Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 716: The aftermath of a complete sweep

In the animal world, carnivores hunt other animals just to survive and reproduce. When they are full, they generally do not kill more.

However, among the same kind, occupying the same ecological niche, once they compete for territory, it is almost a fight to the death.

This chimera ant queen is already smart. She did not dare to fight with the insect king, and she only wanted to escape.

This situation is equivalent to admitting defeat. Generally speaking, other chimera ants will not chase the queen.

However, the insect king Lu Xiaoming is not a pure chimera ant. He can't let this queen run away. If she runs away, I don't know how many humans will suffer.

A few minutes later, the queen has disappeared from this world. Lu Xiaoming also disappeared with her.

When the insect king completely absorbed the queen, he felt that there were many more things in his brain and body.

In the original Hunter, the chimera ant queen later gave birth to a large number of chimera ant soldiers. These soldiers can use the ability of mind and are as powerful as the powerful hunter.

The best among them are the chimera ant king and his three direct warriors.

The fighting power of the ant king is at the top of the hunter world, and it is the pinnacle of individual fighting power. Even Xiao Ming's master in the game, Netero, the president of the Hunter Association, is not his opponent.

As for the legendary figure Maha Zoldyck, whether he can beat the ant king is unknown. It is estimated that he should not be able to do so.

The three warriors directly under the ant king are only slightly inferior to Netero in fighting power, and they are superior to most hunters.

The biggest feature of the chimera ant is that the body is extremely strong, and with it comes super huge telekinesis.

The ability to produce a chimera ant king, an existence that transcends the rules, cannot be the natural power of the chimera ant - an insect that is not even as big as a child's fist. Instead, humans added too many things when creating the chimera ant queen.

The chimera ant is born with the ability to fuse various genes, which is somewhat similar to the Zerg.

What scientists do is to store enough excellent genes in the gene bank of the chimera ant queen.

With the help of the natural fusion mechanism of the chimera ants, the chimera ant king was finally created, which almost reached the peak of the single-unit combat power in this world.

Now these genes have been absorbed by the insect king. He does not need to fuse them to the next generation, but only to himself.

Therefore, the powerful instincts of chimera ants + aliens + insects began to play a role. Green Xiaoming hid in Kunlun, shrunk into a ball, formed a big cocoon, and began a new round of evolution.

Silver Xiaoming is still in seclusion. Now Huang Xiaoming has to come out to take the blame.

In theory, he has sucked the chimera ant queen dry and subdued the twenty or so chimera ants. Xiaoming should have nothing to do.

However, before Xiaoming subdued the chimera ants, he released the circle and scanned the map, and what he saw was not just the chimera ants.

He also saw countless villages, where the humans lived an idyllic life. There was no trace of modern social technology at all.

Seeing such a picture, Xiaoming knew where it was. In the hunter world, only the NGL autonomous region has such a large-scale scene.

NGL is the abbreviation of Neo Green Life. The people here completely abandon mechanical civilization and are committed to living in nature and living in harmony with nature.

Although their lives are not very comfortable, they work from sunrise to sunset and rest at sunset, and there are no worries. Xiao Ming can't see many evil people in the village, and he doesn't want to disturb their peaceful life.

However, there are still very discordant things in the NGL autonomous region.

A huge drug processing base and countless guns and ammunition. In order to build this base, NGL almost hollowed out two hills,

and the fields are also full of plants used to produce drugs. This is the true face of NGL.

It deceives the people internally and claims to be a country without technology externally. It uses public opinion to establish an autonomous region, but in fact it is one of the sources of drugs in the world.

This is one of the things Xiao Ming hates the most. There is no one in the entire base who is not dead. They are all people who have been engaged in drug production and trafficking for many years.

Xiao Ming was not polite and buried the entire base and all the humans in it alive in the swamp.

After they all suffocated to death, Xiao Ming also used the Death Harvest to turn the bodies buried deep underground into the breath of death.

This part of the ability of the Death Harvest is actually the Undead Corruption Technique. It speeds up the process of corpse decay and releases all the breath of death.

After this operation, even NGL's most powerful hero Zai Yiluo died silently. No trace was left.

This guy was very powerful in the original book. He was eaten by the queen and reincarnated as a chimera queen ant, but he was not controlled by the queen and ran away by himself.

After the destruction of the chimera ants, he was still alive and well. It seems that he is still planning some conspiracy. He died in Xiao Ming's hands today and he met his nemesis.

But Xiao Ming did this, which was equivalent to taking down the entire NGL top management. What will this country do in the future?

NGL has a population of about 2.17 million. Most of them don't know the existence of drugs and are people who really advocate living in nature. They are innocent.

Moreover, once the autonomous region loses the money earned from drug trafficking, the country's economy will probably be difficult to maintain.

Besides, there are still many underworld forces outside who make money by relying on NGL's drugs. Xiao Ming cuts off the supply, and they are likely to come to the door.

Once they find that this place has become a no-man's land, they may turn it into a drug survival base again. Don't underestimate the malice of human beings.

For this reason, Xiao Ming had to get busy and use the moon reading to modify the spirits of many people. Promoted some very good people as managers of NGL.

Continue to maintain the normal operation of the autonomous region. In particular, ensure that the inspection work of the border line is carried out normally.

At the same time, Xiao Ming's shadow clones are also spread all over the country, ready to respond to external attacks at any time.

However, Xiao Ming's power alone is not enough to protect a country. Besides, Xiao Ming can't stay here all the time.

We still have to find a way to let the people of NGL continue to survive.

At this time, two "acquaintances" stepped into Xiao Ming's circle. Immediately let Xiao Ming have a solution.

These two are exactly what Xiao Ming saw in the game during the hunter assessment, Bakuer and Peng Si.

Xiao Ming didn't know that these two people should have died tragically at the hands of the Chimera Ants, and they also brought complete knowledge about telekinesis to the Chimera Ants.

His first reaction when he saw these two people was, yes! This is the world of hunters.

It would be better to push NGL's troubles to the Hunter Association!

Although Netero in this world doesn't know himself, his character should still be the same.

This kind of thing, the Hunter Association should be able to take over, right?

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