Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 684 Fleet Trouble

The more common races are the same on both the adventure map and the strategic map.

Humans, elves, orcs, and undead are all over the two maps.

Even some derived races are on both sides. For example, half-orcs, dwarves, half-elves, etc.

Player heroes of these races always have the opportunity to find villages and cities of their own race on the strategic map to provide themselves with logistics and military supplies.

But players of hidden races like the sea tribe are completely different.

The diver also searched the seabed of the strategic map, but so far no sea tribe village has been found.

It seems that the sea tribe does not have much power on the strategic map, unlike the adventure map, where they are almost all over the ocean.

If they still can't find it in the short term, Xiao Ming will have to consider using soldiers of other races as the main force. Even completely abandon the sea tribe troops.

However, there is also a major trouble if he does that.

The diver's fleet belongs to the sea tribe's fleet. In the sea tribe's ships, the proportion of the number of sea tribe soldiers must account for more than 50%, which is a rule.

For the time being, this is not a big problem. Because when the sea clan fleet was first acquired, the sea clan arranged 100 0-level sea clan sailors for each ship.

The maximum number of people that a small sea clan ship can carry is 150. Half of it needs more than 75 people, and 100 people are enough. The minimum number of crew members is a few crew members, after all, it is just a small ship.

So as long as these sailors are kept as much as possible, there is no problem at present. But there will always be a need to change to medium-sized ships or large ships in the future, right?

At that time, the Naga clan may not replenish sailors for the divers again. Big trouble!

Moreover, even now, after the primary navy admiral skin reaches level 4, the command power of the divers has risen to 500.

He can replenish a large number of people for the fleet, and even replace some of the 0-level sailors. After all, the combat effectiveness of the 0-level arms is too low.

But because of the limit on the proportion of the number of arms, it is impossible to replenish too many other arms.

When Xiao Wuer was operating the divers, he did not even replenish any other arms. All the surrendered enemies were transferred to the fleet of the old shoelace.

The strength of the First Guard of the Temple led by the Diver himself did not improve in terms of manpower.

On the contrary, in several battles, Xiao Wuer accidentally lost more than a dozen 0-level sea clan sailors.

Xiao Ming estimated that Xiao Wuer must have a deep meaning in doing this. Perhaps if the First Guard of the Temple is all sea clan, there may be additional benefits. It is worth it for Xiao Ming to continue to do so.

The ship is small and there are few people. Xiao Ming faced such an embarrassing situation after logging into the Diver.

He looked at the octopus head of David Diaosi standing next to him, and his big crab claws. Xiao Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

Those strange undead crew members on the Flying Dutchman, in addition to the undead attributes, seem to have some sea clan attributes. Do they count?

Now it's a good time to try it. Xiao Ming dispersed all the 0-level sailors on the flagship to other ships.

Only 20 sea clan soldiers of his private army were left, and then he began to transfer people from the fleet of Old Shoelace to the flagship. 10, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23...

When the undead sea people accounted for more than half, Xiao Ming's heart was lifted. It turned out that there was no problem. The ship can still be driven and sailed normally.

(^-^)VYeah! Great! Xiao Ming happily waved the four fists of the diver. David's former subordinates can indeed be counted as sea people.

Excited, Xiao Ming thought about it and returned all these undead sea people to Old Shoelace. The organization of the guards remained the same as before.

These undead sea people were David's former subordinates. After they boarded the flagship, David Diaosi's strength will be enhanced.

It is hard to guarantee that this guy will not lead his subordinates to rebel. Xiao Ming does not intend to give him this opportunity. This matter still needs to be considered in the long run.

Xiao Ming must now find a way to supplement the sea people's arms. Otherwise, the small size of the ship is not a problem.

In the long run, Xiao Ming thinks there will always be a way to solve it. Maybe if enough merits are made, the high-ranking officials of the sea clan will reward the sea clan with village-building stones.

The real trouble is what to do now? Should we pull non-sea clan soldiers into the sea clan fleet? Or use only this small number of troops to fight?

It is possible, but Xiao Ming always feels a little unwilling. There is an inspiration floating in his mind, but he can't catch it.

Intuition tells Xiao Ming that the breakthrough must be in David Diaosi. But what should be done specifically? The diver stared at David Diaosi's eyes.

Eyes? By the way, I have Sharingan! We can make a breakthrough from David's spirit.

At present, Xiao Ming has no way to transform the diver's eyes into Sharingan. However, he can summon the Seven Stars Shadow Clone with Sharingan.

The Seven Stars Shadow Clone pulled David Diaosi's spirit into the world of Mangekyō Sharingan-Tsukuyomi.

But suddenly found out, what is going on? ! David's mental power is actually as high as 4th level! The Seven Stars Shadow Clone is only 3rd level.

Could it be that only his body was sealed, but his mental power was not sealed? No, that would be wrong. He should have felt it when he was in the outside world.

The most likely possibility is that the power that sealed David's mental power did not enter the Tsukuyomi world. So his mental power was released here.

When David Diaosi's spiritual power was just pulled in, the entire Tsukuyomi world seemed very unstable, shaking like a small building in an earthquake.

David Diaosi was stunned at first, not knowing why, and then laughed wantonly:

"Wahahaha! Stupid guy, thank you for saving me from the seal, let me eat your soul as a reward. You should feel extremely honored to be a part of me... WTF, what is this?!..."

Pretending to be struck by lightning. The Seven Shadow Clone is not fighting alone, he has always been under the control of Xiao Ming's spiritual kingdom.

When he found something wrong, Xiao Ming's spiritual power immediately descended to the Tsukuyomi world. The spiritual power of the peak of the 6th level scared David Diaosi, who was in ecstasy.

Curled up in the Tsukuyomi world, trembling. This power is even stronger than the goddess of the sea Calypso back then. David was almost scared silly.

It was not surprising that he had such a feeling. The goddess of the sea he met that year was in a sealed state, so her mental power was naturally weaker. How could it compare to Xiao Ming's mental power in its prime?

With his knowledge as a mortal, he could not tell the difference. He just thought that he had met a god more powerful than Colibuso today.

In addition to fear, he was also a little relieved. It seemed that it was not bad to fall into his hands.

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