Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 828 Mystique Joins

In the Bright Summit, in the barrier where Mystique was imprisoned, the Seven Shadow Clone Neo asked in surprise: "You want to join X Academy? Not follow Old Wan anymore?"

"Yes. I have seen what the leader has done in the past few months. His method is indeed more reliable than that of Professor X and Magneto."

Mystique paused, "It's not that they are not smart enough, but that they don't have such strong strength. X Academy may become the real home of mutants, and I am willing to do my part."

Observing Mystique's life energy carefully, Xiao Ming found that what she said was actually true. I didn't expect this.

Another subordinate of Old Wan, Toad, also said he wanted to surrender. As a result, Xiao Ming saw that he was lying, so he casually inserted a sword of rewarding good and punishing evil into him.

Originally, considering that this was a race war, humans were considered enemies of mutants. Magneto and others killed more for the survival of mutants, and it seemed that there was no way to pursue them.

Xiao Ming didn't want to go too far, so he didn't use the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil on them. Toad insisted on running into the muzzle of the gun, so we could only help him.

Unlike Toad, Mystique is not a die-hard follower of Magneto. She also has her own demands and standards.

For the survival and status of mutants, Mystique Raven Darkholme's ideas are roughly between Professor X and Magneto.

At first, she followed Professor X, but later she felt that humans were untrustworthy, so she stood in Magneto's camp.

Even though she was locked up by Xiao Ming, Raven did not change her mind easily.

Talents are rare. In order to win over Magneto and others, Xiao Ming broadcast the process of building the mutant base to them in real time.

Seeing that the mutants' underground base was taking shape bit by bit, the underwater base and the Mars base were also put into construction.

It would be a lie to say that the four mutants were not shocked. However, Sabretooth and Toad had no opinions, and they followed Magneto's lead.

Magneto's ideas were stubborn and had not changed for the time being. He felt that what the leader did was just a castle in the air, fleeting.

Among the few people, only Mystique was truly moved by Xiao Ming's handwriting. She took the initiative to surrender.

"There is just one thing, I don't quite agree." Mystique, who turned into a beautiful girl, said solemnly.

"Really? Tell me about it." At this time, the one who "received" Mystique was the Seven Stars Shadow clone Neo.

"Your contract does not allow mutants to break the law. This is not well thought out." Mystique said:

"It is fair in the mutant territory, after all, no one can break the law. But if they go to the human world, they can't break the law, so they have no fighting power, right?

What if they are attacked by ordinary people? We can't break the law, but humans can, so we are at the mercy of others?!"

"Hahaha," Neo laughed: "You misunderstood. The contract only requires compliance with the laws of X Academy. It does not require compliance with the laws of the United States or any country.

Mutants will not suffer. This matter was discussed by Charles and others, and I forgot to tell you. No wonder you misunderstood. Are you relieved now?"

"Yeah." Raven nodded, "That's right, I also think the leader should not make such a low-level mistake. Let's do this, I will also sign a contract. Let you all rest assured."

Mystique has the superpower to transform into anyone, which is very practical. If she can join, she can be a spy for mutants in human society and lurk for a long time.

Although the mutants have started a new life, their understanding of human society cannot be interrupted.

There is a possibility that new mutant babies will be born in the world at any time. The work of recruiting new people cannot be stopped.

Moreover, Xiao Ming can finally ask her for more blood and body tissues. Xiao Ming's analysis of Mystique's ability will be easier.

Because Xiao Ming has learned the transformation technique in ninjutsu. The insect king has also absorbed part of Yupi's ability and can also transform.

With these two abilities as a foundation, it is easier to analyze Mystique's transformation ability than to analyze others' abilities.

After signing the contract, Mystique officially became a member of X Academy. Others had different attitudes towards her joining, but Charles was very happy.

Unfortunately, Mystique did not rejoin Professor X's team. After all, the concept is different.

So Mystique set up another mountain in X Academy. In order to make her words more important, she also pulled Xiao Ming to help her get some subordinates.

Before being captured, Magneto had established the Brotherhood of Mutants, which had hundreds of mutants of all kinds. Most of them were low-level guys.

Since Magneto and four other high-ranking members were imprisoned by Xiao Ming a few months ago, the Brotherhood has fallen into chaos. It's a bit like the monkeys scattering when the tree falls.

During the period of recruiting new members, Xiao Ming also came into contact with mutants in the Brotherhood in his dreams.

Unfortunately, only a few inconspicuous low-level mutants were willing to enter the X Academy at that time.

The other mutants were not very good in character, and most of them had violent tendencies. Xiao Ming had no good way to deal with this group of people.

You can't catch them all, right? Bright Summit can't accommodate them. Anyway, there are many gangsters in human society, and these mutants are just a drop in the bucket, so Xiao Ming ignored them.

Raven still has some prestige in the Brotherhood. She took action and quickly won over a dozen low-level mutants. They all signed contracts and joined the academy. But challenges also come one after another.

In the open space outside a cabin in the wild, Raven found some mutants living here and was actively lobbying them.

She was already familiar with the words used to recruit people, and described the attractiveness of X Academy to the mutants eloquently.

Suddenly someone on the periphery said, "Hmph, what nonsense you are talking about, what ability do you have as a little girl? Why do you lead the Brotherhood? Since Magneto is dead, from now on, I will be the boss of the Brotherhood."

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw dozens of mutants walking over. The leader was a burly man wearing a helmet.

"Red Tank!" Everyone exclaimed. The person who came was also famous, and all the mutants here knew him. Raven also knew this guy.

In the comics, Red Tank was a being that could compete with the Hulk, but in the movie he was just a very strong mutant. The X-Men world naturally follows the setting of the movie.

Juggernaut is a very violent guy. Magneto was planning to recruit him before he was captured by Xiao Ming.

Now Magneto is probably dead, and the throne is vacant. It is normal for someone to want to take the throne.

Juggernaut is followed by several of his younger brothers. It is very likely that they think they are not Juggernaut's opponent, so they encourage Juggernaut to fight for the throne behind the scenes. They can be his loyal subjects.

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