Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 773 Zhebie

The stories that I had read in books were played out one after another in front of me. Xiao Ming was actually a little excited.

I saw Guo Jing hiding Zhebie in a huge haystack, and he ran far away as Zhebie said.

Then he was caught by Temujin's men, but no matter how Temujin's sons threatened and lured him, he just wouldn't let go. He was also whipped twice.

Fortunately, Guo Jing's internal strength was quite good, and this skin injury was not a big deal. Unfortunately, his external strength was not good, and he couldn't hit anyone with a Nanshan Palm.

Even if he hit someone, it would only make him sore at most. After all, he was still a child.

Xiao Ming suddenly understood why this plot was activated at this time.

If all the Jiangnan Seven Freaks were here, they would definitely not have the heart to watch Guo Jing being beaten. They would definitely take action.

With the few people brought by Temujin, the Jiangnan Seven Freaks could take them all. This is what the system doesn't want to see.

Only Nan Xiren, a Westerner, can make the plot develop on the right track.

Even if Xiao Ming wants to change the plot, he alone can't handle Temujin's subordinates. It will be even more troublesome.

You know, Xiao Ming in the martial arts planet can only use martial arts. All supernatural energy can't be used, and his strength is very limited.

If even Nan Xiren is not here, it would be better, but the system also knows that it is definitely impossible.

There are eight adults, and they will never let little Guo Jing be alone.

Seeing Guo Jing's stubbornness, Temujin's second son Chagatai released six giant mastiffs to search by nose. Guo Jing also sent his three shepherd dogs to fight.

In the original book, Guo Jing only had a small dog, and he couldn't beat it one-on-one, and was bitten all over his body, which was horrible.

Now it's different. First of all, the family is better. The Seven Monsters and Li Ping mother and son have nearly ten big dogs in total.

Because Ke Zhenwu went out to graze today, there are only three at home.

Usually these dogs eat well and drink well, and they are very strong. Xiao Ming had nothing to do experiments, and he often gave them some Changsheng Jue Qi.

Although the number was only half of the enemy's, their fighting power was superior to the enemy.

The nine dogs jumped up and down and fought very excitingly. Guo Jing's three dogs were very spiritual, and even Temujin and others were a little fascinated. Such strong sheepdogs are rare in the world!

After a while, the three sheepdogs were still energetic and high-spirited. Changsheng Jue is best at protracted battles.

But the six giant mastiffs over there could no longer fight. They were all out of energy and spirit, and they slipped away with their tails between their legs.

Little Guo Jing was very happy to win the battle, clapped his hands and laughed: "Huh, you know how powerful it is. My Dahei is not here, otherwise we would have won long ago."

Shuchi was furious and drew his sword to chop this rude boy. Seeing the critical situation, Zhebie flew out of the haystack and saved Guo Jing.

Xiao Ming, who was hiding on the side, breathed a sigh of relief and did not throw the stones in his hand.

Next, Temujin successfully subdued Zhebie and expressed his love for Guo Jing's character, asking Zhebie to bring Guo Jing back to see him.

Zhebie did not leave, but stayed to protect Guo Jing. This kid lost face for Temujin's sons, and he was a little worried.

In addition, Zhebie also wanted to see what happened to the fourth master who fled in the face of the battle. Such an incompetent guy should be killed.

As soon as Temujin led his men away, Nan Xiren came out quietly. It seems that he was hiding nearby to watch the show.

Zhebie was furious and drew his sword to chop Xiao Ming. However, he was hit by two stones thrown by Xiao Ming, and half of his body was numb and unable to use strength.

It calmed him down immediately. He couldn't help but think that this person was so powerful, so he might not be afraid of death. Maybe there was another reason for hiding just now.

It is very likely that he has been lurking nearby, and once Guo Jing is in danger, he will throw stones to save him in time.

Could it be that he knows that this child will be appreciated by Temujin? But this method is too dangerous, right? Zhebie is a little confused.

Guo Jing was very excited, holding Nan Xiren and talking non-stop.

Even he himself did not know that this person who had been teaching him martial arts and giving him true energy had long overlapped with the image of a father he had never seen in his young heart.

Today, he did a good thing and won a fight with three sheepdogs. The child was so happy that he didn't know what to do.

Of course, he had to share this happiness with Nan Xiren. Even Zhebie, who was standing still, was ignored by him.

Xiao Ming held Guo Jing in his arms and listened to his excited story with a smile. Unfortunately, Guo Jing was very dumb and couldn't express his meaning after talking for a long time.

If Xiao Ming hadn't visited the whole process, he really didn't know what this silly boy was talking about.

When little Guo Jing finally finished, Xiao Ming patted his butt. He told him to go back to the yurt to practice. He turned around to deal with Zhebie.

Xiao Ming's explanation was similar to Zhebie's. He emphasized that Guo Jing wanted to avenge his father.

Hearing this, Zhebie (thought he) understood. The enemy was a Song Dynasty officer. If Guo Jing could become a Mongolian officer, there would be great hope for revenge.

It must be said that most Mongolians are simple-minded and easy to fool.

Of course, that was only Zhebie's level. If it was Temujin, he would definitely not be fooled.

After a while, Li Ping and the Jiangnan Six Freaks all came back one after another. They were all surprised to see Zhebie, a Mongolian, here.

Zhebie took the initiative to tell Guo Jing what happened today and praised him greatly. At the same time, he proposed to teach him archery and martial arts.

Li Ping felt very distressed when she saw the scars on Guo Jing's body. But she liked her son's strong chivalry more.

When she heard that Zhebie wanted to teach Guo Jing martial arts, she naturally looked at the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan.

Her son already has a master, and there are seven more. If he wants to take someone else as a master, he has to see if they are willing.

Han Xiaoying is gentle and feels more distressed about Guo Jing's injury than Li Ping. She glanced at the fourth brother, then took Guo Jing in her arms to comfort him, and took the opportunity to examine him carefully.

In fact, what can be examined? This little flesh wound can't even leave a scar on Guo Jing. The other six masters don't care about this at all.

But they all looked at Nan Xiren with suspicion. The fourth brother is the most reliable and loves Guo Jing very much, which can be said to be second only to Han Xiaoying.

How could they allow Guo Jing to be beaten today? There must be a reason. But Zhebie was still here, so it was not easy to ask immediately.

As for Zhebie's question of teaching Guo Jing archery, it was not a difficult problem. The Mongols did not have the habits of the Central Plains sects.

It would be beneficial for Guo Jing to learn more skills. Especially archery, no one of the Seven Monsters could teach him.

He agreed immediately. Zhebie left happily. From then on, they often visited each other.

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