Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 849 Eavesdroppers

"Pah, pah, pah" in a dark corner, the sound of applause suddenly rang out.

"Wow" Led by Johns, three long and short guns pointed at the same time. "Who's there! Come out!"

"Believe me, you don't want to shoot me." The people inside were still at ease, "Then you won't have a driver."

A pair of pupils flashed silver light, and slowly walked forward from the darkness, and Redick's sturdy figure appeared in front of several people.

What he was eavesdropping on in this warehouse, Xiao Ming deep underground, had already observed with "circle".

But I didn't expect that Johns and his team didn't check the warehouse carefully before talking about the secret. Maybe it's because they haven't seen any living people so far.

"It's okay." Johns was the first to put away his gun, and at the same time signaled his companions to put down their guns. Now that I need help from others, it's meaningless to point guns at them.

Then he asked Redick, "How did you escape? I remember you were handcuffed very tightly."

Redick smiled but did not answer. He retorted, "I thought only a murderer like me would be so selfish to escape alone. Tsk, tsk, tsk."

He made a mocking sound and said, "I can't believe that a good man like you, John, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would do this."

When he said the word "good man", he emphasized the tone.

How did the locked Redick escape? At that time, Huang Xiaoming saw it clearly with "circle". It was indeed a bit incredible.

His hands were handcuffed by Johns, handcuffed behind his back, and put on a pillar in the spacecraft. However, there was a broken gap at the top of the pillar.

Redick stood up straight, put his hands together and stretched them straight, and lifted them up from behind, letting the handcuffs pass through the gap and fall back in front of him.

With the human body structure, his shoulders would be dislocated several times during this process, and the pain was definitely unbearable for ordinary people. Not to mention that he dislocated his own joint.

So Xiao Ming didn't care about his escape at all. This was an opportunity he won by his strength. Xiao Ming could only admire him. If it were Xiao Ming, he would definitely not be able to do this.

Of course, Xiao Ming had other ways, a "substitute technique" could get rid of the handcuffs.

Johns, who was ridiculed, blushed and opened his mouth as if he wanted to explain, but stopped.

He also knew that those high-sounding and beautiful words would not work with Redick. He would only be ridiculed more fiercely.

So he asked directly: "Are you joining or not? Give me a straightforward answer!"

"I'm a bad guy, of course I will join this plan."

Redick shrugged and said it very easily. Hearing that he was willing to join, everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

If he refused to join, the whole plan could not be promoted. Maybe there would be a fight.

Along the way, Johns boasted about Redick's strength. Indirectly, he overestimated his own worth. After all, Johns was the one who caught Reddick.

But there is a side effect that several people in the reconnaissance team are very afraid of Reddick. If a fight really breaks out, several of them may run away immediately.

Johns had been worried about this problem before Reddick agreed to join the gang. Fortunately, Reddick joined happily as he thought.

He even took the initiative to deliver the goods to the door. There is no need for Johns to run back again.

On the way to the spaceship together, Reddick came up to Johns and whispered provocatively: "If I don't agree, what will you do?"

"You can try." Johns bluffed. He is also a ruthless person. If necessary, he can kill everyone to cover up his secrets.

"Then you have to keep your eyes open. It will be an interesting journey next." Reddick meant something.

Several people went to check the small spaceship under the cover of Xiao Ming's "circle".

There is nothing wrong with the spaceship, but it lacks the energy battery used by the spaceship, so it can't fly.

"How to solve this problem?" A passenger asked.

"It's simple. If you are short of batteries, you only need to get 4. You all know where they are." Redick said with ease.

One passenger responded quickly: "You mean, there are some in the spaceship."

"Of course, where else can it be?" Redick asked with a smile: "Haha, you won't be unable to do it, right?"

Several people looked at each other. In fact, several people agreed to steal the energy batteries of the spaceship, but no one was willing to say it out loud.

After all, if the batteries were stolen, the Hunter spaceship would probably not be able to fly. Those dozens of people would be trapped on this godforsaken planet. Indirect murder.

It's one thing for them to run away quietly, but it's another thing if they stole the batteries of the spaceship and made everyone else unable to run away.

This kind of thing is easy to say but not easy to hear, so it's best not to say it from your own mouth.

Just as several people were "giving way" to each other, King Lu (Green Xiaoming) walked over from a distance dragging 6 energy batteries.

"Hey, guys, I found these things from this camp, count me in as one."

With a "whoosh", three or five more guns were pointed at King Lu. Redick had performed the same trick before, and it was almost a repeat of it.

In fact, there was no choice. The ending was already determined, and there was a new member in this escape team.

These energy batteries are actually the batteries in the Hunter spacecraft that have run out of energy. Xiao Ming can just use them to refill the energy.

Johns and his team can certainly kill this man directly and steal his battery. (Whether they can beat him or not is not the point.)

But doing so will easily cause the team to lose morale, which is not conducive to the next space journey.

Besides, Johns and Redick are both masters. They can vaguely feel the extraordinaryness of this Chinese man.

Although King Lu seems to have no flesh on his body, in the eyes of the two, he is more terrifying than a beast.

Redick eavesdropped on their conversation when the reconnaissance team did not find him at all, and showed up at the critical moment. It is enough to prove Redick's strength.

Now King Lu can copy the same thing without Redick noticing, which naturally proves King Lu's strength.

This team was originally a situation where Johns and Redick were in opposition and on guard against each other, and something could happen at any time.

Now there is one more master, and it has become a three-legged tripod. This has become more stable.

If anyone wants to attack someone else, they must consider the reaction of the third party. No one dares to act rashly, which is the best result.

30 minutes later, the night that comes once every 22 years has not yet fallen.

Under the posture of Redick, the spaceship, carrying 10 people with their own ulterior motives, flew out of the atmosphere of this unknown planet.

Flying to the mysterious space...

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