Magic world

Chapter 1469 Zombies

"The reward given by the two people.

In the morning, the warm sunshine shines on a modern city that is densely populated with high-rise buildings but is well-planned and well-proportioned. But unlike ordinary bustling cities, there is no human voice in this city. It is as quiet as a ghost land in a horror movie. However, on the city streets between the buildings, there are large swaths of people. Humans wearing modern clothes exist, but their movements are much slower and weirder than normal humans.

At this time, at the top of a twenty-story high-rise building, a bright white beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the rooftop of the building.


Among the exploded beams of light, the figures of Shimohira Suzuhana, Sakuragaoka Sei, Nonit, three Pandora and those ninjas were revealed.

After a little adapting to the changes in the environment, Saint Sakuragaoka stepped out of the huge magic circle that quickly disappeared, came to the edge of the building, and looked down.

"Did you find anything?" Shimohira Suzuhana, who followed him to the edge of the building and looked down, asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Don't you realize it's too quiet here?" Sakuraqiu Sheng took a breath, turned to look at Xiahira Suzuhana and asked.

"Listen to what you said, it's true." Xiaping Linghua was stunned at first when she heard the words, then came back to her senses, and nodded in response with a thoughtful look on her face.

"And look at those cars parked on the side of the road." Then, Sakuraqiu Sheng pointed at the various types of cars faintly visible on the street below.

I could only see the street below the building. Whether they are taxis with uniform colors that are easy to spot at a glance, or small cars with different colors and shapes, or large buses used for public transportation and large trucks carrying goods, they all look like It was like a time confinement barrier was cast, and it stayed on the road casually, with no intention of doing anything.

"The smell of blood is so strong." Just as Shimohira Suzuhana looked down according to Sakuragaoka Saint's instructions, her facial features had been developed to a certain extent due to the stigmata. And because as Pandora, she is often exposed to bloody battles. The three Pandora who were particularly sensitive to the smell of blood shrugged their noses and spoke.

Xiaping Linghua and the others looked at each other in unison, and they all saw something strange in each other's eyes.

"No matter what the situation, we must complete the tasks entrusted to us by His Majesty." Nonit, who is a soldier, said solemnly.

Xia Ping Linghua and others nodded. Agree.

"Then let's go down and have a closer look at this weird world." Nonit continued.

To this. Naturally, everyone had no objections, and walked together towards the passageway connecting the roof of the Unicom building with the interior of the building.

"Creak..." A weird metal friction sound sounded from the hinge of the door that was pulled open by Noni.

This weird sound fits the current environment. Immediately, everyone's hearts tightened slightly, and they braced themselves to deal with situations that might happen at any time.

"Tap, step, step, step..."

Everyone stepped on the cement stairs and walked towards the inside of the building step by step.

"It's so dark." After passing the corner of the two stairs, the stairwell, which could no longer receive the light coming from the entrance door, suddenly became pitch black, causing Shimohira Suzuka to mutter in a low voice.

The moment she finished speaking, a ball of light lit up in the dark stairwell. The place where the light source was placed was a portable light that resembled a baton that Nonit took out from his hand at some point. It exuded a cool green light.

With the light source lighting up, the pace of everyone's march could not help but speed up a lot.

"There's someone." After traveling for who knows how long, a swaying figure appeared in everyone's sight.

However, at the next moment, the human figure paused and suddenly turned his head to look down at Hirazukka and the others.

It was a terrifying face. The skin was thin and tight, covered with dried blood. The facial features were distorted, as if someone had hit them with great force, and they were shapeless. One eyeball was missing and there were two hollow eyeballs in the frame. Maggot-like creatures crawled there.

"Ugh." As soon as she saw this scene, Suzuka Shimohira immediately turned her head to the side, covered her mouth and nose with one hand, and let out a retching sound from her mouth.

As for the others, Sakuraqiu Sheng and Nonit have seen a lot, and they don’t have any unusual reactions except for feeling a little disgusted. The three Pandora are used to it, so it doesn’t matter. Although the new ninjas who have never seen blood have Their faces were pale, but their tenacity still prevented them from taking the dangerous step of vomiting, so they remained standing and took out the kunai from the ninja bag as quickly as possible and held it in their hands.

Probably feeling something, the mummy roared, stretched its arms forward, and rushed towards Nonit and the others.

Nonit reacted very quickly. He immediately took out a pistol from his waist and shot at the mummy.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..." The crisp sound of gunshots immediately echoed in the silent corridor.

But unexpectedly, and seemingly reasonable, the mummy that had been shot several times in the body, except for taking a few steps back under the impact of the bullets, still did not fall to the ground and die as Nonit expected, and continued to move. The footsteps rushed towards several people.


The next moment, there was a flash of black light, and the mummy's head rolled and fell to the ground, rolling down the stairs.

"Plop." The headless body fell heavily to the ground.

"These are zombies. Only by cutting off their heads or blowing their heads off can we kill them." In his hand, Saint Sakuraqiu held a gantz sword that was completely black but had a thicker blade with a blue light on it. explained.

Obviously, the sharp blow just now was her masterpiece.

"Also, be careful not to be bitten by these things, otherwise we may become like them." In his mind, he recalled the loss-themed movies played in the world of Killing City, as well as the various things he saw after entering the world of Rubik's Cube. Sakuraqiu Sei, who creates weird-themed films, continued.

"Ning should prepare an antidote for us. If something unexpected happens, take it immediately. There won't be any problems." At this time, Shimohira Suzuhana, who had recovered a little from the nausea, reminded.

"Not good." Suddenly, Sakuraqiu Sheng's expression changed and he said urgently, "Sound, if the zombies here are really the same as described in the movie, the sound of Nonit's shooting just now must have alerted other people in the corridor. Zombie, let’s leave quickly.”

Nonit frowned and quickly put the gun back into his waist. Then he took out his knight's sword from the space bracelet and held it in his hand.

"Let's go." Nonit shouted in a low voice.

immediately. Everyone quickened their pace and rushed downwards, preparing to enter the interior of the building from the safety passage below.

But as Sakuraqiu Sheng said, at this time, in this stairway of less than five meters. Dozens of zombies crowded together. Xiaping Linghua and others swarmed over when they appeared.

"Kill." Nonit shouted coldly.

"Poof!" A head. He rolled and fell to the ground under the sweep of Nonit's sword.

Seeing Nonit start killing, Yingqiu Sheng and others naturally did not show weakness and used their own methods to attack the zombies in the corridor.

I saw Sakuragaoka Saint standing in front with Nonit, waving the gantz sword left and right. The blade becomes as long as a nodachi, and then shortens to a small sword. Together with Nonit, it becomes a door god guarding the gate, preventing the zombies from approaching.

The three Pandora summoned their star weapons to assist the two in defense to prevent them from being bitten by zombies if they were careless.

As for the ninjas, they jumped to the walls on both sides or at the top, clinging to the walls like geckos with suckers on their feet, using kunai to harvest the lives of zombies from other directions.

Only Shitira Suzuka, holding the gantz sword in her hand, didn't know how to start.

There was no way, the powerful terrain was occupied by others, so Shimohira Suzuhana had killed some enemies in the air, but had nowhere to start. She felt depressed and a little lucky at the same time.

But after all, zombies are just corpses that still have the instinct to eat. No matter in terms of combat skills or sharp weapons, they are no match for Nonit and others. Therefore, even if there are an unusually large number, they cannot stand up to the crowd. After a lot of hacking and slashing, it didn't take long for them to be cleaned up.

"Let's go in."

Stepping on the corpses with stiff muscles, everyone left the safe passage and entered the building.

"It seems that the power supply has been cut off." Sakuraqiu Sheng looked around the situation on the floor and whispered with special attention, "I don't know if it's just this building or the entire city's power supply has been cut off."

No way, there are still a lot of zombies on this floor. Even if their strength is not high, the base is too large, and it is not something that just a few people like Yingqiu Sheng and others can kill, so instead of killing them to a safe place, It is better to avoid fighting and reduce trouble as much as possible.

"It's probably the latter," Nonit said.

"In this case, we will probably have to prepare food and drinking water. After all, even the electricity is cut off and the water supply is also stopped." Sakuraqiu Sheng said.

Nonit nodded and agreed with Sakuraqiu Sheng's statement.

Although the space bracelets they carry must contain the emergency supplies given by Ito Cheng, but judging from the current situation of this world, it is not known how long it will take to complete the strategy of conquering this world. After all, with the recent In terms of the current situation, the government definitely no longer exists. If we want to complete the reunification, we can only carry out actions such as entering and occupying gathering places, which is very time-consuming. Therefore, there must be enough food and water as life support. Reserve, otherwise you won't have to wait for them to carry out the world capture mission, and you may be hungry and uncomfortable.

Of course, several people also knew that there were other strategy groups behind them, or the reincarnations who had taken the strategy task, so they did not need to think too far, but proper preparation was necessary.

As the old saying goes, "If you have food, don't panic." No.

Afterwards, Shimohira Suzuka and others, after taking a short rest, started again and continued to move towards the outside of the building...

In another world, Tokyo, in the evening, the plum rain is falling lightly, which makes people feel a little refreshing. It is like a translucent mirror, refracting the lights in the city into hazy halos, adding an elegant atmosphere to the city. A sense of artistic conception.

"What's wrong?"

The window of the principal's room was rarely opened. The big eagle that should not exist in the urban sky landed on the open window lattice. He slightly tilted his head and looked at the private student who was sitting at his desk doing something. Long - the side view of Yumi Kurahashi.

"Really?" The big eagle didn't see any movement, but Kurahashi Yumi took off the reading glasses on her face in surprise, turned to look at the big eagle and asked.

Obviously, just now, this big eagle used some special method to transmit a piece of information to the school's Nagakura Hashiyomi.

"It's probably the kind that can easily be taken as a joke, but at least I don't want to be frightened by [Cangqiao's stargazing]." At this time, an old, but slightly brisk voice came from the body of the eagle.

If Ito Suzu stayed here at this time, she would find that the old man's voice coming out of the eagle's body was the voice of her immediate boss, the head of the Curse Search Department - Tianhai Dashan.

So it is obvious that this eagle that should not exist in the city is actually his shikigami!

"Is this a preview from Ashiya Michimi?" Kurahashi Yomi said softly.

"Ah. To be specific, it's the [Challenge Letter]. Because of him, the Yin Yang Hall is in an uproar now." Amami Daishan said, and the simple shikigami he controlled opened his mouth wide and spit out a letter from his body. , landed directly on the desk in front of Kurahashi Yumi, and displayed the contents inside.

"Michimitsu Ashiya, come tomorrow to pay homage to Crow Haori. - Really, we have been tracking for a long time and there is no news, and suddenly he made such a big move. Thanks to him, the Curse Search Department has been disgraced." Tianhai Dashan said. He said with a hint of complaint and dissatisfaction, but in terms of the feeling, it unexpectedly made people think that he should be very excited at this time. Come to think of it, he is the type of person who gets stronger when he is strong.

"Is it really him?" Kurahashi Daimi said calmly.

"If it's a trick of deception, it's gone too far. [Crow Feather]——that is, [Crow Feather], proposed this prop at such an unfortunate time. It is indeed very realistic. Even if it is not [d] himself, it is very realistic." This person cannot be left alone."

"But why so sudden."

"To be honest, we have nothing to do with it. As the commander of the Curse Search Department, I am really ashamed of myself. It's just that since the Nue incident, there has been no obvious action from the Queen of Two Horns. This is just my intuition. Judging from their previous strategies, This group of people will not act directly or alone this time, but if they commit crimes alone this time, the reason will be incomprehensible."

"It's really unreliable." Kurahashi Daimi said pretending to be dissatisfied. (To be continued...)

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