Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 811: Husband and wife showdown

The members of Mingjing Team all have the physical fitness of special forces. The two mechanical department members, Kraken and Xiaojia, have the best marksmanship, and the others are not bad either.

With more people against fewer, and with a few masters, they led Zangma's gang and easily dealt with the remnants of Lian Haodong, Awu, and Afa.

The enemy's subordinates were killed or injured, but several bosses survived. Awu and Afa were shot two or three times each, but their lives were not in danger. Brother Dong was miraculously unscathed.

"It is true that the waves behind push the waves ahead, and the new generation replaces the old." Lian Haodong couldn't help but sigh when he saw Zangma and others.

"So you guys are in the same group. You joined Zhongxinyi just for today. I didn't expect that my big brother, who was a hero all his life, was still tricked by you."

Lian Haodong laughed at himself and said, "Now there is no need to hide it. Are you undercover agents of the police? Or are you Huafu's people? Tell me the truth."

Unfortunately, no one wanted to pay attention to him. Only when Zangma came to his ear and whispered a few words, Lian Haodong's face calmed down and he stopped talking.

Lian Haodong seemed to have misunderstood something, but his statement was not wrong from the surface.

It is true that many things happened not long after the Mingjing team took over Zhongxinyi, which led to the complete collapse of Zhongxinyi.

In the end, they ran out collectively to pick up the bargain. From this situation, it seems that several people in the Mingjing team really look like undercover agents. This is also a situation that reincarnationists often encounter.

Except for reincarnationists like Xiao Ming who have the ability to extend their stay in the reincarnation world. Other reincarnationists only have that long to complete their tasks.

The plot will also be more concentrated, and generally, something will happen as soon as the reincarnation comes.

It is reasonable to be regarded as an undercover, otherwise it will be regarded as a jinx.

In fact, the task given to Mingjing Team by the reincarnation space is just to deal with the traitors of Zhongxinyi. They are not required to take action against Zhongxinyi.

The main reason why Mingjing Team will take action against Zhongxinyi is Xiaoming's personal disgust for the underworld.

As for the younger brothers of Luo Tianhong's gang, they have been subdued by Zangma in recent days.

A few diehards were either hypnotized by Xiaoming or quietly dealt with.

It is hard to say about the team led by Luo Tianhong, but the combat effectiveness is really strong. This battle was clean and neat.

It is too easy for them to kill the captured bosses such as Lian Haodong now. Let the police deal with it.

Zhang Wen and others secretly made a move and injured their muscles and bones. So that they will never be able to use strength in their lives.

Daily life is only slightly inconvenient, but if they want to beat someone up, there is nothing they can do.

These people have their own small treasury and warehouses for storing supplies, which is also a windfall. Even Lian Haodong, who is heavily in debt, has some emergency reserves.

Ah Fa's property is even more, and he recently extorted 100 million from the boss.

However, the Mingjing team is a reincarnation, and they are really not interested in their property.

Just order the men to torture them here. No matter how much money is extorted from them, everyone will share it equally.

Now the enthusiasm of all the younger brothers has been mobilized. The three former big brothers began to be tortured. Zang Ma and others took this opportunity to slip away.

The predetermined signal was issued, the sirens sounded, and countless police cars drove over from all directions, catching all these gangsters in one fell swoop.

In this team, there was only one member of the Fenghuaxueyue team. Their main force should still be placed on the couple Lian Haolong and Susu.

This is the home ground of the Mingjing team, and they are here to clean up the mess. This was agreed upon long ago.

Before, Xiao Ming borrowed the power of the Fenghuaxueyue team to help Lisa escape. In return for the favor, the credit for this achievement was given to him.

It was clearly a fight against the world, but the two sides could actually work closely together. This level of trust is rare among the reincarnations. The score for this mission is estimated to be high.

Lian Haolong led several subordinates including Ah Heng to hunt down his wife Su Su.

Ah Fa was just a subordinate. There were too many bosses betrayed by their subordinates these days, and Brother Long was not so upset.

What was really puzzling was that his wife, who had been with him for many years, was the mastermind behind his betrayal. Why on earth was this? Lian Haolong must get the answer.

Su Su's scheming was no less than Ah Fa's, so she naturally notified other subordinates to help. In a critical moment, they could not care about leaking information.

Instead, Lian Haolong and others did not use all their strength, but only used the core strength.

They were preparing in advance, and at this time, they were naturally afraid of leaking the news. They could not mobilize all their forces.

On the one hand, they were afraid of leaking to the police; on the other hand, they were afraid of being discovered by Susu and Afa. Of course, they also had to guard against other gangs.

Lian Haolong thought that as long as his side was fully prepared, especially in terms of compulsory ammunition. At that time, they would have the upper hand by using more to defeat fewer and faster to defeat slower.

Unexpectedly, no matter how careful Lian Haolong and his team were, the mastermind behind this matter would not let him feel so comfortable.

Mingjing team and Fenghuaxueyue joined forces, not only the police would get accurate information at the critical moment, Susu and Afa also got the news one day in advance.

This gave them time to make more preparations, and Lian Haolong's fight was not smooth.

Sister Su Su's arrangement was different from Ah Fa's. She did not let her remaining subordinates form a group to rescue directly, but dispersed them into several teams.

Scattered in various locations, from the flank of Lian Haolong's convoy, a dispersed harassment attack was carried out.

This approach was very smart. If it was blocked head-on, it would definitely be hit by concentrated firepower and could not last long.

The effect of flank harassment was much better. Every time there was harassment, Lian Haolong's pursuit team had two choices.

Stop and fight; or send a small number of people to entangle, and the main force rushed over under the enemy's firepower.

Lian Haolong was eager to pursue Su Su, so naturally he left a few people to fight against the harassment every time. The personnel gradually dispersed, and Ah Heng and others also stayed behind one by one.

In the end, only Lian Haolong's three cars were left to chase Sister Su Su's two cars. At other locations, only a few people were entangled with each other, and they could still run away if they found the right opportunity.

Just when Susu thought she had a chance to escape, her convoy was attacked by the Fenghuaxueyue team and broke down in the wild.

Lian Haolong's convoy ran into them from behind and they immediately engaged in close combat, "crackling" and fighting.

Sister Susu herself had no fighting power, so she could only hide in the corner and wait for the final outcome.

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