Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 824 Jason and the Death Woman

The punishment of the anthropomorphic flower is really powerful. The victims can take out their anger on William Stryker at will.

After fully venting their anger, dozens of mutants who were rescued by Xiao Ming and suffered cruel persecution from William.

Under the leadership of Jason Stryker and the Death Woman, all willingly joined Xiao Ming's army.

Perhaps in the mutant school, most students still worship Professor X, and the leader's strength cannot change this.

But these rescued mutants have no good feelings for the professor. Some people even have some dissatisfaction in their hearts.

In their opinion, since Professor Charles is rescuing mutants all over the world, why didn't he show up when they were cruelly persecuted by Colonel Stryker?

It's probably unreasonable to say that Professor X was completely unaware of this. Charles knew with his knees that someone must be doing this kind of thing.

Professor X only dared not be too strong on such things in order to maintain a good relationship with the government.

Otherwise, it would inevitably cause the disgust of the traitorous American government. He doesn't have the overwhelming strength of Xiao Ming, so he is bound by many things.

So these mutants worship the leader who is not afraid of anything. They are willing to follow Xiao Ming to the ends of the earth.

Xiao Ming doesn't care. There are many places to put them. Since they are willing to follow, Xiao Ming doesn't mind accepting them.

After these mutants follow Xiao Ming, they will get better nutrition and teaching, and will become more powerful helpers in the future.

To be on the safe side, Xiao Ming first gave each of them a bug evolution needle and life essence, so that they don't have to worry about them becoming bad in the future after becoming bugs.

Based on their experience, this possibility exists. As for whether this is considered depriving their personal freedom, Xiao Ming can't say.

It's just that Xiao Ming did his best before this, and explained all the situations of becoming a bug human, but he couldn't make anyone change their mind.

For those students in the mutant school who have freedom and live quite well, few people are willing to be loyal to others forever.

But for these persecuted mutants, becoming a bug is the best choice. Not only can they enhance their strength, but they can also cling to someone powerful.

They don't want to be captured by other organizations for experiments.

Of course, there is an exception, that is Blue Devil. Blue Devil was controlled by Jason, but he did not suffer much persecution in the base.

Moreover, Blue Devil is a devout Christian, and his loyalty cannot be devoted to anyone other than the Lord.

He has always been a cooperative relationship with Xiao Ming and Professor X.

After transforming into insect humans, the bodies of these mutants are healthier. Their strength has also improved to varying degrees.

Most of them are hovering between D and C levels, and only Death Girl has reached B level, and her combat power is still higher than Wolverine.

As for the illusion master Jason, half of his strength comes from his own superpowers, and the other half comes from the inhumane transformation and torture by Stryker.

When he was the strongest, it was also the time when his mental trauma was the most serious.

The whole person no longer listened to his own command, and was completely manipulated by his father William.

When Xiao Ming cured his physical and mental problems. His strength has decreased a lot. It has temporarily dropped to C level.

There are similar examples in reality. Some people have a tumor in their heads, which affects their nerves and makes them excellent painters.

After the tumor was removed by surgery, his body recovered, but his painting ability also returned to zero.

Of course, Jason's situation is different. His ability decline is only temporary.

With a stronger insect-human body and the bonus of super-powered seeds in the future, Jason will definitely become a more terrifying existence.

Xiao Ming did not hide the fact that the mutants followed the leader and were transformed into insect-humans from Professor X and his subordinates.

Everyone still has to cooperate for a long time, and concealing such things is likely to cause rifts. After confirming that all mutants are voluntary, the professor has no objection.

The main reason is that these people have opinions about him. The professor felt guilty when he felt this emotion. Naturally, he did not dare to interfere.

In addition, Professor X saw Jason's lively appearance and thought that he was still sitting in a wheelchair when he was just rescued, and he felt a little envious.

It is obvious that becoming an insect-human has strengthened his physical fitness and also given Jason the ability to act independently.

Charles is in a wheelchair because of a spinal injury and cannot move freely.

Jason has no major physical problems. He used a wheelchair before because he could no longer walk after being tortured by William.

After the spiritual cultivation is good, it is natural to be able to walk freely.

Professor X certainly understands the reason, but it is inevitable that his emotions fluctuate.

"Charles, in fact, I can also help you get rid of this wheelchair." Yin Xiaoming said to Professor X.

"This... forget it, I don't want to be your loyal subordinate. Wheelchair... I'm used to it." Professor X values ​​his independence more.

"Haha, Charles, you think too much. Your disease can be cured without turning into a bug man."

"You mean..." Professor X thought, "those nurses?"

He was talking about Xiaoming's uniform nurse beast. New mutants and ordinary people are constantly added to the underground base, and there will always be some people who are injured or sick.

In the early days, the medical equipment and medicines here were not sufficient, and Xiao Ming's nurse also made many guest appearances.

Ordinary humans cannot see the mind beasts, but most mutants can see them and are not unfamiliar with them.

These mind beasts with medical abilities also opened the eyes of Jean Grey and others.

"Uh..., it's almost the same, but it's another kind of mind ability. Can we try it once?"

It's too troublesome to explain the difference between the mind beast nurse and the mind ability [Life-saving Golden Needle]. Xiao Ming was too lazy to explain it slowly. He directly asked for a treatment first to try.

Professor X was still a little hesitant, and Jean Grey, who was guarding Professor X, took the initiative to persuade the professor to give it a try. Charles agreed to it.

The magic of the life-saving golden needle was completely unexpected by the two. After the golden needle was inserted, Professor X actually got the opportunity to run within 30 minutes.

At the same time, this treatment did not affect his telepathic ability. Charles was rarely so excited.

It was not until 30 minutes later that the effect disappeared and he was carried back to the wheelchair by Xiao Ming. Naturally, he agreed to the next course of treatment.

In return, he expressed his willingness to teach the leader all his skills and tricks in spiritual power. How much he can learn depends on the leader's ability.

Xiao Ming gladly accepted (what he wanted).

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