Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 78 Xiao Jing Arrives

In the bedroom, even after leaving the game room, Xiao Ming still felt excited.

There were too many surprises in this plot event. He got a city, a general, soldiers, money, and treasure.

The excitement was a bit too great. So Xiao Ming decided to exit the game room first and calm down. He also had a cup of tea to show off.

At this time, no one else in the studio had exited the game. Who was he showing off to? ——Of course, it was for himself. Most otakus are like this.

Xiao Ming had a buffet at noon, which was full. I guess he didn't even need to eat supper today.

He made a cup of hot tea and used super powers to strengthen it, and the fragrance was overflowing.

Xiao Ming crossed his legs and sipped the tea slowly. His thoughts were empty and drifted away with the fragrance of the tea...

In this state, Xiao Ming could feel many changes in the surrounding environment even if he didn't deliberately release the circle.

Although it was a newly rented warehouse, there were many small life energies shining.

They should all be various insects, right? Is this feeling the so-called sixth sense?

Hmm? What is that?

Xiao Ming felt the breath of the courier boy he met at noon. He was moving in a high place nearby.

What was he doing in the warehouse area? Xiao Ming was sipping tea while actively releasing his telekinesis to track and observe.

The boy was wearing a gray tights and a gray cloak.

He crawled on the wall of the warehouse building like a gecko, and occasionally jumped to the wall of another building. Awesome!

Gray is really inconspicuous in places like the warehouse area, and it is difficult to be discovered.

The places where the boy settled were also places that surveillance cameras rarely visited. After a while, he stopped in front of a closed window.

It was 7 or 8 floors above the ground. The floors in the warehouse area are generally higher than those in the residential area.

He quickly got in, and I don’t know how he opened the window.

At that moment, Xiao Ming felt that his life energy had a large fluctuation. Maybe he used some special ability.

It was a bit far away from Xiao Ming, and it was very difficult to continue observing. Xiao Ming stopped looking.

He didn't have the awareness of "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility". He didn't like to meddle in other people's business.

And observing the life energy of the courier, although he was a little malicious at the moment, the overall feeling was pretty good.

Xiao Ming felt that the courier should not be a bad person, and his malice was probably directed at other bad people.

And the malice was not obvious, at most it was petty theft, investigation and voyeurism. It was definitely not the kind that wanted to hurt people.

After drinking tea, Xiao Ming didn't wait to see when the courier would come out. He went straight into the game cabin.

He saw two missed calls from Xiao Jing, so he called back. (You must use video calls in the game cabin.)

Xiao Jing first criticized Xiao Ming for leaving without notice and strongly condemned the fat man's crime. Then she asked about the return date of the brother.

When he learned that Xiao Ming would not go home in the short term, he was so angry that his face swelled. Xiao Ming quickly talked about the cheap and delicious buffet here.

Xiao Jing is a carnivore, and she is definitely a foodie. She said she would come right away.

Supervise and inspect the working environment of the elder brother. After that, the video call was stopped.

Xiao Ming had to call Zhang Wen again and tell him about this matter. Then he left the game cabin. Waiting for his sister in the hall.

I was idle anyway, so I practiced my own telekinesis. I copied the skill of Dan Liuliu into reality.

In the studio, the bodies of several cockroaches were accusing Xiao Ming of his crimes.

When several cockroaches died, Xiao Ming could still feel the remnants and dissipation of their weak life energy. It was a wonderful feeling.

So Xiao Ming soon softened his hands, and after confirming that the skills were available, he stopped attacking the cockroaches.

Xiao Jing did not drive to the bedroom, but took a taxi and moved the game cabin here.

Put it directly into Xiao Ming's bedroom. The reason was that he needed the protection of his elder brother in an unfamiliar environment.

Zhang Wen, who came out of the game to greet Xiao Jing, heard this and hit his chest a few times to relieve his breath.

What do you think we are here? Senior otakus, who have the heart of a thief but no courage to thieve. Absolutely safe.

Zhang Wen, on the contrary, felt that Xiao Mingming's safety was more worrying.

Don't get me wrong, Brother Wen was referring to personal safety. Xiao Jing would really take action when she was upset.

"You always sleep in the game cabin anyway, so the bed belongs to me. Take me to the buffet." This was Xiao Jing's heroic declaration.

Xiao Ming also "created" her sister's excellent physique and strong digestive ability.

Sure enough, he dug a big hole for himself back then. There was no way, Xiao Ming took Xiao Jing out.

Although Brother Wen wanted to follow, he was too full at noon. Xiao Ming was determined not to waste more money for him.

Passing by the security room at the entrance of the warehouse area, he introduced Zhu Xinxiu to Xiao Jing. By the way, he also took him to eat buffet together.

He came from the army, so he must be a big eater. In this way, Xiao Ming felt that he was not at a loss.

The three of them chatted while gnawing bones. They must have talked about the relationship between Zhu Xinxiu and Xiao Ming.

"Brother Zhu's job is... well, it's to teach me some simple self-defense and fighting skills." Xiao Ming made up an excuse on the spot.

"Yes, yes." Zhu Xinxiu probably felt that the model's profession was really hard to say. This excuse is still good.

"You learn self-defense?... Then I want to learn it too." Is Xiao Jing afraid that Xiao Ming will learn self-defense and she will not be able to beat him in the future?

Zhu Xinxiu felt bad, and he was happy to do more. Now Xiaoming really wanted to learn.

Fortunately, after a buffet, all three of them were full. It was definitely not time to practice self-defense.

Time was up to you, whoever was free could come to Zhu Xinxiu to practice.

Zhu Da Ge still had work to do, so he hurried back to work. Xiaoming and Xiaojing walked around for more than half an hour to digest the food.

Xiaoming bought a few yo-yos to play with. The main reason was that Xiaoming felt used to wearing Nezha 6 in the game.

In reality, the replica of the Yellow Emperor Galaxy also has Nezha 2. Only Pangu Star has nothing here.

I felt a little empty. I bought a yo-yo to practice.

Not only that, he also had a small pocket glass ball in his pocket.

Log in to the game, Wushan Town, Explorer.

Check the situation on the strategic map, while Han Dong collected resources and gold coins along the way.

He also occupied a lumber mill and a quarry. The shadow of the village can be seen in the distance.

Han Dong also fought some small battles along the way, and lost several level 1 infantry.

Han Dong also gained a lot of experience. The adventure level has been upgraded to level 0 level 8.

The strategic level has been upgraded to level 0 level 5. His strategic attack attribute has been increased to 5 points.

At level 5, he got a professional talent, which Han Dong chose himself - primary leadership: increase the morale of the troops by 1 point.

At this time, there are more than 100 points of action power remaining. Xiao Ming immediately controlled Han Dong and led the troops along the road to the village.

Finally, the battle to attack the village was launched before the action power was exhausted. There were not many soldiers guarding the village.

Xiao Ming could not control the specific battle, so Han Dong had to fight by himself. It can be watched. In this battle, Han Dong's long-range troops finished shooting, and the battle ended.

Han Dong captured the first city (village) on the strategic map for the explorer - Xiaoyang Village.

This is a human village. The village is empty and there are no buildings.

There are only foundation stones and a dilapidated temple of light. This is too tragic.

A normal village should have at least one or two buildings, right? What's wrong with this? Is it haunted?

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