Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 896 Public Transportation

Yin Xiaoming was in the game room, feeling a bit confused. It didn't matter that he couldn't enter the main game. He was hesitating about which secret realm to go to.

I just left the world of Guardians of the Galaxy on Monday and found that the Marvel world has a large coverage, rich content, and is quite interesting.

I got a wand and can use specific magic. Xiaoming is also interested in the Harry Potter world.

I just got the Arrancar and Hollow from the world of Bleach. So, should I go to the Secret Realm of Bleach to have a look?

In fact, Xiaoming also intends to go to the secret realm of One Piece, but unfortunately he hasn't randomly arrived at this secret realm yet, so he can't go.

In addition, he wanted to meet the Phantom Troupe before, and it happened that the next plot of the Hunter secret realm is Youkexin City, and it is said that all members of the Phantom Troupe will be there. This is also one of the goals.

There are too many choices, but it makes people feel a little at a loss. Just when Xiaoming was about to throw the dice to decide, he suddenly glanced and found a lot of information that he had not read.

Nowadays, most game warehouses produced by major game manufacturers have this function. It helps the owner receive information from all aspects, not just in the game.

Xiao Ming's situation is special. He is often in contact with people he is close to. They generally do not need to leave information for Xiao Ming. Some people also leave information in the reincarnation space.

So Xiao Ming's game warehouse does not receive information very frequently. Most of them are junk information such as advertisements.

Fortunately, the legal system of the New Han Kingdom is now developed and sound, and fraudulent information is rare.

Xiao Ming casually clicked on it to browse, deleted some useless ones, deleted some expired ones, and there was actually a message from Liu Zhicheng.

Do you remember the Magic Dragon Aotian Game Studio established by Zhang Wen and others? The nephew of one of the bosses, Li Zhenfan, is this Liu Zhicheng.

He is a 17-year-old boy. He and Xiao Ming are the only two employees in the studio, and the others are bosses.

Generally, the bosses will consult Zhang Wen about things related to the studio. Few come directly to Xiao Ming.

From a business perspective, Xiao Ming is Zhang Wen's direct employee. If there is something, others cannot go to the employees without going through the boss, otherwise it will be suspected of poaching.

Liu Zhicheng is young and ignorant, so he rashly went directly to Xiao Ming. Maybe he thought that they were both employees of the studio and had some common language.

He didn't say anything else in his message, just said that he wanted to invite Xiao Ming for tea and chat about something.

I guess he wanted to ask him for help with something. To be honest, Liu Zhicheng and Xiao Ming have a very ordinary relationship, and Xiao Ming really didn't expect him to go directly to him.

It's okay to just ignore it and pretend that he didn't see it. But considering that the other party is still a young man and a colleague, he should go and see.

So Xiao Ming called Liu Zhicheng's number. Since leaving a message, Liu Zhicheng has been waiting for Xiao Ming's call these days, and he picked up it soon.

From the tone, Liu Zhicheng was very eager. It seems that there is really something going on.

According to Liu Zhicheng's meaning, he should find a high-end teahouse to treat him. But Xiao Ming postponed it and made an appointment at an affordable cold drink shop.

This cold drink shop is just across the street from the high school Xiao Ming attended. It is a place frequented by students. Xiao Ming chose this place to find the feeling of the past.

Coming out of the game cabin, he looked at Hongchao who was still eating. Sighing, he shouted to the barrier:

"Sister Hongchao, I have something to do and I have to go out first. If you are done, you don't have to wait for me."

Hongchao heard it, but didn't even raise her head. She just raised her hand holding the chopsticks and shook her chopsticks to show that she knew.

Xiao Ming thought about it and added: "Sister Hongchao, I recently acquired the wand of the Harry Potter world. Please keep an eye on it for me. Please!"

Hongchao raised the chopsticks in her hand again, nodded her chopsticks, and continued to eat.

Xiao Ming's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but worry. Will the mushroom props installed for her be too few? Can she digest so much food in time?

Forget it, ignore it. Xiao Ming turned and walked out the door. I think it doesn't seem appropriate to drive the hero car over. Just take the bus.

So, Zhang Xiaoming, who could teleport to his position instantly, took a bus leisurely and went to the appointment.

It doesn't matter where you sit. Instead of sitting in a cold drink shop and waiting for someone, it's better to sit on the bus for fun.

At this time, the buses in the New Han Kingdom are completely free. And the buses are all magnetically levitated, not bumpy at all.

This is the benefit brought by advanced technology. The costs of all walks of life in the New Han Kingdom are far lower than the average level of Pangu Star.

This part of the city bus was simply borne by the royal family and was completely free for the public. It didn't cost much money, and it earned a great reputation.

The common people didn't know the truth, and compared the transportation costs of other countries, they really thought that the royal family spent a lot of money. Xiao Ming had the same idea at the beginning.

Now my horizons are different, and I can see the real side of the world. But even if the royal family is buying people's hearts, the people are the ones who benefit after all. Xiao Ming still agrees.

Smiling, I sat in the last row of the bus and watched all kinds of people getting on and off the road. Xiao Ming, who hadn't taken the bus for a long time, found it quite interesting.

During the driving, Xiao Ming actually attacked 5 times. Don't worry, it was not a big fight, but just released five swords to reward good and punish evil.

Three of them, judging by their life energy, did a lot of good things and very few bad things.

Such people deserve to be rewarded with the sword that rewards good and punishes evil. I wish them good health and long life.

There is another guy, I don’t know what he does. But his aura is very dark, and he seems to do a lot of wicked things. Xiao Ming casually inserted a sword to reward good and punish evil.

The last one, Xiao Ming inserted it against the electronic screen on the bus. A wanted warrant was being broadcast at the time. A repeat offender who has committed multiple robberies, demolitions, and murders is wanted.

Even though what was playing on the screen was not a real-time image, it was just a photo of the wanted criminal.

However, Xiao Ming clearly felt that inserting a sword to reward good and punish evil in photos can also be effective. No one else has this effect.

Even an extraordinary person like Xiao Ming feels a little incredible. The sword was inserted into it.

The sword that rewards good and punishes evil is different from other weapons and abilities. After it was sent out, Xiao Ming didn't know where it went.

Anyway, it must have been inserted into that person. No matter where he hides or escapes to, this sword will be effective.

But Xiao Ming couldn't track it and didn't know where the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil flew.

What if this person is wrongly accused? It doesn't matter. Xiao Ming's sword that rewards good and punishes evil will not punish ordinary people, and even people with only minor evil will not be punished.

If you are someone who has been wronged, you will be fine. Xiao Ming is not worried about inserting the wrong person.

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