Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 772 A difficult plot

The story of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is well-known to the public. Although Xiao Ming has not revisited this masterpiece in recent years, he still remembers the general plot.

However, even if he remembers some plots, he cannot prepare in advance. Because he does not know the specific date of occurrence.

Moreover, the timeline in the game is also pulled forward by the system as the player progresses through the plot. It does not really pass day by day.

Therefore, even if the plot has a clear date, you don't know when it will start.

The plot of Guo Jing saving Zhebie started when Xiao Ming was not prepared at all.

From this, we can also see the difference between individual players and organized players. Human resources are different.

If it is a professional union, they will arrange several prepared players for a long time, waiting for the start of the plot in shifts.

Once the plot is secretly opened by other players, they can ensure that their side can participate in it.

In comparison, individual players are at a disadvantage. Everything in the game depends on one's own hard work, and it is impossible to wait for the start of a plot.

In the martial arts planet game, players only have martial arts, no level experience and other things, and even food, clothing, housing and transportation are serious problems.

At the beginning, almost all players have to work to earn money. In the early stage, when they know nothing, they have to endure the exploitation of the boss.

Even if Xiao Ming sneaks into the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan, he still needs money.

However, with the second brother Zhu Cong, a scholar with great hands, among the Seven Freaks, making a living is not a problem.

The princes and nobles of Mongolia are all wealthy, and even they themselves are not very clear about how much wealth they have.

Zhu Cong is very measured in his actions, and he will never pick up only one person to grab. Spread out, the people who are robbed almost don’t know that they have lost something.

The Seven Freaks of Jiangnan have always survived by this. This is called robbing the rich to help the poor, and it just so happens that the seven people in their family are very poor.

Without further ado, this day Li Ping took some hand-woven felts and homemade Han food to sell at the market thirty miles away.

Selling food was Xiao Ming’s idea. Since ancient times, the food of the descendants of Yan and Huang has been the best in the world, and it is even more popular in this corner of Mongolia.

With this, Li Ping and her widowed mother could live a decent life.

She went alone, and Zhang Asheng and Han Xiaoying were worried, so they also took their daughter to help.

Han Baoju's strength could not be wasted, so he was also pulled by his sister to carry things.

Ke Zhenwu, Zhu Cong, and Quan Jinfa went out to graze, and left Nan Xiren (Xiao Ming) alone at home to teach little Guo Jing.

Xiao Ming and Guo Jing were already accustomed to the irresponsible behavior of the other six monsters. One taught and the other learned, and it was quite fun.

Guo Jing was stupid by nature, and Xiao Ming didn't know much serious martial arts. He had basically taught internal skills before, so it didn't matter if he was a little stupid.

The other brothers were often irritated by Guo Jing. Otherwise, why did they all run away today? This is normal.

Xiao Ming was not worried, because he knew what would happen later. As long as Guo Jing's internal skills were well practiced, it would be easy for him to learn other martial arts in the future. There was no need to force it now.

When Ke Zhen'e and the others heard this, they said it was great, and collectively pushed the task of teaching the Changsheng Jue to Lao Si.

Xiao Ming taught the internal skills, which was to let the Changsheng Jue Qi flow directly in Guo Jing's body, and there was no need to explain it in words. It was indeed very suitable.

However, Guo Jing was still a child, and he was active and playful by nature. Xiao Ming couldn't always force him to practice internal skills.

So he occasionally taught him some big and open palm techniques. The moves were very simple, and Guo Jing could learn them.

One day, the two were practicing palm techniques near their own yurt, and suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves in the distance.

Looking up, a horse staggered slowly, and it was already very tired. Xiao Ming saw at a glance that there was a person on the horse's back.

According to Xiao Ming's personality, he didn't want to cause such trouble. Although the Jiangnan Seven Freaks had high martial arts, they were dead if they were surrounded by a large army.

Little Guo Jing rushed over to help. Only then did Xiao Ming realize that this might be the beginning of Zhebie's plot. He watched Guo Jing do things without stopping him.

But he was also nervous. This was a very dangerous thing. If his appearance affected the direction of things, it would be troublesome.

The safest way was to get rid of this unlucky star as soon as possible. It didn't matter if he didn't learn his archery.

But he changed his mind and worried that Guo Jing would lose the opportunity. The title of the Golden Sword Prince Consort was still useful.

Let's do this. It would be inconvenient for him to be in the open. It would be better to observe in secret.

So, Xiao Ming said to Guo Jing: "Jing'er, the fourth master has important things to do. He will go out first. You take care of this guest."

Guo Jing was simple-minded and nodded.

Zhebie was stunned when he heard this. He looked down at himself, with blood and wounds all over his body, and a half-bloody saber in his hand.

How can he not look like a good person? ! This person called the master was too careless. He actually dared to leave a child alone to face him.

Could it be that he was just a master in name only, and actually had a grudge against this child?

That's not right, this child named Guo Jing is too young, it's hard to have an enemy. Then this person must have a grudge against the child's parents.

Zhebie was a grateful person, although Guo Jing only fed him a mouthful of water, but in a short moment, he made up his mind.

As long as he didn't die today, he would definitely repay this child in the future. The first thing to do is to expose the true face of this so-called fourth master.

Looks like a very honest person, but he is so vicious.

Xiao Ming didn't know that he had been remembered by a plot character because of a sentence.

He continued to play the role of Nan Xiren, and left leisurely in the eyes of Zhebie and Guo Jing.

Before leaving, he rode Zhebie's horse away without asking. This action made Zhebie frown...

After Xiao Ming rode the horse for a while, he drove the horse away.

Just as he was about to go home secretly, he suddenly saw a few people fighting with Mongolian soldiers in the distance.

After taking a look, he understood that these people should be players who came to participate in the plot.

The Legend of the Condor Heroes is the ultimate secret realm, and it is impossible for ordinary players to advance here at present. These people are probably subordinates of the Shen family.

Xiao Ming had seen one of the faces nearby before. At that time, he didn't see that he was a player.

It seems that he found out that Guo Jing had met the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan, so he called his companions.

It happened to be the plot of Guo Jing saving Zhebie. I'm afraid he will make a contribution to the Shen family.

However, in the original novel, this plot should have happened before the arrival of the Jiangnan Seven Freaks. Now the plot is all messed up, and they probably can't figure out the mystery even if they rack their brains.

If they knew that the plot of the Black Wind Twins had already passed, I really don't know how embarrassed they would be.

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