Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 784 The Ancient God's Evil Taste

The rules of the sacrifice ceremony in the woods cabin are as follows.

First, five young people must be selected as sacrifices. They are scholars, fools, athletes, etc. People with terminal illnesses do not meet the conditions for sacrifice.

The organization attracts them to this woods cabin in various ways.

Once you enter here, you can never get out again. If you can't complete the sacrifice ceremony, you don't need to live.

The basement is stored with items representing different monsters, so it's no wonder that there are so many mysterious objects concentrated in one place.

The sacrifice chooses the monster to deal with himself. The person who completes the summoning step first will prevail.

After they complete the selection, the organization will raise the cage holding the monster to the ground and release the monster.

The monster will naturally be attracted to the woods cabin. The first four people must be killed by the monster.

The last person is not Facebook (must die), as long as she suffers enough torture and suffering. This sacrifice ceremony is considered a success.

Of course, how could the last girl survive the monster's injury? She is basically dead.

Every successful sacrifice can allow the ancient gods to stay underground for another year.

And there is not only one stage on the earth where sacrifices are being made. That would be too easy to fail.

In fact, there are at least a dozen or twenty countries around the world that are holding sacrifice ceremonies at the same time.

As long as there is one successful sacrifice, humans can live one more year. Such conditions can be said to be very relaxed.

Of course, when the player starts the special mission of the cabin in the woods, as long as there are 5 people, it will be fine. The system no longer requires the conditions of scholars, fools, etc.

In this way, these people in the base are actually saving the world, so they should all be good people! How can it be difficult to distinguish between good and evil?

It's very simple, because they murder. Every time the young people sacrificed by the organization are abducted from the campus and clearly arranged to die.

Even if the government has to do it, it is still a serious sin.

Xiao Ming expressed strong contempt for the boring and bad taste of the ancient gods, and his taste is too bad.

Of course, to be a otaku, you have to watch the second dimension, which is the basis for the survival of otakus. These ancient gods have not grasped the essence of "otaku culture" at all.

If Xiao Ming encounters such a thing in the reincarnation space, he will probably first investigate the strength of the ancient gods to see if there is a chance for equal negotiations.

If the other party is too strong, Xiao Ming will also admit defeat. Judging from the name of the ancient god, the other party should be very powerful, and the possibility of successful negotiation is not high.

I am not afraid of the enemy's strength, but I am afraid of the enemy's IQ basin. The ancient gods who will come up with such a bad taste are probably some guys with holes in their brains.

This kind of enemy is unreasonable and resolutely does not play cards according to common sense. The force is so strong that no one can restrain it. Alas, no one has any tricks.

However, such a luxury is impossible in the game. The ancient god did not appear at all, and Xiao Ming could not find a target for negotiation. He still had to play according to other people's rules of the game.

Governments of various countries have considered using only death row prisoners or serious criminals for sacrifice.

They can also die for a good reason if they play a little bit of their remaining heat before dying. It's just that it is difficult to meet the conditions for sacrifice with death row prisoners.

The ancient gods require that the sacrifices must be young people. Even if people of this age do bad things, they rarely become death row prisoners.

And those young people who commit capital crimes are also difficult to meet the requirements of scholars and athletes.

Every ten years or so, there will be a lucky time when they can gather a group of suitable death row prisoners to complete the sacrifice.

But most of the time, they still have to abduct high school students or college students as sacrifices. In this regard, most people who have worked in the agency for many years have become numb.

The conditions for sacrifices in this base are relatively good. At least you have the opportunity to use death row prisoners or serious criminals, so that everyone can feel better.

The sacrifices at the Japanese base must be a group of elementary school students, and there is no chance to use criminals as substitutes. It is simply not a human thing.

The staff there have to bear huge psychological pressure. However, it is said that there are more "deep well ice" in that country, so there is no need to worry about their mental health.

Although the government agencies use innocent lives in exchange for the continuation of mankind, such a transaction is very cost-effective, it also seriously violates the moral concepts of modern people. It's just that Xiao Ming doesn't think he has the right to blame them.

To be fair, if Xiao Ming were in this position, he would be very embarrassed.

After thinking it over, he found that the biggest possibility was that he couldn't bear to sacrifice anyone, so the human world was destroyed by the ancient gods.

Of course, the most critical reason why Xiao Ming made such a choice was the emergence of the underworld.

I still remember that when he just became a reincarnation, he had the honor to meet the famous Black Impermanence.

Since there is Black Impermanence, there will naturally be the underworld. So Xiao Ming quietly asked about the underworld in the circle.

In the process of talking to many people, I would mention one or two sentences intentionally or unintentionally.

The more reliable news from the summary feedback can roughly confirm that the underworld is real. It is indeed in charge of the judgment of the souls of the six sentient beings.

In other words, the death of the human body is not a real and complete extinction.

Although it will not be resurrected again like the reincarnation space, it can be reincarnated after being judged by the underworld. Then there will be no more great terror between life and death.

Even if humans become extinct, all souls will not vanish into thin air. They will simply reincarnate as sentient beings in the six realms and continue to live under a different identity.

So facing the choice given by the ancient gods. Xiao Ming will not go against his conscience and deliberately kill innocent people.

As for the ancient gods destroying humans, that was a crime committed by the ancient gods, and humans themselves were not at fault. After death, they will be able to stand up straighter when they see the King of Hell.

Of course, Xiao Ming will not stop the actions of the government agencies in the secret realm of the cabin in the woods. Everyone has their own choices.

At least they have circled so many monsters. Otherwise, wouldn't more people die every year?

So after understanding the cause and effect, Xiao Ming decided to let it go.

This is a huge treasure house. Neo's shadow clone's work immediately turned from obtaining intelligence to stealing.

These monsters are already prisoners, and Xiao Ming doesn't have to kill them. He just wants to get some benefits from them.

Please note that this is in the game. No matter what he gets, Xiao Ming cannot bring it to reality.

I can only put those things in the textbook of teacher uniform beast, slowly analyze them, and gain some new knowledge and information.

Although the strongest monsters here are no more than B-level, they are good in variety. The monsters are not strong, which is convenient for Xiao Ming to get wool.

Alas, monsters have no human rights...

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