Magic world

Chapter 182 Exchange of Interests (Please collect and recommend)

I originally wanted to work in the Ministry of Environment~ But it was unwise to think about it. It would be just as stupid to find another way.

Please collect and recommend


After hearing what Kojima Sachiko said, Kobayashi, who was leaning back on the armchair, finally raised his head and looked at Naomi Ito who was standing in the room with a pair of confused eyes. "Are you the boy of the Ito family, Ito?"

Ito Cheng nodded and said nothing, looking to see what Xiaolin had to say.

"Xiangbi, you know why you are here." Xiao Lin said while reaching out to look for something among the scattered documents on the table.

"I don't know." Ito said.

"It seems that you won't shed tears until you see the coffin." Xiao Lin was not annoyed and just smiled. Then he accelerated his search, and finally took out a stack of papers from the pile of documents and said to himself, "Found it."

"Take a look." Kobayashi threw the document in front of Ito Cheng and said.

Ito Cheng reached for the document and read it. On the first page is an information form with a photo of Ito Cheng, which is exactly the information Ito Cheng had during the review. The second page is Ito Cheng's attendance and class performance at the University of Tokyo, provided by the Special Personnel Observation Room of the Tokyo University Branch of the Special Operations Section of the Ministry of the Environment. The third page is the detailed investigation information about the massacre on April 17th. It includes the testimonies of passers-by, the investigation of the crime scene, the investigation of surrounding surveillance videos, etc., which are all normal investigation contents. The fourth page is the investigation content of the retaliation action on April 26, which also includes the confession when the body was found, the confession of the police officers, the on-site investigation and the investigation of surrounding cameras, etc. However, because of the existence of the young man, the two cases were combined into one case, and because of the deaths of the young man and several men in black robes, it was speculated that this case was one of those cases where revenge failed and ended up being killed.

Based on this clue, the Ministry of Environment launched a large-scale investigation of this area, and almost all the recorded footage from street cameras in the area were extracted. Because this road happens to be located near the dormitory apartments of Dongda University students, the investigation targets are relatively concentrated on special people in and around the Dongda University campus. Then, after a one-by-one investigation by the Ministry of the Environment, several suspicious persons were finally selected, among which Ito Cheng was clearly on the list and was highlighted.

After that, there was a follow-up investigation and inquiry. Several other suspects had clear witnesses. Even those who had no witnesses were excluded as suspects for other reasons. Only Ito Cheng has not been able to find anyone since that incident and has been dragged to this day. Although there were some people who wanted to find the Ito family to investigate, they gave up because of the content of the agreement with Ise Shrine.

"Have you finished reading?" Xiaolin put his arms and elbows on the table, folded his hands, put his chin on the back of his hands, looked at Ito Cheng with a smile and said, "Is there anything else you want to say now?"

"I should be able to call my home." Ito Cheng shrugged.

"Okay, please." Xiao Lin leaned back on the armchair again and extended his hand to say in greeting.

Ito Cheng was not polite, took out his mobile phone and dialed the shrine's number.


"Hey, this is the Ito family." The voice of mother Eriko came over.

"Mother, it's me, Ah Cheng." Ito Cheng said calmly.

"What's wrong?" Eriko asked.

"I am now in the office of the second room of the Special Operations Division of the Ministry of Environment, and I was arrested." Ito Cheng said still calmly.

"I understand, I'll go with your grandfather right now." After saying that, his mother Eriko hung up the phone.

Ito Cheng put away his phone with a smile, looked at Kobayashi and said, "That's it."

"You are quite calm." Kobayashi looked at Ito Cheng with a half-smile, then pointed to the chair beside him and said, "Sit down."

"Thank you." Ito Cheng nodded his thanks, walked to the sofa nearby and sat down. Kojima on the side stood up and poured a glass of cold water from the water dispenser and put it in front of Ito Cheng, then walked back to where he was and sat down.

Then the room fell silent. Kobayashi still leaned his head back on the armchair without any image, closed his eyes and meditated. Kojima took out a gay magazine and read it, and Ito Shige studied the little ball on his body in boredom.

Time passed quietly in this silence. I don’t know how long it took. With a soft knock on the door, Mr. Ito and his mother Eriko walked in one after another.

"Welcome, Mr. Ito." Xiaolin stood up and stood behind the desk, stretched out his hand to shake hands with Mr. Ito who came forward, and said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Mr. Ito replied with a fake smile. Her mother, Eriko, came to stand next to Ito Cheng, who had already stood up, and watched the old man negotiate with Chief Kobayashi.

"I wonder what my kid committed and was invited here." Mr. Ito asked straight to the point without any intention of chatting with people from the Ministry of Environment.

"The old man will take a look at the information first, and we will talk after reading it." Xiao Lin took out the information on the table again and handed it to the old man for him to read.

The old man took the information and read it carefully. After a moment, he frowned and returned the information, waiting for Xiao Lin to speak.

"How do you think the old man should handle this matter?" Xiao Lin looked at Mr. Ito calmly and asked.

"What does Director Xiaolin mean?" The old man knew that now was the time for negotiation, and of course it was impossible to reveal his true identity, so he pushed the question back.

"Since the old man asked me to say it, I will tell you what I mean." Xiao Lin narrowed his eyes with dark circles and looked at the old man with a smile. "According to the original agreement with the Shrine, there are two people in front of me now. Choice. One, join the Special Operations Section of the Ministry of Environment for ten years. Two, pay the corresponding price. What do you think, old man?"

The old man didn't want to accept either of Xiaolin's choices, but there was no way he could do it. Who told you that you would have the leverage to fall into someone else's hands? The choice between the two, first of all, the choice of joining the Ministry of Environment for ten years was abandoned. After all, he is also a member of the Shinto faction. What does it mean to join the Ministry of Environment? So in the end, the only option left is the second one, and you have to pay the price for yourself.

"What do you want?" Mr. Ito asked.

"The old man also knows that Japan has been in chaos recently. There have been a lot of battles, and there are many more injured people than usual. It is also a huge expense." Xiao Lin did not say it directly, but talked about the recent situation. , but some meanings were clearly expressed. \u003cFu, something that has obvious therapeutic effects on trauma and can be popularized, is of great benefit, but I didn't expect it to be targeted so quickly. \u003cFu," Mr. Ito said, keeping the quantity as low as possible.

"No, old man. Look, we currently have thirteen people in the second room. We need at least one manpower. And then there are emergency preparations and so on. This will require one more person, and then there will be It’s not certain that the mission requires this quantity. How can it be possible with only ten sheets? It should be at least a hundred sheets.” Xiao Lin asked for a price. \u003cWhat is the talisman, Chinese cabbage? There are only twenty pieces of love you want. "Mr. Ito knew from the other party's words that they didn't know the specific characteristics of the Huichun Talisman. They probably just knew that it was very effective in treating trauma. Then he felt certain in his heart and counter-offered like an old scoundrel.

"No, I'll take a step back, ninety..." Xiao Lin said.

"Twenty-five..." the old man said.


Then the two began to bargain like vendors in a vegetable market, until they finally reached an agreement on the number of forty-five tickets per month, allowing Ito Cheng to be let go.

After the agreement was reached, the old man didn't even want to show off his face to Director Kobayashi. After Sachiko Kojima took back the ball on Ito Nari's body, he turned around and walked out of the office with Ito Nari and his son, leaving the Ministry of the Environment. building, returning home in her mother Eriko's car.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble to the family again." On the way back, Ito Cheng said in the car.

"What nonsense are you talking about? As long as you step into this circle, you will encounter this kind of thing sooner or later. Just try not to leave any clues when doing things in the future." Mr. Ito said nonchalantly. The old man encountered this kind of thing a lot in those days. It was not long after World War II and the Ministry of the Environment was established. A group of young people who didn't know the heights of the world were always looking for trouble for the Shinto forces, so they caused a lot of trouble. In the end, it was the then Prime Minister of the Cabinet who met with the royal family for a face-to-face meeting, and the subsequent agreement between the Ministry of Environment and the Shrine was concluded.

"I understand." Ito Cheng nodded.

\u003cFu, what about the royal family? Although this thing doesn't exist in Japan at present, there are always other means. I don't believe that the royal family doesn't have something good in their hands. "Ito Cheng asked with some confusion.

"It's not the demons who are causing trouble." Mr. Ito said angrily, "That's what happened when there was peace. No one would care about something like this that is only effective in treating trauma. But the key is that it's not peaceful now, and I don’t know what happened, but the demons in Kyushu, Shikoku, Daban and other places have also begun to make some changes, and there is a strong trend of another demon exorcism war. So at this time, the Chun Chun Talisman can allow the wounded to return to the battlefield in a short time. Things become more important. It’s really… ugh.”

At the end of the sentence, the old man could only sigh helplessly.

"It's been such a troubled time," her mother Eriko, who had been driving, also sighed.

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