Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 825 New Uniform

Before, due to Professor X's mental power, he had once entered Xiao Ming's Tsukuyomi world.

As a result, a large amount of mental power was "bitten" by Tsukuyomi, and Xiao Ming can now use the weakened version of Charles' skills.

Of course, it is definitely not as exquisite as Charles' original skills. That is the skill that Professor X has been honing for decades. It is not something that Xiao Ming can catch up with by "biting".

If it were not for the fact that he could not repay Xiao Ming's kindness with other things, Charles would be reluctant to teach Xiao Ming these skills.

What? ! You said Charles can play dumb and doesn't need to repay at all. Is that still Professor X's character?

What is unexpected is that Xiao Ming only took a few hours to learn 70% or 80% of so many complex skills.

The teaching process was kept confidential, and no one was allowed to visit, even Jean Grey and others were isolated.

After the teaching was completed, neither of them revealed any details to the outside world.

The scene was very strange, because Xiao Ming used his telepathic ability [Private Tutor].

Xiao Ming himself didn't mind wearing a student uniform to study, he was used to it.

But Charles still felt embarrassed about wearing a teacher's uniform.

Although Charles' illness could not be cured by medicine on Earth.

But the ability of mind is metaphysical, and it is not difficult to treat it with supernatural energy.

So far, Xiao Ming has not encountered a disease that cannot be cured by [Life-saving Golden Needle] among ordinary people.

The only problem that cannot be solved is the problem of Shennong 2 Captain Xinku. That was the injury suffered by the S-level reincarnation, and the life-saving golden needle was completely ineffective.

Charles' treatment lasted for a quarter. At this time, the mutant base located under the Amazon rainforest in South America-X Academy has begun to take shape.

The mutants living here and the ordinary people who come with them have exceeded a thousand. X Academy has reached the size of a small town.

If the recruitment is open, there are probably more than 10,000 people now. But Xiao Ming has to lay a good foundation for the base.

In terms of recruiting personnel, it is better to be short than unqualified and foolproof.

For this purpose, Xiao Ming specially developed a new mind ability, another member of the mind beast uniform series-lawyer uniform.

The lawyer uniform has the ability to formulate a contract. That is another application of constraints and oaths in the power of mind.

The requirements of the contract are: the terms of the contract, in Xiao Ming's view, must be reasonable and fair. There must be no deception.

As a being with multiple sources of energy, Xiao Ming believes that fairness and rationality are very valuable.

Once the contract is established, it cannot be cancelled, and the person who signs the contract must abide by the contract. The longer the contract lasts, the stronger the effect of the contract will be.

The first contract drafted by Xiao Ming's lawyer uniform is the [Entrance Contract] for joining X Academy.

The conditions are very simple. Those who join X Academy must be willing to be a good person who abides by the law. Sorry, those who want to do bad things will not be accepted by X Academy.

This is a very reasonable request in Xiao Ming's eyes. In the eyes of Cyclops, Wolverine and others, this is an excessive request.

They believe that normal people will always make some small mistakes consciously or unconsciously. In this regard, the hot-tempered Wolverine is simply the best. Is the requirement of abiding by the law a bit excessive?

They don't know, in Xiao Ming's concept. The law is divided into two parts: criminal law and civil law.

The law-abiding requirements in the contract are actually for criminal law, that is, serious criminal acts are prohibited. Civil disputes are generally not subject to contracts.

It took a lot of effort for Xiao Ming to explain the situation to Cyclops and others.

Moreover, this contract is only an initial measure. It is still hard to say whether it can be continued in the future or not.

Anyway, even if it is just to prohibit criminal crimes, Wolverine is still not qualified.

However, people like Wolverine and Cyclops do not need to sign the contract, so it doesn't matter for the time being.

Of course, Xiao Ming wants to set the contract as an iron bar and continue to enforce it in X Academy.

He doesn't understand why these people think that the so-called freedom of human beings also includes the freedom to allow them to break the law and commit crimes?

In fact, this is due to inherent concepts. Due to the characteristics of human society, it is impossible to prevent crimes in advance, and only responsibility can be pursued afterwards.

Therefore, prohibiting human vicious crimes in advance seems to infringe on their freedom.

However, Xiao Ming adopts means beyond ordinary humans. Of course, it can be done more thoroughly.

The most important thing is that Xiao Ming will not force others to join X Academy. If any mutant feels that this contract is inappropriate, he can stay in human society.

In addition, the most amazing thing about this beast lawyer is that it can even appear in the world of Tsukuyomi.

The black boy who was recruited in the previous article was wearing the lawyer uniform seen in the world of Tsukuyomi. And signed the contract.

Yes, Xiao Ming always uses the world of Tsukuyomi to meet mutants and their families in dreams. Here, no one can lie to Xiao Ming.

Whether the mutant lives a happy and safe life, he will not dare to admit it under the pressure of others. His parents or relatives and friends can't hide the truth.

If the child is very young, parents who really love their children are generally willing to enter X Academy with their children.

Of course, if they cannot enter X Academy for some reason, Xiao Ming will also erase their memories of this dream before the dream ends.

Professor X and Master of Illusion both have the ability to cleanse memories. Xiao Ming has also learned it. The effect of mutual cooperation is very good.

After agreeing to join and signing the contract, Xiao Ming will use the [Wormhole] skill to teleport these people to X Academy.

Later, when Blue Demon joined, his teleportation ability could also help Xiao Ming share some work.

Of course, all the mutants that Xiao Ming has come into contact with will have some blood and body tissue stolen by him without anyone noticing.

For the time being, among the abilities of mutants, only the skills related to mental power can be easily mastered by Xiao Ming.

For other abilities, Xiao Ming needs a long time to analyze.

The superpowers in X-Men are not the kind of superpowers that are systematically improved and trained, but the innate, "randomly" assigned mutant genes.

This is a bit like the devil fruit in "One Piece". It's just that the superpowers are much worse than the devil fruit.

The difference between the two is that in One Piece, there are fruits for you to eat, and everyone can buy them or fight for them. The superpowers of X-Men can only be born.

People who eat devil fruits will have their abilities suppressed in seawater and will also lose the ability to swim.

The superpowers in the X-Men do not have this obvious shortcoming.

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