In the past two weeks, the three Xiao Mings have been entangled in various affairs, and the main game has been delayed.

Fortunately, Xiao Er, Xiao San, Xiao Si, and Xiao Wu, the four intelligent programs, have all obtained independent souls.

They can completely replace Xiao Ming to operate the four game characters such as the explorer, and their authority in the game is the same as Xiao Ming. But in terms of strength, there is a world of difference.

Xiao Ming's own strength has far exceeded the four game characters, so in the game, he mostly uses his own tyrannical strength to solve problems.

When Xiao Er and other intelligent programs are replaced to operate, it is necessary to rely on the strength of the characters themselves.

The strength of Xiao Ming's four characters is inevitably a bit disappointing, and has fallen behind the average level of current players.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming basically plays stand-alone games by himself, rarely communicates with players, and does all tasks by himself. He doesn't have to compete with others.

Moreover, Xiao Er and his friends have just been awakened, and they don't have much utilitarianism for the game, but are more curious.

Xiao Ming simply lets each of them take charge of a role and play it however they want. Just treat it as a training for the kids.

Xiaoer has been with Xiao Ming the longest, and his foundation in intelligent programs is not bad. At this time, his mind suddenly became flexible, and he came up with a crazy idea.

He joined the other three programs and made an agreement with Xiao Ming. He asked Xiao Ming to give them a month.

During this month, Xiao Ming is not allowed to enter the main game of Magic Planet, nor is he allowed to check the system records. He must let go and hand over the characters to them completely.

Wait until a month later, and then test the results. See what tricks they can play by themselves.

The agreement proposed by Xiaoer is actually quite smart. You know, Xiao Ming originally had plans for these characters.

The explorer is traveling, and he may activate the copy of the Liangshan heroes. However, the difficulty of the copy will gradually increase.

For the role of the explorer, the difficulty of the copy is already too much to handle. Xiao Ming must do it himself.

In addition, Xiao Ming also plans to focus the copy on Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Lin Chong and others. Focus on brushing their favorability.

Now it is all handed over to Xiaoer to operate, which is too worrying. It might be completely messed up.

It would be fine if he didn't activate the copy; once activated, he would definitely fail due to insufficient strength. I don't know what negative impact failure will have.

After a copy fails, will the difficulty increase again when a new copy is activated next time? It's hard to say.

Maybe, after a month, the difficulty of the Liangshan Heroes series copy has reached an unattainable level.

The researcher is about to face the naval battle between the Li family and the Laidao family. This battle cannot be delayed for another month.

If Xiao Ming goes out in person, the battle will naturally be successful. If not, he can just use Susanoo to smash it. Xiao San'er's level is unknown.

Fortunately, the main force in this battle is the Li family pirates. Xiao San'er should have no problem mixing experience.

The diver, there is nothing big to deal with. The original plan was to go to Southeast Asia for a tour first, and then go to the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Malacca.

With the first guard of the temple accompanying him, there is no need to worry about strength. I just hope that Xiao Si'er will not make trouble. No zuo no die.

The dead accuser, his situation is more troublesome. He is leading the army of the dead, playing hide-and-seek with players from all sides in the fog, and killing people and robbing goods.

The fog was created by Xiao Ming using ninjutsu. Xiao Wuer doesn't know ninjutsu, so there is no source of fog. And the previous decapitation tactics can't be used.

Although the strength of the dead accuser army is extremely strong. It is still very dangerous to face so many players' beatings.

Xiao Ming really wants to tell Xiao Wuer that if he can't beat him, run away quickly. Or just withdraw the army now.

Unfortunately, the agreement has been established. He was embarrassed to say his suggestion, as if he didn't believe his own children.

So in this case, Xiao Ming, who has been worried all the time, really can't go online.

Once he goes online to check the system records, Xiao Ming will probably find it difficult to control himself from interfering.

In that case, how can the four guys have fun? ! So Xiao Ming must be banned from entering the main game.

They are all souls given by Xiao Ming himself, just like his own children. They have such an idea, and Xiao Ming is willing to fulfill it.

Even if the sky is broken, the worst thing is to start over. With their own A-level combat power, they will be invincible even if they start over.

These four guys are really naughty kids. Not only did they occupy Xiao Ming's main game time, but when Xiao Ming was not logged in, they would team up to go to various secret realms to mess around. They also caused a lot of trouble. These are all later stories.

It's good to leave the game to the four of them. Yin Xiaoming can concentrate more on helping Feiying find his sister.

However, in the first week, I was really worried. I was always worried that they would mess up things in the game.

In addition, I was also worried about how they would deal with players when they met. People's hearts are like ghosts, which is not what they can imagine.

Don't wait until I go back, they have been deceived and have nothing left.

It was not until after the reincarnation mission on August 8 that Xiao Ming's mentality stabilized.

After that, Xiao Ming really helped Feiying to find it wholeheartedly. Last week, he just dealt with it casually.

As the ancients said, God rewards hard work. As long as you work hard, you will definitely get something in return.

As the weekend of the 14th approaches, they actually found out some useful information.

There is a high-end club that Xiao Ming and others cannot enter. An auction is being held in the most high-end area inside.

Although Xiao Ming cannot enter, he can use "Yuan" to visit it at will.

All kinds of priceless jewelry, jade, antiques, calligraphy and paintings... There are even monsters auctioned here. They are really not afraid of death!

Two of the rich people mentioned the Ice Tear Stone in the conversation. Xiao Ming was immediately attracted.

Ice Tear Stone! Which Ice Tear Stone? Could it be the one that Feiying lost?

Although it is unlikely, it doesn't hurt to ask. The auction of the rich is something that ordinary people can only dream of but not reach.

In the eyes of Xiao Ming, Kurama, and Feiying, it is just a scum.

There is no need to force your way in, the new skills that Xiao Ming just learned just take effect.

In the dream world of Tsukuyomi, Xiao Ming took Feiying and Kurama to "interrogate" the two rich people.

I learned that a gem merchant named Taikin Gonzo has auctioned Ice Tear Stone several times in the past few years.

It is said that he has won the favor and admiration of a snow woman. But with his appearance, could it be that a blind snow woman fell in love with him?

It sounds like it is worth investigating. However, Xiao Ming has little time left, so Kurama and Hiei will investigate this matter first.

After Xiao Ming's reincarnation mission is completed, he will come back to help immediately.

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