Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 743 The Lion King Dies Again

As expected of someone who dared to plot against the ant king, the lion king Haga remained calm in the face of danger and punched down with all his might.

The solid roof was shattered by his punch, and the body of the chimera ant fell down with the bricks and tiles, falling into the huge church below.

He chose this position to fight with full consideration. This church also has a huge underground building that can be used as an air-raid shelter.

When the enemy came, Haga secretly dug tunnels that extended in all directions below. Ensure that he can hide or escape at any time.

Seeing him fall, more than a dozen aliens also jumped down. Some landed on the ground, and some climbed up the wall, surrounding Haga in the middle.

Without saying a word, they began to attack in turns. A few words of mouth before the fight are not the fighting style of the aliens.

The lion king wanted to say a few words first to ease the relationship. He is not a die-hard fan of the ant king, and it would be best if he could not fight to his death.

In the original novel, he wanted to kill Mo Laowu wholeheartedly because the expedition team was at a disadvantage in the face of the Chimera Ants, and he wanted to take Mo Laowu's head to get a share of the credit.

Now the situation between the two sides is unclear, and the expedition team is obviously very strong. Besides, Haga is outnumbered, so it is normal for him to want to find a way out!

If it were someone else in the expedition team, they would probably chat with him. Of course, it would be good to have one less enemy.

But unfortunately, Haga encountered the group that was least willing to talk. Even if the Alien King Kong could talk, he was too lazy to chat with the enemy.

In the air, the Royal Guard Lao A was in control. He appeared in human form (that is, half-human and half-demon form), spread his huge eagle wings, and shot a string of feather darts when he saw the opportunity.

His role is similar to Zhang Zhong on the battlefield of Youpi. He creates trouble for the enemy and fills in the gaps for his companions.

Flying side by side with him were the second one who used a bow and arrow; and the eighth one who had bat-like wings and used a spear;

There were more than three of them who could fly, but they were just controlling the situation, and they didn't need so many flying aliens.

With the three of them, the Lion King was beaten very hard. If he was not careful and exposed a flaw, he would be attacked by the three above from the sky;

And even if he found the flaw of the alien, it would be difficult to seize the opportunity to expand the results. He would be disrupted by these three again.

The other aliens fought in beast form (i.e. alien form). The aliens have fast body speed and strong attack, which is a great threat to Haga.

Especially Old B, his physical fitness is the strongest among all the aliens. If he is hit by him, he will be disabled.

Haga was beaten with scars and bloodstains under the continuous attacks of more than ten aliens.

The most severe attacks injured the bones, and these attacks came from the guards Old C.

He is similar to Merewon, with chameleon genes. His invisibility is not as abnormal as Merewon, but his attack is sharp enough.

Haga couldn't see Lao C, so he couldn't prepare in advance. He was deeply stabbed several times by Lao C's dagger during the battle.

If Lao C didn't need to dodge other aliens, Haga's lion head might have been cut off.

He has tried his best, and most of the injuries he suffered were superficial, and his life is not in danger for the time being.

But it would definitely not work if he continued to fight like this. In a hurry, Haga used the borrowed trick [TUBE].

This trick was originally to summon a lot of water to drown the enemy.

He rode a skateboard, holding a harpoon, surfing on the water, ready to deal with enemies who popped up to breathe at any time.

In the original book, he used this trick to kill Mo Laowu.

Now, he used this trick to escape. It can be seen that he was forced into a miserable situation.

The skateboard and harpoon are equipment specially matched with the original Nen ability user for the TUBE ability.

However, the cunning Haga also prepared another equipment for himself - an oxygen tank.

This time he summoned a huge water flow upwards to separate himself from the aliens chasing him down.

Wearing an oxygen mask, he began to dive down, breaking the floor and entering the underground church, preparing to escape from the underground passages dug in advance along the water flow.

However, strangely, Haga was rushed to the ground by the water flow, but was not rushed into any passage.

This shouldn't be! The Lion King took a closer look and couldn't help cursing in his heart:

'Go! Who is so wicked that he gambled all the passages I dug before? ! TNND, there is no little JJ for giving birth to a son...'

Who else could it be? Of course it was Xiao Ming. A few days ago, Haga organized people to dig underground passages. Xiao Ming saw it clearly in the scanned map.

At that time, he didn't alarm the snake, but on the eve of the decisive battle, Xiao Ming secretly used alchemy to seal all the passages.

This was just a piece of cake for Xiao Ming. But it was a disaster for Haga.

Not only did the escape plan fail, fighting underwater was much more clumsy than fighting on the ground. Lions are not fish.

But his enemies, the aliens, were all good underwater fighters. Aliens are amphibious.

How could they let go of such an opportunity? Haga tried desperately to swim to the surface, but was knocked down by the aliens again and again. Several oxygen tanks were also torn.

Soon, the oxygen stored in the lion king's body was exhausted, and he died of suffocation just like in the original book.

His body, like other killed chimera ants, was stuffed into Guangmingding by Xiao Ming.

At this point, the chimera ants active in the capital of Dongguoto were completely wiped out. Xiao Ming's army here immediately rushed to the palace like a tide.

The Chimera Ants in the palace have more troops than those in the capital, but Xiao Ming did not send many troops here at the beginning.

Therefore, the battle here is fairly evenly matched. The Chimera Ants' captains and soldiers fought on equal terms with the Skeletons harvested by Xiao Ming.

Among the three division commanders, Cheetah Kido has died at the hands of Killua.

The wolf-shaped Chimera Ant Wilfin is a traitor. When he found out that the situation was not good, he contacted a few Chimera Ants who were not loyal to the Ant King and drove away secretly in a car.

He is really a man of insight. This vision and mind are much stronger than that of the Lion King Ha.

It's just right that he ran away, Xiao Ming can concentrate on dealing with the last division commander, the lobster-shaped Chimera Ant Brobuta.

Brobuta is a long-range shooter. With two large claws open, he can shoot powerful telekinetic bullets.

He was facing two Transformers, one was Xiaojia, and the other was the Transformer Zhang Hong.

Both of their mechanical forms were armed bulletproof vehicles, equipped with energy shields, and their defense was amazing.

Their weapons were hacker energy guns. Although their power was much less than that of Brobuta's telekinetic bullets,

their shooting accuracy was much higher than that of the lobster. In the fight, Brobuta suffered more.

Besides, Brobuta's shooting consumed his own telekinesis; Xiaojia and Zhang Hong used endless hacker energy blocks for shooting.

Their endurance was also different, and the lobster really met its nemesis.

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