Magic world

Chapter 1356 Qin Gray

"Hiss~ What a hot energy." As soon as the Phoenix energy from the outer wall entered his body, Ito felt that the place where the energy flowed produced a burning sensation that was within the range of his tolerance, but it also made him frown, and he couldn't help but frown. Secret passage.

Then he quickly mobilized his own mental power to guide the flow of energy into the body, while purifying and refining it in conjunction with the round energy in the body.

What is surprising, but also reasonable, is that along with the surge of Ito Cheng's mental power, the fiery phoenix energy also produces an unstable emotional energy, which is incompatible with Ito Cheng's mental power. Confronted.

Here we have to talk about the nature of Phoenix energy. The so-called Phoenix energy is the product of the original life energy and emotional power of the universe. It is the immortal energy that is closest to the origin of the universe but is constantly changing. So if you want to obtain it, In addition to having a strong body that can resist energy erosion, you must also have a strong mental willpower. Otherwise, you will be like Jean Gray, Cyclops in a parallel world, and several other people who have obtained Phoenix energy. Arouse primitive desires and be controlled by Phoenix energy.

So the moment he sensed the emotional energy erupting from the Phoenix energy, Ito Shige immediately connected to Alaya's will and crushed it again with an even more tyrannical attitude.

Almost instantly, the original emotional energy of the universe was defeated and dispersed by Alaya's power, which was extracted from the emotions and wills of more than ten billion people. It was transformed into the purest fragments of spiritual and emotional energy, and was absorbed by Alaya's consciousness. .

"Hey, I didn't expect it to have such an effect." In vain, Ito Cheng, who felt that Alaya's will had grown almost insignificantly, raised his eyebrows and thought to himself.

This situation was discovered. Ito Cheng, on the other hand, became more interested in Phoenix energy. After feeling that he still had some room to spare, he increased the speed and amount of energy absorption on the protective shield.

The outer wall that protected Qin Gray didn't have a lot of energy, so it didn't take long for the remaining energy on the outer wall to be exhausted. After a few slight light and dark changes, it shattered with a crisp sound. , the photon particles turned into numbers were absorbed into the body by Ito Cheng. [

As soon as he finished absorbing the energy, Ito Cheng immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and made seals with his hands. Close your eyes and refine the energy in your body. And start the first fusion attempt...

Along with Ito Cheng's refining, the pure cosmic life energy that was taken into his body and shattered by Alaya's will to absorb the emotional energy was quickly broken up, reunited and purified, and was broken up, reunited and purified several times to form An extremely pure energy is mixed into Ito Cheng's own round energy. During the operation, streams of special energy are emitted and penetrated into the skin, flesh, and bones of Ito Cheng's body. Strengthen his physical fitness. Elevating him to another level of life.

And during this process, the "divine" energy that had been hidden in Ito Cheng's sea of ​​consciousness also moved randomly, splitting into small, molecule-like particles and mixing into that energy. Together with the energy, it was integrated into Ito Cheng's body. At the same time, as a supplement to the "divine" energy that could only be produced but not produced, Alaya's will also quickly transmitted a newly generated pure energy into his sea of ​​consciousness. Produce a secondary stimulation to the "divine" energy, causing the "divine" to split.

In this way, with the coordinated operation of various energies, Ito Cheng finally digested all the newly obtained Phoenix energy after an unknown period of time, and his physical fitness and life form were slightly improved.

"Hoo~" At this time, Ito's breath became thick. He opened his eyes and stood up from the ground. With a smile on his face, he walked towards the place that was protected by an energy shield, but because of the external water pressure, it was blocked by Ito's magic circle. Relationship, in front of Qin Grey, who assumed that the situation was safe and did not explode again, she used teleportation to move all her clothes to the side.

In an instant, Qin Gray's naked body appeared in front of Ito Cheng.

Ito looked up and down admiringly at Jean Gray's plump and round body without much fat, then leaned down and kissed Jean Gray on the lips.

Although Ito Cheng still didn't show any malice at this time, this kind of physical contact was probably prohibited. Qin Gray suddenly opened her eyes full of fiery red light, and used overwhelming telekinesis to knock Ito Cheng away. go out.

"Bang!" Ito Cheng's body landed heavily on the wall nearby, and was caught by the blue light of the magic circle that suddenly appeared on the wall.

"It's you." Qin Gray, who should be in the Phoenix state at this time, looked at Ito Cheng who stood up from the ground and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it's me." Ito Cheng chuckled.

"Where is this place?" Qin Gray turned around and looked around and asked.

"The room I built specially for you." Ito Cheng twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled with a strange expression.

"The room built for me?" Jean Gray repeated, then looked down at her naked body, then looked up at Ito Cheng and said, "You want me?"

"Yes." Ito Cheng nodded and admitted. [

"You are so bold. Aren't you afraid of the consequences if Scott and Wolverine find out?" Jean Gray said with a charming smile on her face.

"I don't think they can do anything to me." Ito Cheng said with a low smile.

"Really? In that case, let's do it." Qin Gray smiled. Then he walked up to Ito Cheng, put his arms around his neck, and kissed Ito Cheng with his head.

Qin Gray was worthy of being in the Phoenix state. She acted completely based on desire, and she did it very thoroughly. She was very involved in verbally entangled with Ito Cheng, and started to tear off his clothes.

But just when Ito Cheng's upper body was exposed, a powerful reverse suction force was generated from Jean Gray's mouth and began to swallow Ito Cheng's life energy.

"Hmph!" Ito Cheng hummed, and the energy in his body immediately started to move, forcibly interrupting Jean Gray's devouring. He hugged Jean Gray's body tightly with his arms, activated teleportation, and appeared on the bed next to her.

Only at this time, Ito Cheng's body became completely naked.

Ito Cheng straightened up, moved Qin Gray's legs, and thrust the innate Ruyi golden cudgel into the southern immortal volcano guarded by Phoenix...

"Yeah~" Phoenix, whose nest was attacked, raised its head and let out a low cry.

But at the next moment, the fiery red light in Qin Gray's eyes disappeared in vain, and returned to its original pupil expression. Then she glared at Ito Cheng with a look of shock and anger, and launched another telepathic attack.

"Bang!" Ito Chengcheng, who had already suffered a loss, had already braced himself up and was on guard. Therefore, as soon as Qin Gray regained consciousness, he released the telekinetic attack. Ito Chengcheng immediately raised a telekinesis in front of him. The barrier collided with Qin Gray's telekinesis attack.

"You rogue, villain." Jean Gray cursed angrily.

"This is what you agreed to." Ito smiled, and then quickly leaned down, kissed Jean Gray on the lips, and absorbed a mouthful of energy.

In an instant, Qin Gray, who had just regained consciousness, felt her body shake, and she became weird again. At the same time, the fiery red energy appeared in Qin Gray's eyes again.

"Let's get started." Ito Cheng chuckled as he moved his body slightly twice.

"Of course." Qin Geli, who had his arms around Ito Cheng's neck, responded with a charming smile, then pulled Ito Cheng's head down with both arms, raised his body slightly and kissed it.

Soon, another devouring force emerged from Qin Gray's mouth.

This time, Ito Cheng did not completely interrupt it, but used energy to suppress the speed of being swallowed to a minimum, and then used the dual cultivation method he developed, which was somewhat unorthodox. Jue also absorbed the phoenix energy emanating from Qin Gray's body.

In an instant, the burning sensation that was more painful than the connection of the golden cudgel appeared in Ito Cheng's heart.

"Hiss~ This stimulation seems a bit too much." Feeling the strangeness under his body, Ito Cheng breathed in his heart. Although he thought so, he did not stop taking the necessary actions at all, quickly mobilizing the energy in his body and Alaya's consciousness to refine the phoenix energy that poured into his body.

In this way, the two people who were connected up and down and engaged in devouring actions at the same time formed a strange state of energy exchange, achieving an alternative dual cultivation of tonic...

In the underwater world where Lake Yakli turns into a vast ocean, in a huge square house built of rocks, two white bodies are fiercely entangled and colliding. At the same time, there are strange power fluctuations and masses of light red. Energy clouds surrounded the two of them, making them look like they were undergoing some kind of energy transformation.

"Ah~" After an unknown amount of time, along with Qin Gray's sudden long cry, the fiery energy in Qin Gray's eyes disappeared again. However, before Qin Gray regained her consciousness and expressed her opinion, she was immediately affected by the strong feeling coming from her body. Then, under the nourishment of Ito Cheng, the active Phoenix energy took over the dominance of her consciousness and regained control. Body.

"My dear, you are awesome." Qin Gray looked at Ito Cheng's face and kissed her face.

"But I'm not over yet." Ito Cheng moved his body and said.

"Me too." Jean Gray smiled.

Then the two got entangled fiercely again and re-entered the previous state.


"Is it okay?"



"anything else?"



After going on like this for countless times, Qin Gray, who had the foundation of Phoenix energy, finally couldn't bear the physical exhaustion and had to announce the end of the war with one last long cry, and huddled naked in Ito Cheng's arms. Take a break.

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