Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 850 It’s better to leave

Xiao Ming deliberately let Johns and Redick go.

Although they are selfish and have bad character. However, this is the most common choice for people in distress. After all, they are just a group of ordinary people.

Their behavior is naturally immoral and not recommended. But it is also not worth Xiao Ming to punish them.

As for actively providing energy batteries to help them escape from the planet, it is to reduce the trouble of others.

If they don't get out quickly, they will definitely find ways to steal the batteries of the spacecraft, which will inevitably lead to conflicts with the remaining survivors.

Both sides are armed with guns, and it is estimated that many people will be killed and injured. Maybe one or two new reincarnations may be killed.

Xiao Ming weighed it in his mind and decided to let these people leave quickly.

When flying away from the surface of the planet, Green Xiao Ming used the Mist Hiding Technique to cover up to prevent the spacecraft from being seen by the survivors. It created an illusion that this group of people just disappeared.

This situation certainly caused a commotion among the passengers and made them more honest. They hid in the survivor camp around the spacecraft and didn't dare to go out casually.

Didn't you see it? That group of strong and armed people never came back. The danger outside is probably extraordinary.

The reconnaissance team is fine, but Redick, the serious criminal, is also missing. He is likely lurking nearby. This is also a time bomb.

Originally, everyone's mentality was "The world is so big, I want to see it." Now it has collectively become "The world is so dangerous, I want to stay at home more."

'We ordinary people should stay at home honestly. ' This is the voice of many passengers.

It was not until the reincarnations of Tan Guangwen's team came back that everyone felt a little relieved. At least this group of people did not encounter danger. They can still provide protection for the survivor camp.

After Johns disappeared, Owens was temporarily regarded as the leader of the entire camp. The Tan family team also clearly supported this plot character.

Under the panic of the people, no one came out to make trouble at this time.

After Owens and Tan Guangwen discussed, they decided that everyone should focus on defense at this stage.

Let's not do the investigation for now. We'll wait for two days until people are at peace.

But will the reincarnationists really be so honest? Of course not.

The disappearance of the 10 good guys was a big blow to the passengers. But in Tan Guangwen's opinion, it was a rare opportunity.

The reincarnationists were here to cause trouble. If everything was calm all day, how could they cause trouble? ! If they didn't cause trouble, where would the reward come from?

In addition, Xiao Ming had told him about the underground monster group. Tan Guangwen made what he thought was a more reasonable judgment.

Johns and his group must have accidentally entered the underground and were drowned by the sea of ​​monsters. These unlucky kids.

The reconnaissance team actually found an abandoned human camp, found an empty spaceship, and flew away directly. No matter how big his imagination was, Old Tan could not have thought of such a truth.

So most of the Tan family team stayed in the camp to calm people's hearts. Yaozhe, who had obtained the blood of the chameleon insect man, had a certain stealth ability, and he quietly ran out to investigate.

I hope he doesn't run underground. Xiao Ming shook his head and ignored it. Yaozhe is already a formal reincarnation, so dying once is not a big deal.

"Bang, bang, bang" the door was knocked, and then a person pushed the door open, "Mr. Huang, are you there?"

It turned out that someone found the cargo hold where Huang Xiaoming and Xiaojia were. At this moment, Huang Xiaoming's real body was building a fortress ten meters underground.

But there was a shadow clone above to replace Huang Xiaoming. No one would find out.

"Oh, it's you, how is the spacecraft repaired?" The shadow clone smiled calmly at the visitor. It was the beautiful pilot Caroline Frye.

As soon as Frye came in, he saw four children playing around Huang Huihuang's auxiliary robot, climbing up and down, touching here and there. He couldn't help but smile knowingly.

It turned out that he was not the first person to come to Huang Huihuang. This group of naughty children came earlier than him.

It is rare that Mr. Huang has such a good temper that he lets children play with his beloved mecha.

Xiaojia is a Transformer, and there is actually nothing to repair. Xiaoming's shadow clone is just a show.

When four children in their teens came to play, the shadow clone pretended to have repaired it and let them play with it.

Mecha is the fantasy of all boys, especially in this era of advanced technology.

Xiaojia looks very advanced, and the adults are still worried and dare not disturb it rashly.

The children are so-called, they come when they want to play. Among the four children, there is also a little girl who shaved her head and pretended to be a boy.

In the original book, this little girl named Jack was very interested in Redick. She is also one of the three people who survived to the end.

However, in this reincarnation world, Redick's brilliance was completely overshadowed by the giant robot.

Now Jack is more curious about Huang Huihuang and Xiaojia. She is a self-acquainted person and the first to come to disturb Huang Xiaoming.

This child had no elders around her, and was probably an orphan. Xiao Ming didn't find her annoying, so he let her play around him.

He also let her crawl around Xiao Jia and touch everything. Children tend to gather together, and soon the other three children came.

Seeing Jack having so much fun, they joined in without hesitation. Xiao Ming still didn't care at all, and Xiao Jia was depressed...

When Frye came, he saw such a harmonious picture.

"Uh... well, it's okay. It should be done in a few days." Frye perfunctorily said a few words before remembering the business. He whispered to Xiouami:

"The problem now is that the energy battery is not very sufficient. And we have to consume energy all the time when we camp here. So..."

Hearing her hesitant tone, the shadow clone guessed a little: "So, when the spacecraft is repaired, we may not have enough energy to take off, right?"

"Yeah!" Frye nodded solemnly. "I came here to ask you, this robot is also a big energy consumer. You should have spare batteries, right?"

"Yes, but the battery model may be different, right?" Xiao Ming was naturally willing to help. He casually raised a question.

When Xiao Ming said there was one, a smile immediately appeared on Fry's face:

"That's good, the model must be different. But there is an energy transmission device on the Hunter spacecraft. Do you want to give the battery to me? Or..."

"Let me do it myself. You send the energy transmission device and the battery without energy, and I will charge it."

"Okay, it's a deal. Don't worry, after we get out of trouble, our company will compensate you several times." Fry left happily.

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