Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 715: Lena, Run!

Another half year passed in the reincarnation world. This is the third time Xiao Ming has used the invitation to the random world. He did not encounter a pleasing world in the first two times.

However, after such a long time, Xiao Ming's slightly impatient mood has been smoothed by time.

The private world is really not a very urgent thing. There is no need to get it done in this reincarnation. Everything depends on fate.

In the next reincarnation world, I should experience it with a normal mind. I always rushed through it and missed a lot of wonderful things.

This time, Huang Xiaoming and Lu Xiaoming switched positions. Huang Xiaoming entered Kunlun to practice, and Lu Xiaoming transformed into a human and used the invitation to the random world.

As soon as he arrived in the reincarnation world, he was in a huge primeval forest. The fresh air immediately made the insect king feel refreshed.

Suddenly, a very strange feeling came, a kind of familiar feeling. It's so strange, do I have acquaintances here too? Go over and take a look.

Since he decided to calmly experience the new world, Xiao Ming did not use the circle or the map scan, but just walked in the direction he felt.

Of course, he did not completely use any reconnaissance ability. Now he used the observation Haki that he had just practiced.

This ability is similar to the circle. The consumption is also comparable. It is a similar skill.

Xiao Ming seemed to walk slowly, but from time to time he would do a shave or a moon step, and his actual speed was very fast.

Suddenly, a violent breath came from not far ahead, and Xiao Ming unconsciously released the circle.

As a result, he saw a monster about to attack two children, a boy and a girl, who were already trembling with fear.

The older boy, holding a stick, shouted in a trembling voice:

"Reina! Run! Don't come over! Monster! Get out of the way!" A brave little guy.

The monster opposite them, who looked like a giant crab spirit, would not care about such shouting. It swung its claws and launched an attack.

The two children had no power to resist at all...

But the monster's attack did not fall on them. It suddenly stopped moving and froze in place.

The next second, its body split into several pieces and scattered all over the ground. A large amount of purple plasma was sprayed out.

The two children looked at each other, not knowing why, and suddenly became scared and ran away.

Xiao Ming still remained invisible and did not show his figure. He just used the Ice Heart Technique on the two children from a distance. Let them calm down.

Xiao Ming saved people out of his own heart, but he was not interested in showing off in front of the two children.

He was eager to save people just now, so he was a little ruthless and cut the crab monster into pieces in one go.

He used the body of the Insect King, but he was assigned to a world with monsters. The reincarnation space is quite considerate.

As for this monster, why does it look a bit similar to the insect humans in his family?

Eh? This creature should be a chimera ant, right? That's what Xiao Ming's intuition told him. Could this be the world of hunters?

But the chimera ants he caught in the hunter secret realm before were only the size of an ordinary bug.

Unlike this guy, it is bigger than humans. Is there such a big chimera ant?

Although in terms of kinship, the chimera ants and the insect king are closer. But Xiao Ming is definitely more emotionally inclined to humans.

The insect humans under his command will not actively have malice towards humans. The chimera ants in this world are obviously much more brutal, but their combat effectiveness is not very good.

However, ordinary humans still can't deal with this kind of monster, and this guy looks like an ordinary soldier.

So, there should be more chimera ants around. We must not let this big chimera ant go around hurting humans.

Faced with this situation, Xiao Ming no longer hides his strength. Every delay means more human victims.

In an instant, Yuanhe opened the scanning map and saw dozens of chimera ant soldiers within a radius of 100 miles.

Most of them are hunting wild animals, and some are also hunting humans. Their strength is probably around level three, about the same as this big crab.

In addition, in a cave not far away, a chimera ant queen who is more than two meters tall and has a broken left arm is eating and drinking.

Her combat power is not as good as these miscellaneous soldiers. But the level suppression among races allows the queen to easily control the soldiers.

The queen of the small chimera ants that Xiao Ming saw in the secret realm of the game before was basically in the form of a bug. There is a big difference from the current queen.

It is obvious that human genes have been added to this queen. That's why she grows into this half-human appearance, and she can also have such a large body.

No need to ask, it's probably that old story again. Human scientists studied some taboo biological hybrid engineering, and the monsters they created escaped. As a result, it brought a huge disaster to humans themselves. This is already a cliché, but humans just don't learn from it.

If I hadn't happened to encounter it and let this chimera ant colony develop, I don't know how many humans would have been killed.

It was not a coincidence that Xiao Ming came here, as the distance was actually quite far.

It was because Xiao Ming's senses were too sharp that he noticed that the chimera ant queen had similar genes to himself. So he came all the way here.

Xiao Ming came here for a stroll before. If the distance is farther, maybe Xiao Ming will speed up and arrive earlier.

It can be said that the moment Xiao Ming came to this world of reincarnation, it was already destined that this chimera ant colony would not develop.

In less than half an hour, all these chimera ants who had only animalistic qualities were defeated by Xiao Ming's shadow clones. And was subdued by the Insect King with braids.

Some people may wonder, chimera ants are not creatures from Pandora and do not have external neural interfaces, so why were they subdued?

This is actually very easy. Lu Xiaoming used Di Yu Yu's secret technique to extend the braid and connect it to the chimera ant's head.

Then, the black nerves created by Earth Resentment Yu pass through the chimera ant's skin and skull and are directly connected to the opponent's brain.

How mentally powerful can these bugs be? Once invaded, it was immediately conquered by Xiao Ming.

From their simple minds, Xiao Ming quickly knew that they were the queen's subordinates and were responsible for collecting various foods for the queen.

All of his subordinates who were scattered outside were cut off from their spiritual connection. A strong sense of crisis came to the queen's heart.

Before she could rush to the entrance of the cave to escape, a figure shorter than herself blocked the way to escape. It turns out that I met another chimera ant queen.

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