Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 987: Team 33's first group activity

Xiao Ming has finished feeding the light spirits and found that 8 light spirits left Kunlun and 13 more came in. Do they regard this place as a tourist destination?

After informing the news of the upcoming arrival at Kuafu Star, the captain mentioned another thing.

"According to convention, before arriving at Kuafu, Team 33 will organize a group activity. Your situation is so... special, it's up to you to decide whether to participate or not."

Xiao Ming will of course participate in the group activity of Team 33. Regardless of the fact that many people in the team are not the originals at all, and there are some outsiders.

But Xiao Ming is very interested in having a group activity with his high school classmates, and in space.

As for Xiao Hong and Xiao Lu who are still waiting for him to play together at home, Xiao Ming can explain it to them through the shadow clone. The two of them won't mind.

It's not that they feel that as servants, they dare not interfere with the master's decision. They have been together for so many years, and the original concept of master and servant has long been gone.

In fact, because they are immortals, their perception of time is different from that of ordinary people.

Xiaoming is not free for the time being, so they can practice for a while and wait, or even wait for a month.

After more than 50 minutes, Captain Zhou and Instructor Li finally gathered the members of Team 33. It was a bit hasty.

Because they didn't expect that the person who hacked into Zhang Xiaoming's clone would be interested in participating in such an activity.

After all, theoretically, this person or this pair of brothers should have nothing in common with the members of Team 33.

This time it was just a polite question. Unexpectedly, he really agreed.

Li Na thought that they might be considering that they would still be comrades-in-arms on Kuafu Star in the future. They planned to keep in touch first.

The military is still quite supportive of this kind of active integration into the group. The superior's procedures were quickly completed.

At the same time, the team members who were still in the game were called out, and those who had not entered the game were also gathered. They all waited next to their own game cabins. Prepare for group activities.

Because some team members were in the secret realm and couldn't get out for a while, it took nearly an hour.

Xiao Ming thought that everyone would take turns to drive the space probe and fly out from the transport ship to have fun. To commemorate this space trip.

Unfortunately, there are only a few probes on a transport ship, and each flight requires energy consumption, and the dispatch team does not have such luxury.

The so-called collective activities are still carried out in the game, and everyone participates in a secret realm together.

Team 33, a total of 60 members. Each group of ten people is divided into 6 groups. The grouping method is to arrange in a serpentine shape according to the results.

No. 1-6 are the leaders of the 6 groups respectively. So Zhang Xiaoming, No. 6, is the leader of the 6th group.

Then No. 7-12 are arranged in reverse, No. 7 Gu Waner becomes the deputy leader of the 6th group, and No. 12 is the deputy leader of the 1st group.

The serpentine arrangement can make the collective results of each group member more even.

Xiao Ming, Tan Guangwen, Li Lu and other friends, of course, want to get together in a group. But this is in the military, how can we let these people choose at will.

Which group you are assigned to is that group. Not only do you have no choice, but even if you want to apply for a transfer in the future, it will not be easily allowed.

Of course, it is not necessarily to say that it is completely in accordance with the rules. The military wants to mix sand in the team.

Gu Waner is from the internal system of the military, and she was obviously assigned to the 6th group.

It can be said that from the beginning, Gu Waner was sent by the military to keep an eye on Zhang Xiaoming's clone.

If Xiao Ming② does not do well as the team leader, then the deputy team leader Gu Waner may take over at any time. In fact, one of the leaders and deputy leaders of each group must come from the military.

Tan Guangwen, No. 3, is naturally the leader of the 3rd group. His Tan family reincarnation team is basically scattered in different groups.

The test scores of the two Qiaos in the north and south are almost the same, and they are also ranked one foot behind the other. Maybe the military also paid attention to the adjustment and did not separate the twins.

So the two Qiaos, No. 24 and No. 25, were arranged in the first group. It's a pity that they were not assigned to Xiao Ming's group 6.

In Xiao Ming's group, there is only No. 18 Yu Jingjing. She is operating by herself, and her body is also strengthened by Xiao Ming into a bug man. While her strength has improved a lot, she also has the nickname of Dragonfly Girl.

Having her in your group is also a good thing. I just don't know if her mind ability has been developed.

Xiao Ming looked carefully and shook his head. The time is too short, and Yu Jingjing's mind power level is still low, which is not enough to support special skills. Maybe I can help her in the future.

"Jurassic Park" is the name of the secret realm entered by Team 33. Hearing this name, many boys got excited.

The biological evolution history of Pangu Star, including several natural disasters and mass extinctions, is the same as the Earth in the parallel world.

Many students know that the Jurassic period, about 200 million to 150 million years ago, was the era when dinosaurs flourished. It is also the dream of countless boys.

So when they first entered the secret realm, many people thought they had really arrived in the Jurassic era. They thought it was a time-travel story.

Later, they were disappointed to find that the era of this secret realm was modern society, and the dinosaurs here were all artificially bred.

The general situation is like this. A wealthy man bought an island and revived the dinosaurs in modern society using high-tech genetic engineering.

On this island, he built the Jurassic Park with dinosaurs as the selling point. However, before the opening, an employee was bribed with the intention of stealing dinosaur embryos and information.

After getting the things, he deliberately shut down the park's security and communication systems in order to escape. The dinosaurs ran out of their captivity, causing great chaos.

The most troublesome thing is that a large number of carnivorous dinosaurs were also cultivated in the park. After they were freed, all humans became ready-made prey.

The huge Tyrannosaurus Rex and the swift and fierce Velociraptor are more terrifying than lions and tigers.

Speaking of which, Velociraptors and Aliens seem a bit similar, but they should not be as strong as Aliens. Tyrannosaurus Rex may be able to fight with the Alien Queen for a few rounds. Thinking about it is a little exciting.

The time when Team 33 entered the plot was when all the dinosaurs ran out. They were security guards of the park and carried light weapons with them.

The 6 groups were separated in different places in the park. They were also far away from the characters in the plot.

The goal of this mission is to survive as long as possible. If you can save the characters in the plot, you can get extra points.

Now let's see how the members of Team 33, who know almost nothing about the plot, pass this secret realm.

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