.

"These robotic arms have such advanced artificial intelligence, won't you be controlled by them?" a woman asked.

"He is a reporter from the Herald Magazine. Rodrien Seiler." Harry Osborne on the side introduced him softly in Ito Cheng's ear.

Herald magazine, a magazine dedicated to reporting on new technologies. New Technology, New Speech, a rigorous science and technology magazine, is also one of the professional media invited by Osborne to build momentum for new energy.

Others include "Thought", "New Era", etc., which Ito has never heard of. I think they should be scientific and technological magazines that exist on Earth in the Marvel Universe.

"Good question." Dr. Otto smiled, then turned around, pointed to the crystal head that was close to the medulla oblongata under the head, and was slightly flashing with blue light, and introduced, "So I developed a special chip. Preserve my brain function and allow me to control the actions of these robotic arms instead of being controlled by them."

Of course, for Ito Cheng who knows the truth, that is only part of the reason. The deeper reason is that Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius ​​himself is a mutant with little ability and has very weak mental control. This ability allows him to control four mechanical arms calmly without causing brain confusion!

"The grand finale has begun." After introducing irrelevant things, Dr. Otto finally began to introduce his research.

"Please turn on the blue light."

As the light in the house changes, a spherical energy generator composed of four inverted arc-shaped metal brackets appears in everyone's eyes.

Dr. Otto walked over to the generator and began his operation.

"The most important key is tritium, of which there are only 25 pounds in the world."

Under his operation, a small ball that looked like the legendary mercury pill was picked up by the mechanical arm and placed in the middle of the position generator. But strangely enough, there was obviously no other ball in the position generator. The thing exists as a support, but the tritium element speed placed inside seems to be in a weightless area, floating in the center of the generator without floating, moving or shaking, and spinning at high speed on its own like a small planet. .

"I would like to thank Osborne for his generous sponsorship." At this time, the doctor didn't know whether he said it sincerely or intentionally.

"I'll be happy to pay your bills." Harry, who felt like he was about to become famous, said with a proud look on his face.

At the same time, Dr. Otto’s wife handed a pair of goggles to Dr. Otto. The latter reached out to take it, looked at his wife with happiness and warmth on his face, and then looked away. Put on your goggles and start the final operation.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Fasten your seat belts."

The next moment, bright yellow lasers as thin as hair struck the tritium element. A red-yellow sphere like a small sun was born in vain, and like a real sun, it released strong light and heat that people could clearly feel.

"Successfully achieved nuclear fusion reaction." Hui, a test assistant on the side, reported.

Immediately afterwards, applause rang out throughout the room.

However, after a while, as the experiment continued and the energy increased, a strong magnetic force was generated from the small sun floating in the position generator, which radiated attraction to the surroundings and attracted the surrounding metal towards the sun. past.

In an instant. The entire indoor environment became dangerous, and fierce alarm reminders suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

At the same time, the crowd became uncontrollably panicked and ran out of the house in panic.

"Turn it off, turn it off!" Harry Osborne shouted.

"It will stabilize and I can control it!" Dr. Otto insisted.

"I make the decision!" Harry yelled at the top of his lungs. "The money I pay, I make the decision!"

It was just that while he was shouting, he didn't notice at all that an instrument was being pulled by the attraction of the sun and crashing towards him at high speed. But just when the instrument was about to hit him. A Spider-Man wearing a red and blue tights with a large spider pattern on his chest and back suddenly glided to Harry's side like a swing, hugged his body, and saved him from danger. down.

"I still won't forgive you." Harry looked at Spider-Man who saved his life and said with hatred.

Spider-Man looked at him quietly for a moment. Without saying anything, he turned around and jumped to the wall.

"What are you going to do!" Dr. Otto, who noticed Spider-Man's appearance, asked loudly.

"I'm going to turn off the power!" Spider-Man said.

"No!" Dr. Otto, who had fallen into madness, shouted loudly, while waving the mechanical tentacles on his back. He forcefully whipped Spider-Man away from the cable box.


But then, more terrifying things began to happen. At this time, I heard a "wow" sound. The steel bars on the main body of the building finally couldn't bear the attraction of the increasingly powerful magnetic field, and suddenly bent, crushing the glass inlaid on it, causing the glass to break into countless irregular sharp fragments, which sputtered and sputtered throughout the experimental room. .

Subconsciously, Dr. Otto used his mechanical arm to protect his body.


But he has a mechanical arm that can protect his body, but Dr. Otto's wife, who has been waiting in the laboratory because she believed he could succeed, was completely helpless and could only look at the flying glass fragments with fear on her face. Let out a scream of terror.


"That's it." At this moment, a gentle voice rang in the experimental room, and then it was like a TV screen with the pause button pressed. Everything in the experimental room, no matter it was The shards of glass that are about to pierce the throat of Dr. Otto's wife Rose, or the frightened Dr. Otto himself, or the solar energy behind him that is preparing to explode with all its strength, and Spider-Man who is leaping towards the cable box. It suddenly stopped and stopped at the moment it was going on.

Then Ito Cheng's figure appeared from the void and walked step by step in front of the artificial sun made of tritium elements.

"Although this thing is a bit useless for the energy system in the Rubik's Cube world, I have to say that it is an amazing invention. Your talent is amazing enough. Now let me change your miserable life. Destiny." Ito Shigeya looked at the artificial sun that was erupting in front of him and said softly, regardless of whether Dr. Otto could hear it or not.

After saying this, with a thought in his mind, he took Dr. Otto beside him and Ms. Rose not far away into the world of Rubik's Cube.

Then Ito Cheng, who had taken away Dr. Otto and his wife, turned around, walked to the cable box on one side, stretched out his hand to grab one of the cables, and used brute force to "snap" the cable on it. In a flash, he disappeared from the dangerous experimental room.

The next second, time returned to normal, and the broken glass immediately "crackled" against the wall where Mrs. Rose had been leaning, shattering into a pile of smaller fragments. At the same time, electric sparks flashed, cutting off the energy supply to the stance generator, causing the artificial sun inside to rise and shrink before disappearing into the void with the entire energy stance generator.

"What, what's going on?" Spider-Man, who was hit by the electric sparks and fell backwards, looked at everything in front of him with a look of amazement and confusion on his face.

"Let's go." Ito Cheng, who suddenly appeared in the carriage of a car, said softly.

The White Queen Emma on the side nodded, started the car, and took the two of them back to her apartment in New York City.

And just when New York City was once again almost destroyed because of Dr. Otto's experiment, in an apartment somewhere far away in New Jersey, four women and two men were standing opposite each other.

If Ito Cheng were here at this time, he would find that at least five of the six people, four women, two men, who were clearly divided into two gangs, were known to him. Among them, those who were dressed normally were the space physicist Eric, the folk astronomer Jane Foster, and her friend Daisy, whom he had met while waiting for Thor in New Mexico.

On the other side, the three people dressed strangely and appearing to be cosplaying as Viking warriors are the witch Amora, who can now be said to be his enemy, and her follower executioner. As for the last female Viking warrior, she looks like she is cosplaying. Ito Cheng didn't recognize the young white woman who was obviously Amora's follower.

"Who are you?" Jane looked nervously at the three strange men and women who suddenly broke into her home and asked.

"Are you Jane Foster?" Amora asked, looking Jane up and down.

"Yes, it's me." Jane confirmed.

"It's fine if it's you. My name is Amora, and I'm Thor's friend. I need your help with something this time." Amora smiled with an evil expression.

"Wha, what?" Jian said in shock.

"I want to save Thor, but my power alone is too weak. I need help, so I found you." Amora said in a sincere tone.

"What do you want us to do?" Compared to Jane, who became confused as soon as she heard Sol, Eric, who was much calmer on the side, asked.

"This is a magic stone that has the power to open the passage between the two worlds, but activating it requires a huge amount of power. I alone cannot activate it at all. What I want you to do is to use your knowledge and relationships to create a A machine that can activate its energy, and then open the door to the connection between God's Domain and the Earth, and let my friends come over and help me rescue Thor." Amora turned her palm over and transformed a ball with runes printed on its surface. said the gray stone.


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