Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 897 Ye Yunong and Liu Zhicheng

"Brother Zhang, this matter depends entirely on you."

"Don't worry, your brother will take care of it. However, sister, you can't let me work in vain. Give me some benefits, eh~~"

"I hate it, brother, you are drooling, please control it."

"In front of my sister, there is nothing I can control. Which one of us will follow the other?"

"Who is 'we' with you? I can't bear for my sister-in-law to hear this."

Xiao Ming sat in the corner, drinking black tea, listening to the conversation between the two junior high school students in the next seat, shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

What's wrong with this kid now? It's so different from a few decades ago. I obviously can't keep up with the times.

On this street, there is both the high school and the junior high school that Xiao Ming went to, and they are not far from each other. So it is normal for junior high school students to appear here.

I just remember that back then, high school students had to be secretive when it came to dating. It's good now, junior high school students are all so upright.

Looking around, in this cold drink shop, three to four out of ten people are couples. Others are best friends of both men and women. These kids are really not afraid of being discovered by their parents and teachers.

The reason why he paid special attention to the two people next door was not because Xiao Ming was gossiping, but because he sensed something abnormal in the boy among them.

When Xiao Ming came in, he saw the boy had a reincarnation ring on his hand. I think this kid is really young and promising.

However, his life energy always gives people a feeling of unhappiness. For such a young child, he didn't do many bad things. It's just a little weird.

Xiao Ming just sat next to him. Plan to observe more. As a result, I was fed dog food by two junior high school students for a while. From what she said, this girl might still be a mistress.

A teenage junior high school boy became a reincarnator and not only had a girlfriend, but also a mistress. Is this mud horse trying to torture singles to death?

Xiao Ming privately thought that even if he was innocent, he would still have to administer "justice". Otherwise, how to soothe a wounded heart.

While he was thinking about how to do something, the communicator rang. It turned out that Liu Zhicheng had arrived.

This kid is really unreliable. Xiao Ming was the one who was invited, and he deliberately came by bus and still arrived before him. well……

"Uncle Zhang, let me introduce to you. This is my classmate - Ye Yunong. Study committee member. Yunong, this is the Uncle Zhang I mentioned to you."

Liu Zhicheng also brought another classmate of similar age over and introduced him directly. Xiao Ming was speechless for him.

But this Ye Yunong was polite. Bowed deeply and said:

"Hello, Uncle Zhang. My name is Ye Yunong. I'm sorry to bother you. I hope your uncle won't be offended. Uncle Zhang... you look so young."

Xiao Ming liked hearing this, so he took a closer look at Ye Yunong's life energy. He found that it was still between good and evil, and he was in the state of an ordinary person. Xiao Ming was relieved.

Liu Zhicheng was so reckless that he could easily be taken advantage of. Looking at this situation, even if Ye Yunong took advantage of him, it didn't seem like he had any bad intentions.

"Uncle, it's like this. We have something important to talk about. This Gada... is too noisy and inconvenient. My nephew has booked a private room at the Jinding Hotel. Can we go there to talk? Let us juniors in too. mind.”

Xiao Ming thought for a moment and then agreed: "Okay, let's go." After drinking the black tea in the cup in one gulp, the three of them left the cold drink shop.

Not far outside the door was the hover car he drove when they arrived, and several people got in the car and set off.

There was no serious business in the car. Ye Yunong and Liu Zhicheng exchanged their gaming experiences with Xiao Ming.

Hear them speak brilliantly. It seems that the interaction between players has entered a new stage, which makes Xiao Ming feel uneasy.

Originally, we should have many topics in common. It's all the fault of Xiaoer'er and his few smart programs. It takes up several roles.

In fact, even if he plays the game by himself, with his way of playing the game that is separated from the crowd, there is still no common topic.

Not long after, the three of them came to the Jinding Hotel and ate and drank. After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Liu Zhicheng finally brought up the topic in a coy way.

To put it simply, they want to ask Uncle Zhang to get them into the reincarnation space. This turning point is a bit big, what exactly is going on?

Through telepathy, Xiao Ming figured out the ins and outs. These two boys are not Xiao Ming's friends. After probing their hearts, Xiao Ming has no sense of guilt.

The story starts with Pang Si, a former boss of the studio. He was originally an online novel writer with the pen name House of Flying Daggers.

Because of something, Jiang Shizu was offended. As a result, Jiang Shizu used his authority to invite him into the reincarnation space many times. Seeing that he didn't accept it, he sent Hei Wuchang to harass him.

Pang Si almost collapsed, but Xiao Ming and Zhang Wen came over and persuaded him to accept the space's invitation.

At that time, in his nonsense, he mentioned the name of the reincarnation space. Everyone around heard it.

But as a writer of novels, it's not surprising that he has such an idea, and others don't pay much attention to it.

However, later he was fine again, and Liu Zhicheng, a thoughtful person, thought of the reincarnation space mentioned by Pang Si.

Combined with his subsequent observations of Pang Si, Liu Zhicheng felt that there really was a reincarnation space. Immediately interest rose.

At his age, the people he trusted most were not his parents and teachers, but his friends at school, so he discussed it with his good friends.

Most of the friends didn't believe it, only Ye Yunong did. So the two of them discussed for many days. They found the key figure, Uncle Zhang Xiaoming.

Although they took it seriously, they didn't fully consider the complexity and danger of the reincarnation space, nor did they realize how much a "ticket" to the reincarnation space was worth.

Ye Yunong and Liu Zhicheng both came from decent families, and their families were doing some small businesses. They felt that they were not short of money. So they rashly came up with this.

Then the problem came, reincarnationists were not allowed to discuss matters of the reincarnation space with non-reincarnationists. This rule even includes quasi-reincarnationists.

For example, when Xiao Jing'er and Zhang Wen accepted the invitation of the space, they were quasi-reincarnationists. So when they asked Xiao Ming for help, they didn't dare to mention the name of the reincarnation space.

In fact, Xiao Ming's situation was special, and the reincarnation space didn't directly invite him. Even if the two mentioned it, it didn't matter. However, this ban is invalid for non-reincarnationists.

If you think about it, you will know that in the online novel industry, the reincarnation space is one of the genres, and many people write about it.

When authors, readers, and editors talk about it, they will definitely mention it. If the reincarnation space even cares about this, I am afraid that Pangu Star will be slaughtered.

Liu Zhicheng and Ye Yunong are in this situation. And they chose the right target. If it were other reincarnationists, this conversation would not be possible.

Liu and Ye can say it, but the reincarnationists cannot. It's interesting to think about it.

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