Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 77 Medium-sized Temple of the Dead

The deceased led his army into Turtleback Mountain City. The city guard general Wang Yilong led the crowd to welcome the leader.

Sort out the savings and inventory in the city. Most of the property of the bandit forces is carried by the former leader Luo Rucai who escaped.

There is not much left in the city. There are only 5,000 gold coins for emergency use and a few resources. There are quite a few generals' equipment and items.

Unfortunately, the real good things are all on Luo Rucai. The only useful thing is a soldier equipment blueprint-bandit backpack.

Players or NPCs with the blacksmith profession can learn this blueprint. The bandit backpack can only be equipped by bandits.

Bandits equipped with this backpack can rob the loser's property after winning the battle.

Xiao Ming upgraded the 2nd level bandit barracks in the city. Yes, the barracks need to be upgraded if they want to produce more soldiers.

The 2nd level barracks of Turtleback Mountain City can be upgraded to the next level, and the new soldier is the 2nd level 20 breeder bandit. Of course, there are no recruitment quotas this week.

The fighting power of the breeder is almost the same as that of an ordinary 2nd-level bandit, and his specialty is that he can raise animals.

Each breeder can raise 10 production animals and 2 combat animals. The rank cannot exceed that of the breeder himself.

Production animals can naturally provide the city with various foods such as meat, eggs, and milk, as well as various materials such as skin, bones, teeth, and hair.

Combat animals can accompany the breeder to the battlefield, and only one can fight at a time.

Xiao Ming likes and regrets it at the same time. Of course, he likes such a useful type of soldier.

It is a pity that this type of soldier cannot train mounts. Among Xiao Ming's direct subordinates, only Nim Bu Si has a mount.

Other generals have no mounts. Dongshanhu originally had a mount, but was killed in the previous battle.

Xiao Ming doesn't know how to get a mount for the time being.

The army is stationed in the city, and Xiao Ming takes the generals to tour the entire mountain city.

Turtleback Mountain City is located on the top of the mountain, with steep terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The city is full of green trees and lush forests, and it feels a bit like an elf city. This is just because the population in the city is still small.

Go to the magic tower to equip the generals with magic books. Each book is 500 gold coins. Learn the magic fire control magic in the tower.

After walking around everywhere, we came to the Temple of the Dead. This temple is more magnificent than ordinary temples.

It occupies a larger area and has more exquisite carvings. It is a medium-sized temple of the dead.

The informant and the generals walked into the temple. The layout and furnishings inside the temple are also more exquisite.

Unfortunately, as a temple of the dead located in a human city, no one has cleaned it for a long time. The environment is terrible.

Xiao Ming summoned the maid beast to clean up, thinking that he had nothing to do, so he helped to clean up.

Seeing the informant do it himself, the generals did not dare to neglect it and helped to clean up together.

But the help of this group of rough guys is also limited. Fortunately, the maid beast is professional. Soon the whole temple was completely renewed.

The statue of the main god of the dead in the middle suddenly emitted thousands of black lights (black lights again). It turned out to be a divine gift.

At the same time, an object flew out of Xiao Ming's housekeeper space and stopped in mid-air, reflecting the light of the statue.

It was the unknown coin that the witch gave to the deceased. It was this coin that led to Han Dong's fall.

At this moment in the temple of the dead, the gift of the dead god descended on this unknown coin. Restore its original appearance.

『Silver Coin of Death』: 3rd-level strategic treasure. It can absorb the breath of death in the surrounding environment and store it in silver coins. Silver coins have multiple functions.

Using these functions requires a certain amount of death breath. Death breath storage capacity: 0/10,000.

Functions: 1, 『Undeadization of troops』; 2, 『Undeadization of generals』; 3, 『Transfer to undead generals』.

1. Transform troops of other races into undead troops. 1st level soldiers consume 10 points of Death Breath; 2nd level 20 points; 3rd level 40 points, etc.

2. Convert generals of other races into generals of the Undead. 1st level generals consume 100 points of Death Breath; 2nd level consumes 200 points; 3rd level consumes 400 points.

3. Convert free NPCs into generals of the Undead. 1st level NPC consumes 1,000 points of Death Breath; 2nd level consumes 2,000 points; 3rd level consumes 4,000 points.

There is a success rate for the conversion of Death Silver Coins. The conversion success rate of soldiers and NPCs who are willing or have been in contact with the Undead for a long time is higher.

Of course, if the conversion fails, the original soldiers or NPCs will not disappear. It will also slightly increase the success rate of the next conversion of this soldier.

These functions are most suitable for dealing with prisoners who refuse to surrender.

In principle, as long as the deceased is willing to consume the Death Breath, it can be accumulated again and again to convert any creature.

In fact, it is not worth it. If there is a strong will, it may take 100 years to succeed.

Supplement of Death Breath: Treasures in the realm of the dead or kept by the undead hero will slowly restore the Death Breath.

It is conceivable that the Corruption and Death Harvest of the Dead should help the silver coin accumulate the Death Breath.

Of course, the easiest way to increase its Death Breath stock is to fight. After a hero fights a big battle, corpses are everywhere.

The Death Breath emitted will naturally be absorbed by the silver coin. Even if the dead are killed.

Since the coin was obtained, the Dead Reporter has been fighting continuously, and this coin has absorbed a lot of Death Breath.

This time, it was given by God. The unknown coin was restored to the Death God Silver Coin, and it also consumed all the Death Breath absorbed along the way.

Not only that, the action power of the deceased was also consumed. Is this okay?

That's right, it's reasonable to consume action power by refining treasures.

Xiao Ming will of course use his superpowers to strengthen such a good thing.

The Death Silver Coin did not turn into the Death Gold Coin as Xiao Ming hoped. Instead, the conversion success rate was increased to a certain extent.

And a new function - 4 "Undead Soldier Transformation" was added.

In fact, it is equivalent to changing the job of the undead creature. The undead soldier can be converted into other undead soldiers of the same level and race by consuming the breath of death.

It is similar to the job transfer function provided by the barracks in the undead city. The consumption is the same as the undead soldier.

The same race here refers to skeletons turning into skeletons, and zombies turning into zombies. Skeleton soldiers cannot be converted into zombies.

The strategic value of this treasure is self-evident. Although the heroes of the undead race can also lead soldiers of other races.

But the mixed soldiers have a terrible morale reduction.

The undead soldiers are not affected by morale. Soldiers of other races are afraid of low morale.

In addition, the ability to convert captured enemy soldiers is a sure way to strengthen the army.

The ability to convert captured generals and transfer NPCs to generals is simply a magical skill!

After being on the strategic map for so long, Xiao Ming has clearly understood the importance of generals. The more the better.

But it is not easy to recruit generals. Xiao Ming relied on the cheating of the golden finger to gather such a few generals. It can be seen how rare it is.

Now I can train generals myself, alas, I mourn for my opponents.

In addition, the undead army transformation function obtained after Xiao Ming's superpower blessing can enrich the combination of army arms.

With Xiao Ming's talent and the mind beast witch, Xiao Ming feels that the future is "bright"!

(The undead race and the bright future don't seem to match.)

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