Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 812: The End of the Battle

In terms of combat effectiveness, Lian Haolong and his subordinates are the strongest. His gun skills are also very accurate. He may have served in the army and fought in wars in his early years.

Not long after, all of Su Su's subordinates were dealt with. Su Su was usually very good to her subordinates, and their dying counterattack also caused considerable casualties to Lian Haolong's subordinates.

Just when Lian Haolong wanted to ask his wife why she betrayed him.

A group of Flying Tigers rushed out from nowhere, and after failing to persuade them to surrender, they started a fierce battle.

Zhong Xinyi's side was already exhausted and out of ammunition and food. How could they be the opponent of the Flying Tigers' fresh forces? !

Under the hail of gunfire, Zhong Xinyi's elder brother and sister-in-law died on the spot. The bodies of the two still fell together in a pool of blood.

In the original book, at this time, Lian Haolong and Su Su had a very classic dialogue. About why Su Su betrayed.

Simply put, it was love that turned into hate. 30 years ago, when Susu was 16, she was a prostitute, and Lian Haolong was just a thug who looked after the casino.

At that time, the two depended on each other for survival. Lian Haolong was addicted to gambling and lost all their money. Susu never blamed him and never left him.

Susu still supported Lian Haolong. The two shared a lunch box and drank water from the tap together.

In order to help him, Susu, who only graduated from elementary school, went to learn English and accounting. Zhongxinyi is what it is today, and she actually contributed a lot.

It goes without saying how important finance is to a company. Especially in the underworld, the entire money laundering network of Zhongxinyi was established by Susu.

If you don't understand this kind of thing, you won't know what's going on if you are cheated to death by others.

Originally, Susu thought that as long as she loved Lian Haolong wholeheartedly and helped Lian Haolong, she would definitely get enough rewards.

However, Lian Haolong's marriage to Lisa as a concubine and the birth of a child and the full moon wine celebration completely hit her to the bottom.

Su Su was a prostitute and had three abortions. It was impossible for her to have another child.

Lian Haolong still married her as his wife. This was a manifestation of his love for her, which made her feel that all his efforts were worth it.

But he made a big fuss for the son born by his concubine, and the whole of Hong Kong knew about it.

He didn't care how much of a blow this was to his wife.

From then on, let alone outsiders, I'm afraid that Lian Zhongxinyi's younger brothers would talk about Su Su behind her back. That's how people are.

There are three kinds of unfilial behavior, and the worst is to have no descendants. Lian Haolong's thinking is very traditional. He wants to leave descendants for himself, which is understandable.

But at a banquet, he trampled on his wife's face without a trace, which was really too much.

After working together for 30 years, in the end, he didn't even have such a face. Su Su and him became alienated because of this.

She felt that this man no longer belonged to her, so of course she had to make plans for herself. If a person does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth.

"I have no food to eat, I am the only one who is hungry." Su Su's last words completely left Lian Haolong speechless.

He also felt regretful. He was so happy about his son's full moon that he held a grand banquet.

But he didn't care how much his wife lost face because of this. It's all his own fault!

Every one of the high-level people in Zhongxinyi deserved to die. This is not to say that what Su Su and Ah Fa did was right.

It's just that within the rules of the underworld, Su Su's behavior is understandable. Lian Haolong had nothing to say.

This conversation between the two of them also untied everyone's knot. They can die calmly.

Unfortunately, in this reincarnation world, the reincarnations of the Fenghuaxueyue Guild watched the battle from afar.

They were afraid that at this time, Lian Haolong would shoot Su Su and run away. So they launched the final general attack early.

Sister Su Su was full of grievances, and Lian Haolong's mind was full of questions, but they all came to no conclusion and he died with his eyes open.

Seeing such a big battle, Xiao Ming was also very surprised. How could the Fenghuaxueyue Guild have such a great ability?

In this world, it only took a few days to mobilize the Flying Tigers. Awesome!

It can only be said that Xiao Ming is still too inexperienced and usually relies too much on his own energy.

Xiao Ming's understanding of the reincarnation space and the reincarnationists is still superficial. He doesn't understand many skills.

In fact, the reincarnationists are a group that can create miracles. They are fearless and dare to do anything.

Since most reincarnationists have limited strength, unlike Xiao Ming, who can conquer the world with plug-ins. So the means they use are also strange.

After all, in the mission world, the reincarnationists will not stay for a long time. Therefore, there is no need to consider the consequences in many cases. They can often do things that ordinary people can't do.

If they are regular police in this world, they will definitely not forge various documents just to illegally mobilize the Flying Tigers once a day. Do you still want to get a promotion and a raise in the future? !

But the reincarnationists dare to do this. Anyway, I will return to the real world after finishing the work, so I don’t need to think about the future.

A mission world is over, and all the reincarnations return to the settlement space to receive rewards.

After this, Fenghuaxueyue Guild and Mingjing Team have also established a good friendship.

Both parties agreed to help each other in the future. However, this is just a verbal agreement, and how effective it can be depends on the specific situation.

For this mission, Xiao Ming took the lead and gave Fenghuaxueyue a lot of benefits. The guild from Tianxiaweigong to below is very grateful.

At the same time, Tianxiaweigong also understood that the vision of both parties is not at the same level.

In his opinion, the scores and rewards are very important. Everyone in the Mingjing team actually looks like they don't care.

No one takes Xiao Ming's behavior of giving up his interests seriously, and no one has any objections.

Tianxiaweigong can see that they are not just pretending to be rich, but really don't take it to heart.

This makes Tianxiaweigong unable to even feel envious, jealous and hateful.

Damn, their vision is really too high. They are not on the same level at all.

This is no wonder, there are a total of six members in the Mingjing team. Everyone does not need to rely on rewards to improve their personal strength.

Yijianguanghanzhaojiuzhou and Xiaoxiaoer are both dragons, Kraken has alien technology, and Xiaoming, Xiaojinger, and Zhang Wen all have Xiaoming's source energy to rely on.

Scoring and rewards can only be regarded as icing on the cake for the Mingjing team. What really means to them is the countless wonderful reincarnation worlds here.

Back to the settlement space, everyone in the Mingjing team found out, WTF? Why didn't Xiaoming come back together again? !

In the past, it was normal for Xiao Ming not to act with everyone and not to come back together.

My sister and Brother Wen knew that Xiao Ming used the power of the Dragon-trapping Wristband to continue playing in a certain reincarnation world.

However, in this mission, the leader obviously could not use supernatural energy, so he could not activate the Dragon-trapping Wristband. How could this happen again?

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