Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 783 Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes

The second anomaly that Xiao Ming discovered was also a more terrifying anomaly.

The walls, floors, and ceilings of this cabin in the forest were filled with various mechanisms. The most common ones were surveillance equipment, cameras, and the like.

There were also many remote-controlled mechanisms, and the door of the basement was actually controlled by a certain mechanism.

Even outside the cabin, there were many hidden mechanisms of unknown purpose in the lake, grassland, and woods.

However, Xiao Ming's telepathic ability "Circle" could not explore the basement just now, but it was not because of these machines, but for other reasons.

This is the secret realm of the game. Before the player activates a mysterious item in the basement, the system does not load the space outside the basement.

Since there is no such thing, it is naturally impossible to explore. This situation is similar to the demon world in Xiao Ming's private world.

There is only one planet, and things outside the atmosphere, even the universe, have not been created by the reincarnation space.

Why is a house for outdoor leisure and vacation so closely monitored and controlled? This aroused Xiao Ming's curiosity.

A wisp of mental power followed the surveillance signal and cable and traced it back. Xiao Ming himself was still cooking in the kitchen with No. 3.

"No. 4, I'm going to make a sweet and sour fish now. Can you clean fish?"

"No. I didn't learn it because I thought it was troublesome."

"How can cooking be troublesome? Okay, forget it. Just tell me what dish you can make. I won't guess."

"Tomato scrambled eggs."

(lll¬ω¬)"...Okay, then you can make that and steam the rice."


From the twitching of his mouth, it can be seen that in No. 3's mind, tomato scrambled eggs is not a dish at all.

Xiao Ming can certainly cook other dishes, but he doesn't want to be distracted now.

The spiritual power has found a high-tech base buried deep underground. It looks a bit like the Umbrella Company's beehive.

The difference is that Umbrella is a biotechnology company, and the purpose of the beehive base is to study the T virus. Conduct various live experiments.

This place seems to be studying supernatural creatures. There are a large number of reinforced glass cages in the base, which contain hundreds of strange creatures.

In fact, they are not all creatures. Ghosts, vengeful spirits, vampires, zombies, unicorns, witches... It's dazzling.

Gu Yiyu really came to the right place. This is simply a concentration camp for monsters.

Xiao Ming didn't notice that one of the glass cages had just returned to its original position, and the monster inside had disappeared.

In theory, if you study supernatural creatures, it should be managed in different categories to be safer. Researchers can also focus on something.

It's really hard to play with all of them put together like this.

Moreover, the buildings that Xiao Ming can check are limited. There should be deeper underground buildings at the deepest part, but they can't be observed. It's probably because the system has not been made at all.

It's too tiring to observe from a distance. Xiao Ming directly used chakra to condense a Seven Star Shadow clone wearing an invisible uniform inside the base.

Given that the faces here are all Europeans, Xiao Ming chose Neo from The Matrix as the face of this Seven Star Shadow clone.

With this clone, Xiao Ming can finally observe the life energy of everyone in the base more carefully.

What's strange is that it's hard to tell good from evil among these people. Generally speaking, it's only the ordinary citizens who have trouble telling good from evil. It's normal that people in such places are all evil.

You have to know that in Umbrella Corporation, from the bosses and managers to the scientists and security teams, there is almost no good person. The only difference is the depth of the sins they have committed.

They all know what the company is researching, but they still continue to work for the company. They are considered criminals and have no right to cry out for injustice.

This base is researching monsters, and the nature should be similar. How can it be that it's hard to tell good from evil?

After spreading the circle across most of the base, listening to what they say and what they do, and finally finding a few people to interrogate with [Moon Reading], Xiao Ming suddenly realized.

So there is such a trick? ! I've learned a lot!

Xiao Ming's admiration for the human race here is like a torrent of water; it's also like the Yellow River flooding out of control.

They are not doing scientific research on these monsters. Or research is just a sideline, and it's not the mission of the members of this base.

Everything these people did was just to keep the human race going.

For this purpose, they didn't even dare to take the risk of doing research.

If the research went wrong, a powerful monster was released and destroyed the base, then the human race would be doomed.

Although there are many monsters here, their combat effectiveness is actually average.

It is not difficult to cause trouble to one side, but it is a bit difficult to exterminate humans.

So why is this base closely related to the fate of mankind? Everything comes from the agreement, or tacit understanding, between the human race and the ancient gods.

The ancient gods are some giant creatures that have existed on the earth since ancient times, long before the emergence of humans. They are the real masters of the earth.

With the high-tech power currently developed by humans, facing these ancient gods is nothing but a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

I just don't know why, in today's prosperous human society, these ancient gods are all staying safely under the earth and becoming otakus.

Occasionally, they will send some monsters to play a small-scale killing game with humans.

Watching a few scenes of humans being slaughtered by monsters can satisfy the evil taste of these ancient gods and let them continue to live in peace.

At first, humans didn't know about this. Since there were monsters killing people, humans would naturally hunt monsters. Later, it has developed into governments of various countries to fight monsters.

But no matter how humans hunt, new monsters will always appear soon, which is simply impossible to prevent.

With the advancement of science and the emergence of high-tech weapons, humans finally began to gain the upper hand and countless monsters were caught.

In the study of monsters, the top leaders of governments around the world finally figured out the truth behind it. They are also glad that humans have not been extinct yet.

In the past, technology was not developed. These monsters could easily complete the task and satisfy the ancient gods.

Nowadays, technology has developed to a certain extent. The emergence of high-tech weapons and computer networks has made it increasingly difficult for monsters to kill people.

Therefore, in order to prevent the destruction of mankind, governments of various countries have united to take over this matter.

Countless monsters were captured and controlled by special agencies. Then a specific stage was set up for a specific sacrificial ceremony.

Sacrifice once a year. Using the lives of their own people in exchange for the entire human race not being destroyed by the ancient gods.

The staff of this base is responsible for the stage of "The Cabin in the Woods".

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