Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 683 Heading South

"David, loser, you are my guard now, don't run around." The diver shouted at an octopus-headed monster.

"Aye! Captain." David Diaosi also shouted in response to the diver's order. I've never seen him give face like this before.

It can only be said that David got on the ship, which was still a sea ship, and his spirit became extremely excited. It’s been too long since I’ve been on board!

He was originally a strong man who roamed the sea. For some special reasons, he became the captain of the legendary battleship "Flying Dutchman". His heart was also sealed in a separate box.

Years later, something unexpected happened. He turned into a special kind of undead that was a mixture of sea people and humans, and the crew members on this ship also became that kind of undead. Among them are old shoelaces.

Later, the entire legendary battleship and all its crew members were sealed by the gods.

Somehow, the octopus boss kept it as a personal item. The chest containing David's heart was placed at the site of the shipwreck.

These are the stories before the start of the Magic Planet game, which can also be said to be the background settings.

After the game started, Xiao Ming obtained the third and fourth characters early under the care of the nine-tailed fox.

Without doing any racial tasks, Xiao Ming's third character was assigned to be a sea tribe, named Diver. The fourth character is arranged to be the undead, that is, the one who tells the dead.

The birthplace of divers - Undersea Limestone Town, is a small sea town not too far from the shipwreck.

Not long after, the box was dug out of the wreckage by the little octopus Bobby, and fell into the hands of the divers.

Xiao Ming used source energy to repair the ancient box, and used archeology to take out the heart inside.

But at that time, Xiao Ming didn’t know who David Diaosi was. I didn't even know where to find him, so I put the matter on hold.

After some time, the divers met the octopus boss. The octopus boss showed mercy and gave the divers the bottle that sealed David and the battleship.

As a result, Xiao Ming still didn't know the goods, so he had to help him release the battleship personally.

As the diver holds the heart of David Diaos. So David and the entire warship had to obey the diver's orders.

David felt at that time that his good days had finally arrived. You can also drive a legendary battleship across the sea.

Unexpectedly, the divers did not trust David, so he promoted a guy named Old Shoelace from David's men to a hero and led the fleet to sea.

Instead, he himself was transformed into a general and became the diver's personal bodyguard. Such a huge contrast almost made David angry to death.

Now the diver has finally become a hero and has his own fleet. David was able to step onto the deck of the battleship again. It was inevitable that I was a little excited.

I often couldn't control myself and yelled at the boss on the boat. I have to be yelled at by a diver every time.

This guy refused to change despite repeated admonitions. Xiao Ming suspected that he was deliberately looking for trouble just to say "Aye! Captain".

In addition, David was also surprised to find that the Sea Tribe's ship was as easy to dive as his previous ship.

After the diver became a hero, due to his special status, he also became a junior naval admiral of the Sea Tribe.

With the help of the Naga clan, a Sea Clan fleet consisting of 5 Sea Clan boats was obtained from the beginning.

Before becoming a hero, the diver already had a fleet at sea due to the special plot of the Flying Dutchman.

The four ships that make up this fleet were all given to him by the octopus boss. All are medium-sized ships that are sealed.

The commander of the fleet is the second-level undead hero Lao Xielace. The four generals under his command and the troops operating the ship are all undead pirates.

They were all summoned by divers from the wreckage of large ships using Death Harvest. He was either a navy or a pirate during his lifetime.

The Flying Dutchman is bound to David. Failed to join the fleet of old shoelaces.

Xiao Ming is more worried that there is something fishy in this ship. It would be bad if David Diaosi took advantage of him.

So even if the diver became a hero, Xiao Ming did not dare to let the diver use the ship. Just keep sealing it in the bottle.

Lao Shoelai's fleet set off from near Pingnan City and headed east along the river. It ignored any forces it encountered along the way and rushed into the sea as quickly as possible.

After the diver officially becomes a hero, comes to the strategic map, and meets up with Old Shoelace.

Only then did I know that the location here is on the sea at the southern end of the Ming Dynasty. In terms of the geography of Pangu Star, it is the South China Sea area of ​​New Han Kingdom.

Then the three cities of Pingnan, Annan and Zhennan where the deceased were reported should be located exactly at the junction of Ming Dynasty and Annan.

Judging from the degree of desolation, it should still be in Annan.

Originally, Xiao Ming planned to let Lao Shoelai's fleet head north. Cooperate with the researcher's fleet and participate in the battle between the Li family pirates and the pirates coming to the island.

After that, you can continue to go north, log in to the four islands of Japan, and cooperate with the troops who report the dead. Become king and hegemon in East Asia.

But later Xiao Ming became obsessed with the martial arts planet and entrusted the matter of the magic planet to an intelligent program with a soul.

Xiao Wuer, who was operating the diver at that time, carefully thought about the strategic policy.

Xiao Ming's original route was changed and went completely in the opposite direction. Instead of going north, he set sail for the south.

Xiao Wuer thinks that since the Li family pirates have ten large warships, the four medium-sized warships of Lao Xiedai are of little use.

The dead on the island of Dongying are strong, and the components of the vampire cloak can continue to increase the army. This fleet is just icing on the cake.

It is better to go south to Southeast Asia to explore the way for other characters.

Otherwise, it will take a lot of time to go back and forth from north to south. It is better to leave the things in the north to the fleet of the researcher.

The most important thing now is to try to collect everything on the sea while the players have not yet gained the ability to sail. That's all silver!

Xiao Wuer's idea was appreciated by Xiao Ming.

It's just that he does things slowly and doesn't distinguish between the important and the unimportant. He will pick up the resources on the sea as long as he sees them. He will also kill the weak wild monsters.

So the joint fleet of divers is still wandering around the South China Sea. It hasn't gone far.

But there are also benefits to this. The strategic experience of the Diver grows faster. Before Xiao Ming took over, it was already level 0 and level 4.

This is when part of the experience was taken away by the admiral skin. The Diver's primary navy admiral skin happened to be upgraded to level 4.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to replenish the sea tribe's troops. The Diver does not have the sea tribe's village building stone available.

This is the bad thing about the hidden race. The strategic map is full of cities, but there is almost no one belonging to the race.

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