Magic world

Chapter 1357 Unconsciousness of time underwater

Seeing Qin Gray sleeping, Ito Shigeya calmed down slightly and accelerated the refining and absorption of the remaining phoenix energy in his body.

But before he could concentrate on refining for long, a restraining force suddenly appeared on his body. Instinctively, Ito Cheng violently exploded his telekinesis, breaking the confining power that had descended outside his body.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound first.

"Cough cough cough cough..." Then Jean Gray's violent coughing sound followed.

After hearing this, Ito Shige, who had just opened his eyes and sat up, understood the source of the confinement force just now. It must be because Qin Gray in the Phoenix state entered the face-shaping state due to too much physical exertion, and returned to normal sanity. Qin Gray's telekinesis attacked.

With a thought in his mind, Ito Cheng activated teleportation to transfer Jean Gray into his arms, hugged her waist and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

"Let me go, you bastard!" Jean Gray screamed loudly while struggling vigorously.

"It seems you're not tired enough." Ito Cheng, who held Qin Gray tightly with both arms, sneered. After saying that, with a thought, he used his teleportation ability to change the positions and postures of the two people, and restored them to their original positions. Ito Cheng was on top, and his arms pressed down on Jean Gray's wrists. Jean Gray looked up at the sky.

Then Ito Cheng used telekinesis to forcibly imprison Qin Gray, who was struggling with telekinesis, and once again used ecological weapons to conquer Qin Gray. [

But the difference from before is that this time Ito Cheng did not use the tonic method to activate the "Phoenix" in Qin Grei's body, but simply carried out the most primitive life movement with her. In the process, Ito Cheng also used his telekinesis ability to send the scene of her previous Phoenix state into Qin Gray's heart, activating her cerebral cortex memory and allowing all this to reappear in her memory. .

Soon, the memory of her performance in the Phoenix state kept appearing in Qin Gray's mind like a "present dream". Under the influence of these memories and the body's own feelings, Qin Gray completely lost her resistance after a while and was half lost in the most primitive desire.

But this state is the most suitable for the Phoenix state, so unknowingly, Qin Gray's rational personality began to merge with the Phoenix state's personality without her knowing it.

"Ah~" It didn't take long. Jean Gray, who had always remained rational, tensed up. His limbs were tightly entangled with Ito Cheng's body, and he raised his head and let out a long cry.

"I...what's wrong..." After a short moment, Qin Gray, who had recovered from her absent-minded state, allowed Ito Cheng to hold her without struggling. She stared blankly at the ceiling with intricate patterns and murmured. Said to himself.

"You just saw another self deep inside you. A you that shouldn't have appeared. But it happened because of Professor

"Another me?" Jean Gray repeated.

"Yes. Another you." Ito Cheng affirmed.

"You, Qin Gray, are the only level five mutant currently in the world. You have powerful potential abilities, and the source of that powerful potential ability is a kind of power of Phoenix energy. However, I don’t know if it was out of fear of that kind of power or for some other reason. Professor exists. However, although this can temporarily solve the situation where you lose control due to the influence of that power, it also brings hidden dangers to yourself, that is, the emergence of a second personality. After all, no matter what, that energy will always make up you. No one can deny this." Ito Cheng said softly.

After understanding the whole story, and because Ito Cheng's words activated some long-term memories, Qin Gray couldn't help but fell silent.

Ito Cheng didn't say anything when he saw this, he just hugged her and gently stroked her back with his hands, giving Jean Gray soothing comfort.

In this soothing state, Jean Gray, who was very tired for a long time, fell asleep unconsciously, her chest rising and falling slightly.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng smiled slightly, kept his current posture with his eyes closed, and accelerated the refining and absorption of the Phoenix energy in his body. After all, if he didn't refine it quickly, the energy would always be unstable, which he couldn't rest assured.

Just like that, several hours passed again.

"Huh?" At this time, Ito Cheng suddenly felt a warm palm sliding on his chest dishonestly. [

"You're awake." Ito Cheng said softly, opening his eyes and turning his head to look at Qin Gray in his arms. As for who this Qin Gray was, Ito Cheng knew that it must be Phoenix Qin Gray without even looking at it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t do that kind of ambiguous and provocative behavior.

"My dear, I have recovered, let's continue." Qin Gray turned over and pushed Ito Cheng down, lying on top of him, and said with a charming smile.

"Aren't you hungry?" Ito Cheng smiled.

"It's quite a bit." Jean Gray said in a low voice as she lowered her head and kissed Ito Cheng's chest muscles.

"Come on, let's have something to eat first, and then continue." Ito Cheng said as he sat up with Qin Gray in his arms. Then with a thought, a dining table and four or five items of steaming food appeared on both sides. In front of the person.

"What kind of ability is this?" Qin Gray looked at what appeared in front of her and asked in surprise.

"An alternative application of teleportation ability." Ito Cheng smiled as he let Jean Gray sit on his lap.

"Why can't I do it?" Qin Gray, who also has the ability to teleport, didn't believe it.

"You have to have a place where you can get food first." Ito Chengxiao picked up the bowls and chopsticks, picked up a bunch of vegetables from each dish, put them into the bowl, brought them to him, and fed Qin Gray a bite. road.

Then he also put the food into his mouth.

"Are you talking about creating a different space?" Qin Grei said as she opened her mouth and took a bunch of vegetables into her mouth, kissed Ito Cheng, and fed the vegetables mouth to mouth.

"Absolutely." Ito Cheng smiled as he swallowed the food in his mouth.

Qin Gray nodded and once again fed Ito Chengyu and greeted her in the same fragrant way.

However, there was obviously more teasing than eating, so halfway through the meal, the two fell on the bed again and started their most primitive exercises again.

Not long after, the fiery red cloud that belonged to the Phoenix energy once again appeared around the two of them, wrapping them in the middle.

Needless to say, Jean Gray, who followed lust and enjoyment, did not stop her endless pursuit until her body felt tired again, went into sleep and gave her body to Jean Gray.

This time, Qin Gray, who was in a rational state, did not yell or make a sudden attack silently. Instead, she silently sat up from Ito Cheng's arms, picked up the dishes and chopsticks she sat on, and ate the leftovers. The dishes were eaten.

Naturally, Ito Cheng didn't say much about this. When Qin Gray finished eating and rested again, he continued to close his eyes and concentrate on purifying and refining the phoenix energy in his body.

Then the next day...

The third day...

The fifth day...

tenth day……

Day 30...

As the Phoenix energy that has been accumulated for an unknown period of time, even if it is only a quarter of the original total when reincarnated here, it is still an immeasurable number. Therefore, I gradually adapted to the burning sensation of the Phoenix energy belt. Despite the impact and the increased speed of absorption due to improved physical fitness, Ito Cheng still spent nearly a year with this kind of diligent work before squeezing the Phoenix energy in Qin Gray's body to the critical level. .

And in the process, due to the close coexistence over the past year, and the fact that with the weakening of the Phoenix energy, it is no longer possible to completely block the memory in the Phoenix state like before, the two personalities gradually became unified. Gray has also become like a phoenix state. She doesn't mind having a relationship with Ito Cheng, and even has a faint desire that is not too strong. This makes Ito Cheng very happy, so she no longer just unilaterally collects things like she did at first. Supplement, but with feedback.

As a result, Jean Gray's physical fitness and mutant power also began to strengthen, and with the blessing of the Phoenix power that was faintly re-integrated with her, she evolved towards a comic-like Omega state.

Of course, even Qin Gray has undergone such obvious changes, and Ito Cheng has gained a lot.

First of all, after nearly a year of energy absorption, Ito Cheng's "divine" power has made great progress under the stimulation of the equally growing Alaya energy and the dual cultivation of Qin Gray. Just a hair-like strand became the thickness of instant noodles today. Then the body reached a breakthrough under the fusion of pure phoenix energy nourishment and "divine" matter. Although it was not possible to achieve a divine body, it was not far away from a demigod body, at least against the power of the world. The resistance has been significantly improved, and the body will not be assimilated after fighting with super world power like before.

"It's almost done now. We will leave here and return to the ground tomorrow, and then go to the universe to summon the other three Phoenix forces scattered in other galaxies." Ito Cheng, who had finished his work again, gently stroked Qin Gray, which became more and more radiant and delicate. And the body with shrunken pores said.

"Okay." Qin Gray moved her body and said.

"But..." Then he said hesitantly.

"Do you want to go back to x school?" Ito Cheng, who understood what Qin Gray was going to say without even needing to finish her words, said.

"Yes." Qin Gray looked at Ito Cheng with a strange look.

"Okay, but you can only peek, you can't go down and meet them." Ito Chenghu said with a face.

"I promise you." Qin Gray nodded and said. (To be continued...)

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