Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 742 The Situation in the Capital

The fierce decisive battle in Dongguoto's capital and the royal palace became more and more intense.

After the three major guards were tied down, Xiao Ming could finally let those well-known subordinates out to play with peace of mind.

As long as they didn't run into Yupi, Bit and Pufu, they wouldn't die so easily.

Although the cannon fodders such as the skeleton soldiers and puppets tied down most of the chimera ants below the division commander, the losses were really too heavy.

The racial talents of the chimera ants made their defense and vitality not low, and it was difficult for the cannon fodder to cause them to lose personnel. They could only use the human wave tactics by relying on numbers.

If the battle continued like this, Xiao Ming's army would eventually win, but some of the fast chimera ants might run away.

Even those who couldn't run away were exhausted to death, not beaten to death. Time would also be delayed for a long time.

After Xiao Ming's soulful subordinates came out, the situation was very different.

As the commander-in-chief, Xiao Ming would definitely not let them fight fairly. He would definitely use concentrated forces to defeat them one by one.

The subordinates were divided into two teams, active in the capital and the palace respectively.

You should know that Xiao Ming has spent about two years in the reincarnation world this time.

These mind beasts and subordinates have also practiced for two years, and everyone's strength has been significantly improved.

The team in the capital consists of 13 aliens. They were originally level 5, that is, C-level monsters.

Xiao Ming chose to let them practice mind power specifically. What they learned was naturally the mind power practice method of the Heart Source Flow.

Of course, when practicing, they usually adopt human form. When fighting, they are mostly in alien form.

With the dual cooperation of sufficient nutrition and advanced practice methods, they have made considerable progress.

After all, they have the genetic information of aliens and chimera ants, and they like fighting and killing. Therefore, in terms of practice, the aliens are much more diligent than Xiao Ming himself.

The three guards, old A, old B, and old C, have almost reached the lower level of level 6 B.

The 10 warriors, from the oldest to the tenth, have also reached the level of the upper level of the fifth level, and the more powerful ones can also approach the sixth level.

The bodies of the alien Kongs were replaced by metal by Xiao Ming, making them no less tough than the Chimera Ants.

13 Kongs form a team, which is equivalent to 3 low-level division commanders with 10 high-level soldier captains.

With this strength, if a Chimera Ant is attacked by surprise, no one can withstand it except the ant king and the three guards.

Only the division commander can hold on for a few times. However, there are only about a dozen division commanders of Chimera Ants in total.

Several of them have been killed by hunters and Xiao Ming in previous battles; some have run away;

There are a total of four division commanders left at this time. There are three left in the palace, and only one in the capital.

It is a division commander who looks like a lion. His original name is Haga, and he changed his name to Leolu after leaving the queen.

He has the genes of the lion, the king of beasts, mixed in his body, and always wants to be the king. So he also got a slightly mocking nickname - Lion King.

The main force of the capital's defense force is a large number of puppets controlled by Catwoman, and the backbone is a group of chimera ants headed by Lion King.

Lion King deeply understands the horror of the Ant King and the three guards, and believes that the Ant King will be the final winner. So he stands firmly on this position.

However, he also has his own little ambitions. His special mind-connecting ability is called [Debt Issuing Machine].

By selling favors to the other party first, in return, he can temporarily borrow the other party's ability. So far, he has made many people with abilities owe him favors.

And what Lion King wants to do most is to make the three guards and the Ant King owe him favors, so that he can temporarily gain very powerful abilities.

I have to say that this division commander's idea is still beautiful. Unfortunately, the goal is wrong. How could the Ant King and the guards owe him favors?

Besides, his little thoughts can't be hidden in front of Owl Yapfu.

Of course, the most important thing is that as a strong man, you must have your own strength. How can you be a strong man if you always borrow the abilities of others?

This is first of all a lack of confidence in your own strength! In addition, borrowing the abilities of others may seem good, but in fact, there will be side effects.

In fact, this is also the reason why Haga failed in the original work. He had too superficial an understanding of the borrowed abilities.

In today's decisive battle, the Lion King was even more unlucky than in the original work.

First of all, Xiao Ming's army was directly teleported to the interior of the city through the wormhole when it was completely unexpected. It caught the Chimera Ants off guard.

After a while, because Neferpitou had to treat Xiaomai's injuries, the puppets all lay down.

Haga only had the soldiers of the Chimera Ants left, which was really not enough.

Those who fought with them before were all cannon fodder sent by Xiao Ming, and they could barely hold on. Fighting with skeleton soldiers and puppets, a random blow would knock down a large number of them.

As for the Shadow Clone and the Seven Stars Shadow Clone, Xiao Ming did not dare to use them much.

This is the first time this has happened, and Xiao Ming feels that his energy may not be enough.

In the long run, with the supplement of triple source energy, Xiao Ming's supernatural energy will definitely be enough.

The reason why it is not enough at present is that Xiao Ming needs to have enough strategic reserves.

Pufu and others are not easy to deal with. In the chaos, new crises may arise at any time. Xiao Ming needs to urgently call for a large amount of energy to fight. So there must be sufficient preparation.

This makes Xiao Ming cautious. You can't waste precious energy in other less critical places. It's better to use more cannon fodder to consume.

The capital is not an important target at all, and it's not worth wasting. At the beginning, these chimera ants just need to be temporarily delayed.

After the three guards were pinned down by special hunters, Xiao Ming freed up his hands, and the situation here soon turned around completely.

The Lion King has a subordinate named Vlata. There are a lot of dragonfly genes in his body. He is an excellent scout.

I fly high in the sky, and his mind beasts - satellite dragonflies are everywhere in the city. It can monitor the entire city. It is of great help to the Lion King.

At this time, Xiao Ming freed up his hands and shot Vlata to death in the air with a moon arrow.

In the telepathy, the dragonfly chimera ant no longer reported the battle situation in real time. Haga felt something was wrong.

Then, the low-level Chimera Ant soldiers and captains lost contact one after another in less than 10 minutes. He was even more on pins and needles.

Just when he was still hesitating whether to escape, a dozen Alien Kongs jumped towards him from all directions with their fangs and claws bared. Their bloody mouths were clearly visible.

Their appearance was even more ferocious and terrifying than that of the Chimera Ants. Especially since these guys were all made of metal, the Lion King was also shocked at first glance.

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