Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 827: Solution and Love

In fact, Xiao Taoqi's ability to absorb other people's superpowers for her own use is a very powerful talent.

If she finds a strong enough source of energy, she can become an extremely powerful existence.

It's just that the young Xiao Taoqi can't control her superpowers and always hurts others unconsciously.

Therefore, she has to wrap herself tightly every day to avoid hurting innocent people, unless that person takes the initiative to touch her cheek. There's nothing she can do.

She is also a kind-hearted child. Because it will hurt people, she regards this ability as a curse and never wants to use it again.

If it were a reckless murderer, he wouldn't care how many people he hurt.

After repeated use, he will master the essence of this ability faster and reach a state where he can control it freely. Then he won't hurt people unconsciously.

In other words, Xiao Taoqi's kindness limits her development and makes it impossible for her to run in with her talent.

When Xiao Ming entered this world, he saved Xiao Taoqi on the train, and Xiao Taoqi and Xiao Ming also formed a fate.

When the leader showed his great power, Xiao Taoqi naturally "sticked" to him.

For no other reason, she hoped that the leader could solve her problem, and she would rather lose her superpowers for this.

Don't tell me, her character was enough to make Xiao Ming take the initiative to find a way to help her.

At the beginning, Xiao Ming couldn't think of a good way, and he even planned to clone a new body for her and then transfer her soul to it.

But this requires Xiao Ming and Xiao Taoqi to have real contact, which will inevitably lead to Xiao Taoqi's superpowers taking effect.

It is too difficult to transfer her soul while being absorbed by Xiao Taoqi's energy, and Xiao Ming can hardly do it by himself.

Just when he was extremely troubled, the solution actually jumped out by itself.

In fact, it is also very simple, that is, to use plant props or puppets to feed and exercise Xiao Taoqi's abilities.

As for Xiao Ming's body, he dared not have actual contact with Xiao Taoqi.

Although it is unlikely, Xiao Ming is still very worried that the "source energy" will be absorbed by her, then it will be over.

Similarly, it is best not to have contact with Xiao Taoqi, after all, the connection between the Qiyao Shadow Clone and the original body is relatively close, and it may be sucked away.

Xiao Ming did not even dare to use the Shadow Clone and the Mind Beast for experiments. Who knows how strong Xiao Taoqi's ability is.

Only plant props and puppets, this kind of "external things" are the most suitable.

In order to build X Academy, Xiao Ming used the bean-casting soldiers and made a lot of low-level puppets as workers.

Xiao Taoqi thought it was not a human, so he didn't pay much attention and touched it casually.

Unexpectedly, he actually absorbed the magic power inside the puppet. Without the support of mana, the puppet naturally fell apart.

Accidentally causing trouble again, Xiao Taoqi was so anxious that tears fell down, and repeatedly cried and said: "I didn't mean it."

Xiao Ming's eyes lit up. It turns out that the magic power of the puppet can also be absorbed by Xiao Taoqi, which is much easier.

Summoned a large number of puppets, let Xiao Taoqi absorb at will, and deduced that the energy that Xiao Taoqi can absorb is also limited.

This is easy to understand. Xiao Taoqi's physical fitness is just the state of an ordinary person. The energy that can be endured naturally has its upper limit, and it will not be too high.

After absorbing "full", her ability cannot be activated for at least 3 or 5 days. A "meal" can last for half a week.

The reason why it couldn't be done before was that the mutants in this world could not reach this upper limit and couldn't feed Xiao Taoqi.

Even the two A-level mutants, Magneto and Professor X, couldn't satisfy Xiao Taoqi's "appetite". Let alone others.

In fact, Xiao Taoqi can also absorb the energy of livestock instead, but she didn't think of it before. And she doesn't have that much money.

Besides, if she absorbs too much energy from livestock, will she grow horns and hooves? Xiao Taoqi can't be so hungry.

But Xiao Ming's energy is almost endless. Even some S-level beings are far different from Xiao Ming in terms of total energy.

It is impossible for Xiao Taoqi to absorb all of it. Just be careful not to let her absorb directly from Xiao Ming's body.

Xiao Ming's body has too many abilities, maybe she will absorb some strange abilities. He dare not take this risk. The energy she can absorb needs to be strictly limited.

After several experiments, Xiao Ming found that the most suitable for Xiao Taoqi is aura.

The magic power is a little worse, and the vitality of humans or animals is even worse. As for the energy of plants, Xiao Taoqi's physique does not need it at all.

Of course, source energy is no longer included in the experiment. It may be praised, or it may not be recognized. It is unknown.

The cheapest way to provide aura is the props in Plants vs. Zombies. Especially items such as Sun Mushrooms and Sunflowers that specialize in producing aura.

Although these two are called plants, their aura quality is good enough and sufficient, which is most suitable for Xiao Taoqi to absorb.

And these plants are planted everywhere inside and outside the X Academy. Mainly to provide energy for other defensive plants.

Now it is not difficult to make a large area specifically for Xiao Taoqi.

Xiao Ming didn't bring out the zombie props, fearing that the humans here wouldn't be able to accept them.

This worry is actually a bit redundant. In the field of novelty hunting, the American people are the most adaptable.

Now that we have found a way, things will be much easier. Xiao Ming specially created a large sea of ​​flowers for Xiao Taoqi.

Under the shining of the sunlight moss, large patches of golden sunflowers that thrived, like an ocean, submerged the girl's soft figure.

For the first time, Xiao Taoqi felt that she could be so happy. Xiao Taoqi, who has obtained a constant supply of energy from sunflowers, will no longer hurt people casually. So there is no need to wrap it so tightly.

Putting on a beautiful dress, Xiao Taoqi fully blooms her charm. She dances gracefully in the sea of ​​flowers, beautiful and magnificent.

Those who pass by, whether mutants or ordinary people, are stunned. For the first time, I found that this disaster star is so beautiful that it is bubbling.

ω Among them, the fire man and ice man of X Academy are the most obsessed. They probably came out to play during the break and happened to see this beautiful scenery.

The two teenagers couldn't even walk, their left foot tripped over their right foot, their right foot tripped over their left foot, and they fell down together with a "bang".

The body was twisted together and couldn't get up for a long time. The little naughty boy who saw this scene laughed so hard that his body shook.

From then on, the three of them followed the original story and embarked on the plot line of mutual entanglement again. And the entanglement became deeper.

In the original story, Pyro later joined Magneto's army and withdrew from this triangle relationship.

In this life, there is no Magneto to make trouble. The plot of this love triangle will be more protracted.

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