Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 988 Jurassic Park

The foundation of Team 33 was the class that Zhang Xiaoming was in when he was in high school. But not all members were copied.

There were more than 50 people in the class, 48 ​​of whom were copied, and 12 outsiders joined. Nominally, they were from other high schools, but in fact, they were all arranged by the military.

Two outsiders were placed in each group. In Xiaoming's Group 6, in addition to No. 7 Gu Waner, the other outsider was No. 42 Liang Gang. Xiaoming was not familiar with him at all.

This was probably a military tactic, with Gu Waner approaching for observation and Liang Gang observing from a distance.

In Group 6, in addition to myself and No. 18 Yu Jingjing, the classmates in this class also included:

No. 19 Sun Yunxu, No. 30 Li Gang, No. 31 Liu Yinghong, No. 43 Diwu Yu, No. 54 Jiang Wanli, and No. 55 Gu Yiyu.

Jiang Wanli and Liu Yinghong happened to be in my group. They were both lucky.

At the beginning of this world, everyone was equipped with a light submachine gun, a pistol, a saber, a small amount of ammunition supplies, and items such as fluorescent sticks.

With only these things, it is enough to use them sparingly. As long as there is no impact from a large group of dinosaurs, you can still survive.

Even without reconnaissance, Xiao Ming can feel the vigorous vitality of many dinosaurs on this island. It seems a bit wasteful not to eat more when encountering such a secret realm.

Although this is in the game, the degree of reality of everything is not low, after all, it is also created by the source energy of Fuxi Qin.

What Xiao Ming obtained from the game and the secret realm is not false. The genetic information of the alien and chimera ants he obtained at the beginning came from the secret realm.

Although the degree of reality of the main game and the secret realm is a little worse than that of the real world or the reincarnation world. But it is real enough.

Xiao Ming has recently reproduced insect humans in the demon world, and has consumed most of the energy that has been accumulated for a long time. It really needs to be replenished. This place is just right.

But Xiao Ming thought about it and found that it was not right. These dinosaurs are just animals, and there is no distinction between good and evil, and there is no way to die.

It is nothing to eat one or two occasionally to satisfy your cravings and whet your appetite. But to replenish energy on a large scale, you need to eat a lot of dinosaurs.

In fact, even if you eat all the dinosaurs on the entire island, the replenishment is far from enough. Do you really have to eat a lot?

There is no need for this! As a civil servant who is about to take office in the underworld, this behavior is also undesirable.

Compared with Xiao Ming's ideological struggle, the other team members are much simpler.

The moment they landed in the secret realm of "Jurassic Park", they were all attracted by Xiao Ming. Where did this mecha warrior come from!

Remember Xiao Ming's universal item [Iron Blood·Nezha]? This item can be used in the main game and most secret realms. Now it is almost complete.

A complete set of armor covering Xiao Ming's whole body, made of liquid metal, can be easily transformed into various weapons, armor and tools.

The computer terminal on the arm armor is the clone left by Maomaoer, who can handle computer matters. A decoder plug-in was also installed, which can crack most passwords.

How could the appearance of such a high-tech armor not cause shock and envy among all team members?

Before entering the secret realm, Xiao Ming was still considering how much strength to use. The previous plan was to use martial arts and magic.

As long as he makes good use of his hidden weapon ability and healing magic, he should be able to protect all team members. And he won't be exposed.

In fact, in the game secret realm, Xiao Ming can also use the general skill [coin flick].

It's just that it costs one gold coin to flick once, which is too expensive. The role of the security team leader doesn't have so many assets.

In terms of power, the skill of coin flick is also incomparable to Xiao Ming who has practiced the longevity formula for 15 years.

This kind of skill that costs money, Xiao Ming doesn't want to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

But now these are useless. Xiao Ming can protect everyone's safety with just the iron-blooded Nezha. At most, use a few more healing spells.

At this moment, the time in the secret realm is late at night, and it is pitch black and raining heavily.

Before Xiao Ming could react, Maomao responded instantly, using liquid metal to prop up a large umbrella to protect Xiao Ming from the rain.

Xiao Ming made some modifications in the middle of the process, splitting out 9 branches and propping up 9 more umbrellas, giving everyone an umbrella over their heads.

At the same time, in the distance that the few people could not see, 3 Seven Star Shadow clones with Sharingan were separated, wearing invisible suits and exploring in other directions.

The military may have strict monitoring of this mission, so Xiao Ming did not use his mental power skill to scan the map.

After Xiao Ming's in-depth research on the skill of scanning the map, the concealment is actually very high now, and it may not be discovered.

It's just that Xiao Ming doesn't want to take risks. Besides, for a secret realm, there is no need.

When Xiao Ming arrived, although he was wearing an iron-blooded armor, his face was still exposed. This time, everyone's characters also used their own images. The system did not increase the difficulty in this regard.

Xiao Ming's mechanical armor was already enough to make people stunned, and it could also turn into an umbrella. The key is that it can also hold an umbrella for each of the ten people. This is beyond everyone's comprehension.

Yu Jingjing is the most familiar with Xiao Ming and knows that Xiao Ming is very strong, so she is not particularly surprised and speaks first.

"Mingzi, you are good. This, this, what is this? This."

"That's right, that's right, the team leader is awesome! Let me see..."*N, several people immediately echoed. As they spoke, they squeezed to Xiao Ming's side and touched him all over...

Xiao Ming didn't mind that he wasn't touching himself. But Maomao'er felt very strange and wanted to get some thorns to prick these clumsy guys. Xiao Ming stopped him.

Gu Wan'er was smarter and immediately told the truth: "If I'm not mistaken, team leader, this should be some kind of high-tech universal item. It's much more advanced than mine."

As she spoke, she raised her right wrist, and everyone saw that there was also a high-tech wrist armor on her right wrist, which was the [Nezha Type 6 Auxiliary Mechanical Arm].

This thing is the predecessor of Iron Blood Nezha. After being strengthened by Xiao Ming's hands, it became what it is now.

Xiao Ming praised: "Wan'er is really smart, the predecessor of my armor is your mechanical arm."

"Oh, really?" Several people who were originally touching and searching Xiao Ming squeezed to Gu Wan'er again.

"That means we have a chance to get this, too?" Someone in the group immediately envisioned a bright future.

Someone discovered the key: "Isn't this thing... an upgraded version of those things in the warehouse?"

The auxiliary mechanical arms that can be purchased by the reserve in the spacecraft warehouse are only type 2 and type 3, which are far inferior to this one, and it is difficult for this student to see it.

At this point, the conversation of Group 6 has completely gone off topic. All the members are discussing this question and have forgotten the plot...

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