Magic world

Chapter 1468 Curse Search Department

"I am Hirado Atsune, the Assistant Curse Search Officer of the Curse Search Department. Welcome to join the Curse Search Department." A man was wearing a black suit, a white shirt underneath, and a dark red tie at the collar. He had a slender figure. , with a soft face and a somewhat effeminate look, the young man with his left temple dyed red stretched out his hand and smiled at Ito Suzu.

Ito Suzu reached out and held the opponent's palm.

"May I know the reason why I was transferred to the General Administration?" Ito Suzu, who immediately retracted her palm after a simple squeeze, asked with some doubts.

"There are two main reasons for this." Bi Liangduo said with a smile, "Let's talk as we walk."

Then he took Ito Suzu and moved throughout the Curse Search Department.

"First, it's your qualifications. Based on the information about you sent back by the Meguro Branch, we believe that you are more suitable for the position of Curse Search Officer compared to Demon Extraction Officer."

"Second, it's because of necessity. Your situation is very consistent with the mission of our curse search department in the next period of time."

Ito Suzu nodded, finally understanding the reason why she was transferred to the headquarters.

"Here we are, this is the group you will stay in next." At this time, Atsumi Hiradar stopped outside an open public office space and said to Suzu Ito. [

The space inside the door was basically the same as what Ito Suzu had seen in the human resources department before. It was filled with single desks that were close to each other, and a number of male and female staff members in casual clothes were busy inside. . However, unlike the slightly narrow space in the Human Resources Department, the space environment of this office is much larger. It is more than 100 square meters, but because there are also many staff, it seems a bit messy and crowded.

"Qingtian." Then Hirado Atsune shouted inside.

In the room, the short-haired young man named Qingtian was stunned at first, but he came to his senses after seeing Hirado Atsumi at the door. He patted his body with one hand and whispered a few words. , and ran out quickly.

"Mr. Hirado." Kiyota shouted, running in front of the two of them.

"Ito Suzu, this is Kiyota of this department. The elite curse search officer of the curse search department." Hirado Atsumi pointed at Kiyota and introduced.

"Kiyota. This is Ito Suzu, a newcomer who has just been transferred from the Meguro branch. Please take care of her." Then, Atsumi Hirado looked at Kiyota and introduced Ito Suzu. And kindly reminded the other person to take more care of them.

"Look at this outfit. He must be from the Demon Extraction Team. Why do such elite personnel need me to take care of them? It would be good if they are not taken care of by her." Qingtian glanced at the blue anti-miasma uniform that Ito Suzu was still wearing. joked.

"Hello. My name is Kiyota." After finishing his joke, Kiyota extended his hand very formally and greeted Ito Suzu.

"I am Ito Suzu, please take good care of me in the future." Ito Suzu said politely, reaching out and shaking Kiyota's hand.

"Okay, I'll leave her to you. If you need anything, just ask Kiyota directly." Hirado Atsumi first said to Kiyota, then turned to look at Ito Suzu and gave instructions.

Qingtian nodded when he heard this, indicating that he understood.

"Okay." Ito Suzu responded.

Afterwards, Bi Liang Du Ni didn't stay long, turned around and went back along the original route.

"Come on, come in." Kiyota turned around and said after watching Birado Atsumi go away, and then led Ito Suzu into the public office and stopped in the front open space near the door.

"Bah bang bang." Qingtian clapped his hands together and clapped his hands several times, attracting the attention of everyone in the office to himself. [

"Let me introduce you. This is Ito Suzu, the new member who will be transferred to our team first. Everyone is welcome." Kiyota said loudly, and then took a step back, leaving Ito Suzu alone.

"Hello everyone, I am Ito Suzu. Please take good care of me in the future." Ito Suzu was not shy about this and said hello in a smooth and natural manner.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Some chaotic, but very enthusiastic noises resounded in the office.

However, everyone also knew that it was working time now, so after briefly welcoming Ito Suzu, they all looked back and returned to the work at hand.

"Follow me." Kiyota greeted him at the right time, leading Ito Suzu towards the end of the office, and did not stop again until he was at someone's desk.

"This will be your desk from now on." Qingtian said, pointing to the desk next to him. Then he turned to look to the side and shouted loudly, "Long Er, bring the action information of the past six months and the information about the Double Horn Society."

"Okay." A male voice responded.

"I didn't expect it to be the Shuangjiaohui." Ito Suzu's eyes narrowed slightly when she heard this, and she thought to herself.

No way, Ito Suzu is too familiar with the Shuangjiaokai, because in the past nearly half a year, whether as a member of the Demon Extraction Team or as an underground worker who secretly tried every means to cause trouble for the Onmyoji Hall, she and Ai Rika and the others often meet members of the Double Horns Association, and in order to take advantage of the Double Horns Association, Erica is even trying to join the Double Horns Association.

It's just that the Twin Horns Society has always been a secret society composed of fanatic believers who believe in Tsuchimikado Yakou. It is very repulsive to non-Onmyoji and foreigners, so it has never been successful. However, it does not mean that there is no gain, at least generally. Sexual contact was still achieved.

"As a demon exterminator, I think you will be familiar with twin horns." Qingtian looked at Ito Suzu and asked with a smile.

"Yes." Ito Suzu nodded and admitted.

As the only Onmyoji organization that uses spiritual disasters to carry out terrorist attacks in addition to natural disasters, the entire work center is to respond to spiritual disasters and repair them. Naturally, the demon-extracting team members are no strangers to it. Even among the demon-extracting teams, there are also There is a special procedure for responding to spiritual disaster attacks carried out by the Double Horn Club.

"That's easy. Let's put it bluntly. The job content of our team is nothing else. It is to track down the whereabouts of the members of the Double Horn Society, try our best to disrupt any spiritual disaster attacks they may create, and destroy their organization." Qingtian restrained slightly. He said with a serious expression.

"In addition, due to the relationship between the Shuangjiao Association, our group is basically a semi-direct group. Except for Minister Tianhai himself, only Mr. Bi Liangduo who just sent you here can view all the investigated contents. Okay, you have to pay attention to this." Qingtian then reminded.

"I understand." Ito Suzu agreed with a serious face.

"Also, our dress code here is very relaxed. As long as it's not fancy, you can wear anything. So, you don't have to wear this uniform when you come back tomorrow. I think it's a bit stressful." Qingtian said. Turn around and tease with a smile on his face.

"Uh...I understand." Ito Suzu said in astonishment.

"Okay, I still have some work to deal with, so I won't accompany you." Qingtian said again.

"Okay." Ito Suzu nodded and watched Qingtian walk away from him and return to his own place.

"Bang!" Then, there was a muffled sound, and a large pile of archives that was half a person's height appeared on the desk belonging to Ito Suzu, and a light dust was emitted due to the fall.

"This is the information about all the actions of the team in the past six months and the information about the Double Corner Meeting. Take your time and read it. I have gone back to work." He is thin and wears a light green shirt with high sleeves and a long hair. The short-haired young man with a baby face and a particularly young look said with a smile.

"Sorry to trouble you." Ito Suzu thanked me.

"Nothing. Also, my name is Biita Ryuuji. If you need anything, call me." After the young man named Ryuuji finished speaking, he waved his arm to Ito Suzu and returned to his desk.

Looking at the pile of information in front of her, Ito Suzuki shook her head slightly, then stretched out the chair in front of her and sat down, took down a book from the top of the pile of information, and opened it formally. .

"Have you really decided?" In the Rubik's Cube World, in the southern ecological city, the interior space of a room is empty, with only an L-shaped low-seat sofa and a brown glass coffee table, and a 48-inch large LCD TV outside. In the room, Ito Cheng, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at Shimohira Suzuka next to him and asked.

"Yes, I want to be a woman who can help you." Shimohira Suzuhana looked back at Ito Cheng's eyes without blinking and said firmly.

At the end of the sentence, Suzuhana Shimohira's cheeks couldn't help but feel that her words were too much. However, despite this, she still did not move her eyes away, showing her determination.

"Okay, I understand." Ito Cheng took a deep look at Hirazuka and said with a sigh.

Then he didn’t try to dissuade him, and just thought about it, including Sakuraqiu Saint, who was born in the world of killing cities like Shimohira Suzuka, and Nonit, the ninth knight who was born in the world of Lelouch, and three other people who were born in the world. Pandora from the Sub-Zero Warrior World, and several new ninjas who had never seen blood from the ninja village of Ito Shige, who were born under the management of Kosovo, were summoned into the room.

"Sir." Nonit, three Pandoras, and several ninjas knelt down on one knee, bowed their heads and shouted respectfully.

As for Sakuraqiu Sheng, he showed a charming smile to Ito Cheng.

"I have a task for you..." Ito Cheng looked at everyone and softly told the task to be assigned to them. Of course, in the end, Ito Cheng also gave each of them a space bracelet that was regarded as a life guarantee and contained a large number of items, just like he did with Maya, Aya, Ito Suzu, and Erica.

"I swear to take over the world for Your Majesty." Nonit, a knight, said sonorously.

"I swear to take over the world for you." Three Pandora and several ninjas saw this and quickly echoed.

Similarly, Sakuraqiu Sheng still expressed his decision to Ito Cheng by nodding.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng didn't say much. He just glanced at everyone one by one again, then summoned a huge Meade-style dimension transfer magic circle with his thoughts, and watched them disappear from his eyes in the light rising into the sky. (To be continued...)

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