Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 797 Still a Girl

After becoming insect humans, Xiaonan and Xiaobei could clearly feel that their blood was full of loyalty to Xiaoming.

In modern society, loyalty is actually a luxury. Here we are referring to the loyalty between people.

Moreover, the values ​​of today's era advocate personal freedom and independence. Simple and blind loyalty is even denied, and it should not exist.

As a modern independent woman, Erqiao said that loyalty is imprinted in her blood... It is not a problem at all.

This is actually a transaction that each party needs. Xiaoming gave them strong strength, and under certain conditions, they are willing to be loyal.

As for whether Xiaoming will use this loyalty to do whatever he wants to them, or even let them do bad things.

It can only be said that they have already recognized Xiaoming's character and made a choice.

If the unspeakable thing really happened, they can only blame themselves for being blind and recognizing the wrong person.

Xiaoming made it very clear at the beginning about loyalty.

It is precisely because Xiaoming said the ugly words at the beginning that the two girls are more relieved.

Of course, there is one thing they didn't say, but they really thought so in their hearts.

If Xiao Ming is really interested in their bodies, they are willing to pay this price. Just treat it as a one-night stand.

When they saw a strange spike (tail) appear out of thin air, the two Qiao sisters in the north and south were full of uneasiness and expectation...

It only took a few minutes for the insect evolution needle to take effect from injection, and there was no particularly uncomfortable feeling.

The two girls soon found that their strength quickly surpassed the bottleneck of Cabanelli. They reached a stronger stage.

This is a matter of course. Cabanelli can barely be regarded as a bloodline (bloodline). However, the level is too low.

In the face of the strong bloodline of the insect man, it was quickly absorbed and dissolved, and even a splash of water could not be made.

After becoming insect people, although Xiao Ming has not planted super seeds in them, they can both feel that their future has become very broad.

And most importantly, their own fertility seems to have recovered. At least as a female, various parts can be used again.

In fact, in the Chimera Ant colony, only the Chimera Ant Queen is female, and all other Chimera Ants are male.

Under normal circumstances, the reproduction of the colony is the responsibility of the Queen. The reproduction ability of the Chimera Ant is suppressed.

When the Queen dies, this suppression will disappear. Chimera Ants can look for females of other races to reproduce.

So, are all Chimera Ants, including Neferpitou, male? ! Actually, not really.

What was mentioned above is the characteristics of purebred Chimera Ants, that is, the characteristics of insects that are not even as big as a human palm.

After the Chimera Ant Queen was transformed by human scientists, the Chimera Ant Queen combined with human genetic information is no longer the original insect.

There have been great changes in the gender of the soldiers. Chimera Ants have both male and female Chimera Ants from the division commander down, and there are also those who are born genderless.

However, in the presence of a king or queen, the gender of the Chimera Ant is still suppressed. This is the situation of humanoid Chimera Ants.

When it comes to insect humans, there is another change. At the beginning, the Zerg humans also had no gender characteristics.

Consider the several sources of the Zerg humans and you will know. Aliens, chimera ants, and Zergs are all genderless groups.

The reproduction of the race depends on a few individuals in the group that can reproduce, such as the queen or the queen.

The body of the Zerg King was transformed from a new Zerg. The Zerg is also the dominant gene.

So the Zerg humans had no real gender characteristics from the beginning, but this situation changed in the later days.

In the world of Zombie Diary 2, Xiao Ming was given the ability to create humans by the goddess Nuwa.

That is the real ability to create life, open wisdom, and give souls.

Since then, the entire Zerg human group has begun to change subtly. The shackles of reproduction are loosening bit by bit.

This loosening cannot be felt by those born Zerg humans. Because they didn't know about individual reproduction before.

So they can only feel a very illusory change, but they can't figure out what it is.

But the two Qiao sisters in the north and south are different. As former humans, they know very well what this change means.

Although they still do not have the ability to reproduce at this moment. But they have a premonition that one day in the future, the ability to reproduce will return to them again.

Motherhood can be said to be one of the important cornerstones of human society. Without it, there would be no human society today.

The two beauties have changed too much in appearance. In order to hide their tracks, they can only hide temporarily and not see outsiders. It will be fine after the next reincarnation.

It is just right to accept the teachings of the Seven Stars Shadow Clone. To be honest, they are not used to having such a strong physical attribute, and they may hurt people with every move.

With the help of the 6th-level Shadow Clone to suppress them, they can easily learn to restrain their edge.

The power of example is infinite. The changes of the two Qiao sisters gave Tan Guangwen's team great hope.

Most of the other members of the team are boys. Compared with girls, boys don't care about the image problem.

Moreover, in the eyes of many people, the insect human form is actually quite handsome. It also comes with armor.

If you are lucky, you can also get the ability to fly, or other more fun abilities. Several people have started to imagine what kind of abilities they want.

A while ago, the Xichu Xiang family used the Bull King's summons to call on a large number of reincarnations to enter the "Mars Alien" world to help Xiao Xiang Mo pass the test.

Hundreds of reincarnations above level C participated, most of whom were individual players. So the information about the Martian Alien world spread with these people.

The most attractive ones are those who have obtained the abilities of insects or other creatures through MO surgery.

Since it is called surgery, it may be a skill that can be mastered. Therefore, those who are interested in this in the major forces have begun to collect relevant information and props.

And those lone rangers are more interested in abilities. They don't care about mastering any surgical techniques, they just hope that they can get the abilities they want.

So the lone rangers are also actively trying to find ways to get tickets to enter the Martian Alien world, that is, invitations.

As subordinates on the periphery of a major force, the Tan family naturally heard about this news.

Everyone was very interested, but the Tan family was still far from being strong enough, and it was simply a daydream to seek such high-end things.

They could only seek the right to participate in special military missions on the magic planet. This was the gap in strength and status.

But I didn't expect that the daydream would come true one day. Finally, I was no longer a salted fish.

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