Magic world

Chapter 183 Bargaining (please collect and recommend)

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When the Ito family returned to the shrine, they found two people in priest robes sitting quietly drinking tea under the hospitality of Ito Suzu in the big room of the shrine.

Seeing the two people in the big house, Mr. Ito, who was about to enter the house, paused, then walked into the house calmly, and walked towards the two priests who were getting up from their seats with a smile on his face, laughing. He said, "Takuro, we haven't seen each other for a long time since we last met eight years ago."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that it would be eight years before the two of us meet again." One of the two is about 1.7 meters tall, with mixed black and white hair neatly combed back, as if it had been waxed He was generally shiny, with a kind smile on his face, his round face was full of healthy rosiness, his eyes were bright, and he said with emotion.

"Who is this?" Mr. Ito shook hands with Takuro and looked at the priest next to Takuro and asked. This man is slightly taller than Takuro, looks about forty years old, has short, energetic hair, and a serious expression on his face, and the faint power he exudes indicates that he is a person in a high position.

"Kikujiro, let me introduce to you. This is the priest Yanagi Chiqing who is responsible for external relations at Ise Jingu Shrine. I came here this time because of the entrustment of the priest Yanaichi, and came here to introduce people." Takuro turned sideways slightly. , introduced Mr. Ito with a slightly respectful expression.

"Hello, Priest Liu Chizheng." Mr. Ito let go of Takuro's hand and saluted Liu Chi with a serious look on his face.

"You're welcome, Masaru Ito." The majesty on Liu Chiqing's face faded away and was instantly replaced by a warm smile, and he said to Mr. Ito respectfully.

Priests in Japan are also graded, generally speaking there are five levels. They are: Jingjie, Mingjie, Zhengjie, Zhengzhengjie and the last Zhijie. The old man's official rank is just one level higher than Liu Chiqing's. In Japan, especially in forces such as Shintoism, which take class very seriously, the old man who is one level higher has great authority. , even those who came from Ise Shrine did not dare to ignore the class gap and be arrogant.

Then, under the reception of the old man, the three of them sat down as guests and hosts. Of course, the main seat was the rightful owner, the old man An, both in terms of rank and common sense.

After the three of them sat down, Ito Suzu replaced the three with three cups of tea. Then she quietly retreated to the next table with her mother, Eriko, and Ito Cheng, and sat down, watching the three of them chat.

"I wonder why Priest Liu Chizheng is here..." The old man on the throne took a sip from the tea cup in front of him, and then said knowingly.

"That's it." Liu Chiqing put the tea cup in front of him after taking a sip, bowed slightly to Mr. Ito and said, "Priest Natori heard that there is a talisman in your family that has a magical healing effect on trauma. Zhuan, the great priest is very interested in this, so I asked you to come and confirm it, and if it is true, we can discuss some things later."

Takuro on the side looked a little surprised after hearing Liu Chiqing's words and glanced at Mr. Ito, who was sitting motionless on the main seat, without making any expression. As he said, he was just an introducer and not involved in other matters. \u003cFu was respectfully handed to Liu Chiqing, and then returned to his original position. Then the old man said, "This is the talisman you mentioned, the Hui Chun talisman."

"Oh?" Liu Chiqing didn't expect the old man to be so happy. He was very curious and reached out to pick up the talisman in front of him. He looked through it twice and found that it was different from the talisman used in general yin and yang arts. It was a kind of talisman specially used to treat trauma. The talisman seal can stop bleeding and simply treat some skin injuries, muscle injuries and other physical injuries. It can also inhibit damage to some internal organs. As for the effect, generally a talisman like this can only treat ordinary skin wounds. If it is deeper, it will require superimposed treatment. Therefore, the effect, application environment, and possible cost of the talisman are half-truths and half-truths. .

"That's it." Liu Chiqing nodded with sudden realization, then took out an unsheathed rib fork from the inside of the priest's robe, raised his hand, dropped his sleeve, and slashed his exposed arm with the knife. Immediately a stream of blood spurted out and splashed on the ground in front of him.

Ito Cheng asked the old man with a strange talisman flashing in his eyes, paying no attention to the gurgling blood.

"Just use spiritual power to activate it." The old man also felt impressed by Liu Chiqing and said. \u003cThe talisman sticks to his injured arm. In the soft green light, the wound on Liu Chiqing's arm visibly stopped bleeding, and the blood curd fell off, revealing the pink flesh talisman under the blood curd. All the energy was consumed and turned into dust and scattered on the ground.

"It's amazing." Liu Chiqing said with a look of amazement. Although there are many magical means to treat trauma in Ise Shrine, they are really incomparable in terms of convenience, practicality and effectiveness. The healing effect of the last spell may not be as powerful as those means.

"Old man, is this kind of talisman seal unique to your family?" Liu Chiqing put away the exclamation on his face and stared at the old man with burning eyes. \u003cThe manufacturing method of the talisman has some requirements. You must know that the family and the power of the shrine seem to have a subordinate relationship, but they are basically a combination similar to a covenant, and they restrict each other. If Ise Jingu really does something, not to mention the reactions of other families, even other Jingu forces who are bent on ascending to power will not be able to agree.

"If I want to get this talisman, what will it cost?" Liu Chiqing said.

"Do you want it, or does the Shrine want it?" Mr. Ito asked.

"Shrine wants." Liu Chiqing said. He is the only one with the right roots, no family, no burdens, and he does everything for the palace.

"What price can the Shrine pay?" The old man began to test Liu Chiqing or the Shrine.

"Presumably, the old man also knows that the talisman itself is not very valuable, so the price that our shrine can provide you is very small." Liu Chiqing did not reveal the details easily, but downplayed the value of the talisman.

"That's true, but that was in normal times. It's such a troubled time now." Mr. Ito said with a low smile. \u003c Talisman is not an indispensable thing except for its advantages in some aspects. Even if it is needed due to the current situation, it is just for emergencies. Master, you can't overthink it. "Liu Chiqing said. Some of the advantages of \u003cFu are indeed absolute advantages. This advantage alone will play a role that cannot be ignored in the upcoming war, right?" Just tell me what price the palace can give."

"..." Liu Chiqing frowned, pondered for a moment and said, "In terms of finance, the shrine will give a certain preference to the Ito family shrine."

"Not enough." The old man said with some dissatisfaction. Although the maintenance of the shrine requires money, there is no need to give away benefits so easily just for money.

"Improve the Ito family's family level." Liu Chiqing continued.

"What's the use of playing with the family level? This is not the Warring States era anymore. There is no need for that kind of false reputation. You should be more real." The old man said disdainfully.

"You can allow one person from your family to enter the Ise Shrine to serve as a priest." Liu Chiqing finally said. You must know that Ise Shrine is not so easy to enter. In addition to members of the royal family, only orphans adopted from childhood and individuals recruited under certain special circumstances can serve in the shrine. If the family power wants to be a Shinto power, It is unthinkable for the boss to arrange someone in Ise Shrine. But the benefits of entering it are also conceivable. Let’s not talk about the potential borrowed invisibly and some information obtained by virtue of the convenience of being in the shrine. Let’s talk about some spiritual resources backed by the royal family. The power of the shrine is not comparable to that of the family.

"Seriously?" the old man said with some surprise. \u003c symbol. Liu Chiqing said.

"..." The old man's expression suddenly became tangled. After pondering for a long time, he said helplessly, "Change, I can't agree to this condition."

"Then what price does the old man say we have to pay?" Liu Chiqing raised his eyebrows and asked quietly. \u003cHow about we come to the Ito family to make sure that the Fu thing is in trouble? "The old man said calmly. Since Liu Chiqing asked himself to raise the price, it is better to ask for a guarantee directly from Ise Shrine than to make some useless demands. After all, the Ito family is just a family, or big cats and kittens. This family is not as good as those large forces. If we can take this opportunity to get the guarantee from Ise Shrine, then we won’t have to worry about the Chun Shun Talisman causing trouble in the future, and it can be regarded as putting an end to this matter. A brief period.

"I can't make the decision on this. I need to ask the high priest for instructions." Liu Chiqing frowned and said.

"Okay." Mr. Ito said, and then watched Liu Chiqing walk out of the big house, walked to the courtyard, took out his mobile phone and contacted the shrine in Kyoto.

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